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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

The Daily F Bomb, Tuesday 8/20/13


Have you ever built sand castles? Are you particularly good at it?

Have you ever had any celebrity sightings? Who?

Would you be in favor of raising the minimum wage for tipped employees and discontinuing tipping? Do you think tipping is a fair way to reward servers?

Are you now or have you ever been skilled with a hula hoop?

How late is “sleeping in” to you? Is your internal clock the same as when you were younger, or has it changed since becoming a wage earner?

The Twitter Emitter

On This Day

In 1858 – Charles Darwin published his theory of evolution.

In 1866, the Civil War was officially declared over by then-President Andrew Johnson. Nobody bothered to tell some Southerners…

In 1938, Lou Gehrig’s 23rd grand slam was hit, and remains the record to this day.

In 1964, LBJ signed The Economic Opportunity Act.

In 1977, NASA launched the Voyager 2 space probe.

In 1998, the U.S. retaliated against Al-Qaeda embassy attacks by launching a cruise missile offensive against them.

Born on This Day

1630 – Maria van Oosterwyck, Dutch effing flower painter (d. 1693)

 photo MariavanOosterwyck.jpg

1807 – Narcisse Virgile Diaz, French Barbizon School painter (d. 1876)

 photo NarcisseVirgileDiaz.jpg

1833 – Benjamin Harrison, American politician, 23rd President of the United States (d. 1901)

1836 – Albert Kappis, German Impressionist painter (d. 1914)

1842 – Juliaan de Vriendt, Flemish painter (d. 1935)

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1860 – Raymond Poincaré, French politician, Prime Minister of France (d. 1934)

1873 – Eliel Saarinen, Finnish architect, co-designed the National Museum of Finland (d. 1950)

1881 – Edgar Guest, English poet (d. 1959)

1890 – H. P. Lovecraft, American writer (d. 1937)

1900 – Faire Binney, American actress (d. 1957)

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1905 – Jack Teagarden, American singer, trombonist, and composer (d. 1964)

1910 – Eero Saarinen, Finnish-American architect, designed the Gateway Arch (d. 1961)

1911 – Michèle Alfa, French actress (d. 1987)

1918 – Jacqueline Susann, American novelist (d. 1974)

1931 – Don King, American boxing promoter

1934 – Rossana Podestà, Italian actress

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1935 – Ron Paul, American right wing politician

1936 – Alice and Ellen Kessler, the Kessler Twins, German entertainers

1941 – Dave Brock, English singer-songwriter and guitarist (Hawkwind)

1942 – Isaac Hayes, American singer-songwriter, pianist, producer, and actor (d. 2008)

1946 – Connie Chung, American journalist

1947 – Alan Lee, English illustrator and designer

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1948 – Robert Plant, English singer-songwriter (Led Zeppelin)

1949 – Phil Lynott, Irish singer-songwriter, bass player, and producer (Thin Lizzy)

1951 – Mohamed Morsi, Egyptian politician, 5th President of Egypt

1952 – Doug Fieger, American singer-songwriter and guitarist (The Knack and Sky) (d. 2010)

1952 – John Hiatt, American singer-songwriter and guitarist

1962 – James Marsters, American actor (“Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” “Angel”)

1965 – KRS-One, American rapper, producer, and actor

1966 – Dimebag Darrell, American guitarist and songwriter (Pantera)

1970 – Fred Durst, American singer-songwriter and director (Limp Bizkit)

1992 – Demi Lovato, American singer-songwriter and actress

Died on This Day

984 – Pope John XIV

1632 – Valentin de Boulogne, French painter (b. 1591)

 photo ValentindeBoulogne.jpg

1643 – Anne Hutchinson, English spiritual adviser (b. 1591)

1783 – Frans van der Mijn, Flemish portrait painter (b. 1719)

 photo FransvanderMijn.jpg

1823 – Pope Pius VII (b. 1740)

1841 – Constantinus-Fidelio Coene, Flemish painter (b. 1780)

 photo Constantinus-FidelioCoene.jpg

1910 – Otto Piltz, German genre painter (b. 1846)

 photo OttoPiltz.jpg

1914 – Pope Pius X (b. 1835)

1914 – Amélie Helga Lundahl, Finnish painter (b. 1850)

 photo AmeacutelieHelgaLundahl.jpg

1915 – Paul Ehrlich, German scientist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1854)

1974 – Ilona Massey, Hungarian-born actress (b. 1910)

2001 – Kim Stanley, American actress (b. 1925)

2007 – Leona Helmsley, American businesswoman (b. 1920)

2012 – Phyllis Diller, American actress (b. 1917)

Today is

National Radio Day

National Chocolate Pecan Pie Day

Sand Castles and Sculpture Day


  1. Floja Roja
  2. anotherdemocrat

    Have you ever built sand castles? Are you particularly good at it?

