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Motley Monday Check in and Mooselaneous Musings

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  Good morning Motley Meese! Hope your weekend was lovely. We had Monday on Sunday at our house: Prepare to leave house, discover battery in car is dead. Ends up needing to be replaced. Kidlet takes Jeep to friends house while hubs replaces battery, gets speeding ticket (minor + speeding ticket = insurance rate increase), brings Jeep home…AC is dead. Sigh.

  PLEASE Don’t Recommend the check-in diary!

        Fierces on the weather jar comment are still welcome.

The morning check-in is an open thread and general social hour. Come back when time allows through the day – the conversation continues.

It’s traditional but not obligatory to give us a weather check where you are and let us know what’s new, interesting, challenging or even routine in your life lately. Nothing is particularly obligatory here except:

Always remember the Moose Golden (Purple?) Rule:

Be kind to each other… or else.

What could be simpler than that, right?

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  1. DeniseVelez

    sipping coffee, wrapped in my warm and fuzzy winter bathrobe.

    Temps will go back up to summer norms this week they say – but accompanied by thunderstorms so no fun outdoors in sunshine.

  2. 65 degrees here in Madison WI, expected high of 92 degrees. It will be hotter’n’hell for 3 days then we drop into the 70s and the 60s, more fall-like.

    I feel hungover from last week’s cramming-five-days-of-work-into-four-days which required working all day yesterday as well (I took Saturday off). I am still not caught up but I don’t feel as though my only solution is to set fire to the papers on my work table.

  3. nchristine

    Possible 100F this afternoon.  But, mid 70’s by the weekend.

    Hopefully, all of my email will be returned when I get into work this morning.  Simple software changes – simple, my ass!!!  Not only the archives for our email is screwed up, but the lan side cobol pgms had a compiler upgrade…. now all the scripts and pgms need changes to be able to work with the new upgrade….. lovely.

  4. anotherdemocrat

    Eating breakfast, drinking tea. It’s only supposed to get up to the mid-90s today, brrrr!

    I really, really have to find a way to turn my brain off at night. Even focusing on the sound of my rain cd doesn’t help, my mind won’t stop talking. Ugh!

    Gym bag is present. Friends are going to the ab class, then running after. I’ll aim for the ab class.

    Earworm: U2, Spanish Eyes

  5. Diana in NoVa

    A gray morning.  Wish it would rain and get it over with, but none predicted today.  I have to go apple-knocking this morning as I foolishly promised more apples than I’ve already knocked down to people on Freecycle.

    Exhausting weekend with Miss Preschooler who had a meltdown at dinner time last night. Glad to have had a peaceful night after her parents took her home!

    Coming down with a cold, so will keep swallowing capsules until it goes away. Sometimes I really get tired of myself, with one Little Misery succeeding another.

    Anyway, Younger Son, daughter-in-law, and Miss Preschooler are moving in with us this coming weekend, temporarily. It’s the third autumn in five years in which this has happened. It’s because of buying houses that are short sales.

    Busy week ahead–hope everyone here will have a good Monday!

  6. Jk2003

    It’s hot here and I am not handling it well.  Nineties next two days.  Don’t like it one bit.  I think I’ll find something to do in the basement today.

    Have a good day all.

  7. slksfca

    Sending blasts of cooling fog to all of you who are suffering under extreme heat. Socked in again this morning.

    Woke up too early, and in the middle of a delightful dream, when a passing streetcar rumbled a plastic container off my kitchen counter and onto the floor. Well, I’m up now!

  8. bfitzinAR

    highs close to (but so far not reaching) 100, lows in the upper 60s – and not dropping to that until roughly 2 a.m. so no more turning off the A/C and opening up before bedtime until this stretch of summer is over.  QC committee meetings this week – Personnel tonight, Finance tomorrow, and the first 2014 Budget on Thursday.  Also have a budget meeting with our dept Chair up in the Dean’s office today – the Powers That Be flexing their Powers to waste our time talking about what we’re supposed to do (which we’re already doing) to prevent fraud instead of getting out of our way and letting us do it.  Among other things at work where I get praised on the one hand for being so competent and censured on the other hand for not checking with the “authority” at every step.  Sigh.  Oh well, I’ve had worse life situations and I’d really rather not return to one of them, so onward…  {{{hugs]}}  

  9. Nurse Kelley

    Comment #20 and it’s past noon MT.

    I’ve been in town at the vet’s, rushing to get that chore done before it starts raining off and on for several days. Along with the rain we’ll get more seasonal temps, so I’m happy.

    Khloe had her first bear sighting yesterday. I was facing her with my back to the window when she got the same look on her face I’d expect if someone were pointing a shotgun at my head from outside. Dishes flew, I whipped around to follow her gaze, and there he sat – a fat black bear sporting a yellow tag in each ear. 🙂

    Happy Monday, Meeses, and Happy Birthday to JG in MD!

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