Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Wednesday Watering Hole: Check In & Hangout for the Herd

Good morning, Moosekind. At least it’s Wednesday morning where I am as I post this. Hopefully you’re asleep and it’s real Wednesday morning by the time you read it.

  PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary!

        Recs on the weather jar comment are still welcome.

The common Moose, Alces alces, unlike other members of the deer family, is a solitary animal that doesn’t form herds. Not so its rarer but nearest relative, Alces purplius, the Motley Moose. Though sometimes solitary, the Motley Moose herds in ever shifting groups at the local watering hole to exchange news and just pass the time.

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The morning check-in is an open thread and general social hour. Come back when time allows through the day – the conversation continues.

It’s traditional but not obligatory to give us a weather check where you are and let us know what’s new, interesting, challenging or even routine in your life lately. Nothing is particularly obligatory here except:

Always remember the Moose Golden (Purple?) Rule:

Be kind to each other… or else.

What could be simpler than that, right?

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  1. iriti

    47 degrees here, headed for a high of 73. But it’s just taunting us. Rainy and cooler starts again tomorrow.

    I am happy to report my stinky old cast has been removed and I am now in a fashionable moon boot. Healing progresses.

    Hope your Wednesday is awesome, Meeses! A little something for you…

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  2. jlms qkw

    possible low of 34f

    better turn off the outside faucets.  

    today’s high is 52f, warmer tomorrow.  s/b sunny – a high moved in late yesterday and my sinuses did protest.  even though it is a nice air pressure change.  

    some loon in the utah legislature is worried about religious freedom in schools.  

    and the gov is putting together a 38 person task force for clean air with absolutely no teeth.  and a 10-year time frame.  thanks, gov.  

  3. 49 degrees here. It was 50 when I got up so it is obviously dropping. The high today is expected to be 56 degrees. Brrrr!! The furnace did not get turned on yet but the hearth room fireplace was on for most of the evening. Turns out that my “new” dog loves laying in front of it! I will have to get a picture.

    I think I will put up another debt ceiling watch diary. What a mess! Even when we get past this crisis we have to take a good hard look at what the hell is wrong with this country. We are letting 20% of the people make decisions for the rest of us. We not only need to GOTV but we need to get people to understand that when they stay home on election day they give more power to the 20%. Our vote never gets cast so their vote counts twice as much.

    Good luck to Corey Booker! I hope he wins that Senate seat in what should be a blue state.

    See all y’alls later. I will be traveling later today so I might not be around until late afternoon. PLEASE stay out of trouble.

  4. Diana in NoVa

    Heard that it’s POURING rain in Austin! I’m sure they need it down there, just not all at once.  Cloudy here this morning with rain in the forecast for the next day or two. Hope it’s clear on Friday because we’re supposed to have a full moon that night.

    Feeling very depressed because of the imminent default. It will decimate everyone’s 401(k), college savings plan, savings, etc. I shudder to think of those who depend on Social Security not getting their checks in November.  That will be a terrible blow to a large portion of recipients.

    The selfishness and hatefulness of the tea party knows no bounds.

    On this front, I completed the first draft of my latest story last night–now have to let it “cool,” so I can go back and tinker with it. I’m already thinking about the next one.

    Had a terrible night last night–could not sleep at all, despite turning in at 11. At midnight I got up and started looking at blogs and e-mail. Finally went downstairs at 1 a.m. to read on the sofa, but did fall asleep, waking up a few hours later.

    Going to need that nap today. Hope everyone has a good day and I hope we can get some good news out of Capitol Hill!

  5. anotherdemocrat

    Brrrrrrr!!!! It’s in the 50s here & raining. Today’s high is only supposed to get to 60. That’s the lowest high we’ve had since April, I think they said. Anyway, had to actually wear a jacket. A jacket. As well as non-sandal footwear.

    Got Dem club meeting this evening. And a potluck at work that I forgot to bring anything for. Leaving work early to get a massage – my back has been twinge-y & my calf is still a little painful from Saturday. I really need to be able to walk Sunday afternoon. They asked me to carry the Walk banner for the last 2 blocks! So no skipping out early for me, gotta do the whole 5K.

    There’s another match for the Walk today – the 1st 25 people who get $100 donations get that matched. I sent out e-mails yesterday, hope I get one. There’s one of my major donors who I haven’t heard a peep from this year, I hope she opens this e-mail.

    Earworm – Just Say Yes by Snow Patrol, it’s the studio version that I’m trying to switch to the acoustic one instead.

  6. Nurse Kelley

    We’re just above the fog level this morning, the coffee is made, the cats are fed, and teh government is still borked.

  7. slksfca

    I’ve been spending as much time as possible outdoors, enjoying our run of glorious weather. Yesterday, mid-70s at the beach, warmer downtown. Today will be only slightly cooler.

    I’ve got a touch of sunburn from spending all afternoon in the park yesterday. We walked through the Botanical Garden, then around Stow Lake, where we had to stop at the boathouse for a cold drink. Hoping all this activity will actually be good for me and not just wear me out!

  8. bfitzinAR

    highs in the 60s rest of this week, lows 40s or even upper 30s.  I think we’re supposed to get more rain (Yes!) but not sure when.  Anyway, I didn’t kill anybody last night or even say anything nasty (although the implication was there for anybody who cared to think it through).  After we managed to stymie the Animal Shelter part of the budget (liberal/conservatives – of both Parties – killed the removal of the additional person the Shelter has been asking for since August, libtards – of both Parties – killed the budget including that additional person), I offered a compromise.  A part-time addition to the Animal Shelter.  That passed, after several maddening comments from the libtards about how part-timers were wonderful because we didn’t have to offer then health insurance or pay any retirement.  Like most libtards they really don’t see the disconnect between saying how wonderful our employees are and treating them like shit.  Sigh.  Anyway, it’s now part of the 2014 Budget – which won’t be finished for at least a month and not voted on until Mid-December.  Sigh.  Enjoy the day.  {{{HUGS}}}

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