    One of the houses we lived in in Dubai was across the street from the beach. I was in 5th grade. When I wasn’t in the water, I played in the sand. Then got back in the water.

    Have you ever had any celebrity sightings? Who?

    Neil de grasse Tyson was the T.A. for my Intro to Astronomy class. He wasn’t a celebrity yet, but you knew he was gonna be.

    Would you be in favor of raising the minimum wage for tipped employees and discontinuing tipping? Do you think tipping is a fair way to reward servers?

    Yes, this has always bothered me.

    Are you now or have you ever been skilled with a hula hoop?


    How late is “sleeping in” to you? Is your internal clock the same as when you were younger, or has it changed since becoming a wage earner?

    7am. I have raging insomnia and usually wake up in the 3 or 4 am hour, which on weekdays is really inconvenient, as there isn’t really time to get back to good, deep sleep. Weekends, I do. I sleep till 7. (giving up my Saturday sleep in till February for my half-marathon training group that meets at 7. grrrr)

  3. Gee

    Have you ever built sand castles? Are you particularly good at it?

    Have you ever had any celebrity sightings? Who?

    Would you be in favor of raising the minimum wage for tipped employees and discontinuing tipping? Do you think tipping is a fair way to reward servers?

    Are you now or have you ever been skilled with a hula hoop?

    How late is “sleeping in” to you? Is your internal clock the same as when you were younger, or has it changed since becoming a wage earner?

    Sand castles, sure!  Never really spent enough time at the beach to really hone my skills.

    Celeb sightings:  Emilio Estevez at the Grand Canyon; Robert Kennedy, Ted Kennedy, George McGovern, Helen Thomas in DC; Mort Sahl, Rich Hall in College Park, MD; Marty Allen (“Hello dere!”), Paul Benedict in Hollywood; Tom Waits at the Santa Rosa Safeway; Dana Perino at the Annapolis Whole Foods; Michael Steele at the Bowie Borders (looking for stuff that would more likely be at a Radio Shack).  It took a lot of restraint to not start telling him off about whatever dumbass thing he’d recently said or done.

    That’s a toughie.  I’m a good tipper, but so many people aren’t.  I don’t know what wait staff make any more.  I remember when my ex worked as a waitress it was around 85 cents and hour.

    Never spent much time at the ol’ hoop.  Never got any good at it.

    Nowadays, 10 is sleeping in.  I went through a kind of dark period where I just couldn’t force myself out of bed and would get up at about 2 p.m. on Saturdays.  It was a meds malfunction, and I got better.  When I was younger, I was more of an early riser.  Nowadays, I enjoy late nights more and that makes me sleep later.

  4. Gee

    These really get to the heart of things:

    Why is everyone I talk to crazy?

    – God

    The world ends not with a bang but with a sequester.

    – Elayne Boosler

  5. Floja Roja

    I have built tall piles of sand that somehow never actually formed into anything remotely resembling a castle.

    I haven’t had a celebrity sighting for a while, even though I live in a neighborhood where many reportedly reside. Maybe I am just not up on who all the new celebs are, so I saw them and didn’t know I was seeing them. Last one was Snoop Dogg at Target down in Diamond Bar. I can’t count seeing them at places where they are supposed to be (for instance, if one went to observe a red carpet event, it would be cheating to call it a “celebrity sighting.) I rode up in the elevator with Howard Dean and nobody else at the last NN, which might fit that category. In the past I have seen Richard Dreyfuss, Harlan Ellison, the lady who stars in that show Cold Case, the black actress who was briefly on the original Melrose Place, Billy from Melrose Place, Billy Idol, the host of Beat the Geek (anyone remember that?), Divine having a late breakfast at Ben Franks…and I know I’m forgetting tons…

    The minimum wage for servers subject has been discussed a lot lately. There are some restaurants that have started paying a real living wage plus benefits, and apparently it improves service and certainly improves server morale. Tipping, I learned, is often doled out by the race and sex and attractiveness of the server, so it is often unfairly applied. At least here in Cali our servers get the State minimum wage that everyone else gets, instead of the ridiculous ones in other states. I was so shocked when I learned about that.

    I have never been skilled in the operation of a hula hoop. The fact that I never had my own to practice with is my excuse.

    Nowadays, sleeping in is 6:30-7:00 AM. In my wild younger days, it was 2:00 PM. In my wild younger days, I was also able to stay up a couple of days without sleeping. No way could I do that now. Since my unemployment I stay up till around midnight. Before that I’d be in bed by 9:30-10:30, but I got up really early.

  6. princesspat

    sand castles….PNW beaches have more small rocks and logs than sand, so my version is stacking rocks and I’ve never been very good at it. I always find a favorite smooth little rock for my pocket though.

    celebrity sightings….none that I can recall

    minimum wage and tipping….everyone should be paid a living wage. Having worked in food service and having kids who have as well I tip generously. I don’t think it’s a fair way of paying employees though.

    hula hoop….when I was young I had lots of fun with my hoop.

    sleeping in…..I’ve had a life long pattern of waking up at should be asleep o’clock and than waking up again later that I should.

  7. Gee

    In 1858 – Charles Darwin published his theory of evolution.

    Origin of Species is just chock-full of goodies.  Enough experiment and evidence to convince anybody who doesn’t actively want not to be convinced.  The book didn’t say much about the evolution of humans, though, and a lot of people were happy to believe in evolution of the “lower” animals as long as there was special creation for humans.  So Darwin laid the groundwork with The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, and then wrote his doorstopper of a book, The Descent of Man.  I look forward to reading that one soon.

  8. bubbanomics

    still having enormous delays loading this site, so i don’t sign in as often as i should.

    Have you ever built sand castles? Are you particularly good at it?

    yes. no.

    Have you ever had any celebrity sightings? Who?

    yes. too many to recount (it’s LA).

    Would you be in favor of raising the minimum wage for tipped employees and discontinuing tipping? Do you think tipping is a fair way to reward servers?

    I haven’t really thought about it, but yeah i’d rather just pay the bill knowing people were fairly compensated.

    Are you now or have you ever been skilled with a hula hoop?


    How late is “sleeping in” to you? Is your internal clock the same as when you were younger, or has it changed since becoming a wage earner?

    8am to 8.30 maybe, unless i’m sick.  yeah, it’s changed a lot over the years.

    from the bubbapod…

  9. Avilyn

    Have you ever built sand castles? Are you particularly good at it?   I did when I was a kid, and no particular skill, no.

    Have you ever had any celebrity sightings? Who?  Yep – saw Alan Greenspan leaving a restaurant (think it was a Ruby Tuesday’s) in DC once.  I met R.A. Salvatore at a book signing.  And I have pictures/autographs with the guys from Savatage/Trans-Siberian Orchestra.  And Billy Idol’s autograph too, from after a concert he did in Philly.

    Would you be in favor of raising the minimum wage for tipped employees and discontinuing tipping? Do you think tipping is a fair way to reward servers?  I think they should be paid a living wage, yes.  I tend to tip 20% as base amount (more for good service; must be dreadful for me to tip less than 20%).

    Are you now or have you ever been skilled with a hula hoop?  Nope.

    How late is “sleeping in” to you? Is your internal clock the same as when you were younger, or has it changed since becoming a wage earner?  During the week, anything after 8:30 is LATE (as in, I’ll be late for work).  On the weekends, I usually wake up sometime between 9am – 11am (depending on what time I went to bed).   Anything past 11am is definitely sleeping late.  My internal clock is pretty much the same, I’ve always been a night owl and most definitely NOT a morning person.  “Good Morning” is an oxymoron, as I like to say.  🙂

  10. Have you ever built sand castles? Are you particularly good at it?

    Yes. No

    Have you ever had any celebrity sightings? Who?

    I’ve met both Clintons.

    Would you be in favor of raising the minimum wage for tipped employees and discontinuing tipping? Do you think tipping is a fair way to reward servers?

    I dunno.

    Are you now or have you ever been skilled with a hula hoop?


    How late is “sleeping in” to you? Is your internal clock the same as when you were younger, or has it changed since becoming a wage earner?

    If I am still asleep at 6 it’s been a good night. Sometimes I read in bed all morning though.

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