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Friday Coffee Hour: Check In and Hangout for the Herd

Good morning, Moosekind. TGIF! Don’t forget to let your peeps know where to find you.

  PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary!

        Recs on the weather jar comment are still welcome.

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Friday Coffee Hour and check-in is an open thread and general social hour. Come back when time allows through the day – the conversation continues.

It’s traditional but not obligatory to give us a weather check where you are and let us know what’s new, interesting, challenging or even routine in your life lately. Nothing is particularly obligatory here except:

Always remember the Moose Golden (Purple?) Rule:

Be kind to each other… or else.

What could be simpler than that, right?

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  1. iriti

    64 degrees in my corner of Mooseland, headed for a high of 84.

    Tomorrow, trs and I are headed up to Washington, DC for a walking tour of the monuments. He has been here 3 years and still hasn’t done the whole tour.

    We’ll begin by going up the old post office tower since the Washington Monument is still closed after earthquake damage. Then to an undisclosed location for a tour (sorry, but it’s a surprise and trs might be reading). Then a long, leisurely stroll amongst the monuments.

    What are your weekend plans?

    trs and I, the early years:

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  2. 65 degrees here on its way up to 80. The front end of a line of storms just rumbled through and it looks like the rest of it will be here in about an hour.

    Have fun on your trip to DC! I hope to get there in the next couple of years, maybe next fall. I want to go in September after kids start school so the lines are not too long and the weather is milder.

    Good news for you: Congress is adjourned so there will be a significant drop in the percentage of stoopids to normal people in your general vicinity.  

  3. DeniseVelez

    Mountains of NY.

    I’m sleepy.  Was up wayyyyy too late attempting to counter the latest tin-foil hat black helicopters sent by the O-man hysteria, generated by a viral news item…

    Oh Goddess, I need strength (and more coffee)to hold on to my sanity 😉


  4. DeniseVelez

    (since I lived there for 7 years I guess I can claim semi-Washingtonian status)

    I need to plan a trip there myself – want to donate papers, and historical research to the African American Civil War Museum.

    Hope you and trs have fun, and are gonna wear comfortable shoes 🙂

  5. JG in MD

    I’ve been in la-la land for days taking care of Katie and forgetting to give a sh!t about pay attention to anything. I made the mistake of emailing The Genealogy Company and saying Hey wait… wasn’t I supposed to edit something a couple of weeks ago?

    So they write back

    We can send this one to editing and get a simple report written. We can authorize 10 hours for this. Although the records are in Italian, the source citations are in English. If we use the family group sheets and source citations from the actual records, we might be able to get this one done. The client is interested in a discussion of his paternal ancestry back to the late 1700s. We just need a basic report, though.

    If that sounds unintelligible, it damn near is. Would somebody email me a mallet to the head every few hours today and make sure I haven’t slipped back down to la-la level? Thanks.

  6. blue jersey mom

    We don’t have much in the way of plans for the weekend. We have recovered from the jet lag, and we might go out and do some walking.

  7. nchristine

    Might get some rain later this afternoon.  Still feeling a bit overwhelmed with how much work I need to get done in the month of August.

    Might cut out a hour early to go to DQ for a Reese’s peanut butter cup Blizzard to celebrate my birthday.

  8. HappyinVT

    Gannett did layoffs and while I’m not one I’m sorry to see it happen.  Good people just gone. This has just not been a very good time in my world. Although it could certainly be worse.

  9. kishik

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    Thank goodness… Two days coming up to sleep late (ok, late for me is like 5:30am…!)

    I think I’ll take my pressure cooker outta the backpack and cook up some beans…  

  10. bill d

    Anybody hear any good fake news lately?

    Hope everyone has a good friday and a good weekend.

    It is still summer in Texas.

  11. anotherdemocrat

    no surprise there

    I did diaries about the AIDS Walk. What’s funny is that though I used Beautiful Day for the music, my (very loud) earworm is Lips Like Sugar.

    Anyway, plans for today – work, mind my diaries….. have some vegan queso & a kombucha after work

  12. slksfca

    Go figure: the sky cleared up, I mean absolutely clear, last night at sunset, and stayed clear until at least midnight.

    But now it’s extremely foggy again. It’s like Mother Nature is taunting me. ;-p

  13. Jk2003

    We are having a rainy Friday morning.  My mom just called and she is going to stop by and visit this morning.  We are going to go play with old friends from our old town this afternoon.  My husband is closing tonight so it’s just me and the kids today.  But!  He has the whole weekend off.  Big doings tomorrow….our local music store is having its annual customer appreciation day so everyone takes the kids and listens to bands play and eats hot dogs.  Good times.  Sunday I am painting my daughters room so she is all set for kindergarten.

  14. bfitzinAR

    I’m hoping – otherwise I’ve got to water the trees again.  Temps back to normal – 90s today – not comfortable but normal for August.  I got caught by the faux news on teh orange – in the earlier part of the day – by the end of the day I realized it was faux.  Sigh.  Not that I’m a tinfoil hat wearer, but a couple of years back I peeked out the window while a fully-loaded-for-bear SWAT team, complete with mobile command HQ, literally broke into a neighbors house to arrest a couple of sweet and well-behaved young men for their personal stash of pot.  (They didn’t reimburse the landlord for the broken door, either.)  Sigh.  The Lammas diary was a much better place to visit (that and the pootie diary).  Hope everyone’s Friday is good and weekend is better.  {{{HUGS}}} bf

  15. Nurse Kelley

    My sick pootie has progressed from critical to cranky, always a good sign in any kind of patient. It’s a good thing I’m retired; his care for the next few days will require round-the-clock monitoring and torturing with meds.

    I’m so glad he’s still here to be tortured. 🙂

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  16. slksfca

    I have a question: if you have privacy settings in place can people you know still find you even if they can’t read what you post? I don’t even know if I’m asking this right because I have zero experience with FB.

  17. emeraldmaiden

    We just finished our (late) breakfast of waffles and blueberry preserves that we made last night. omnomnomnom So good.

    I’ve got to make and print a few flyers for our vac services, and then we’re off to post them and do a little food shopping.

    Here’s a bit of waffle with preserves. First time using the gluten-free mix. I’ll have to fiddle with it a bit, I think!

    Waffle with Blueberry Preserves

  18. JG in MD

    How do academics manage to stuff all the relevant details into your lectures and handouts and for heaven’s sake books without making mistakes or getting bogged down?

    I’ve always dreamed of being a scholar. The fact that I washed out of grad school my first semester in 1967 gave me a clue it wasn’t going to happen. Now this genealogy thing has given me a shot at it just when senior moments are making it much harder, not to mention the love-hate mixed blessing of computers and the Web.

    The ADD that put me in the bottom third of my class in college has been diagnosed and I now know that I have to look everything up as often as necessary, including in the middle of writing a sentence. Twice.

    But genealogy has a thousand details. You have to multiply the complexities of family by the unknowables of history. You should hear a bunch of genealogists yammering about discussing standards of proof or who’s a professional and who isn’t. This is a hobby? More like a curse.


  19. JG in MD

    Her glazed face isn’t sick, it’s just sleepy. She’s good at sleepy.

    I finally got a picture of the staples in her tummy, but I’ll spare you that.

  20. JG in MD

    The latest reduction in Effexor dosage is giving me withdrawal symptoms. I feel jagged, itchy, restless.

    S’posed to be working on genealogy project but can’t.

    Just scheduled for tomorrow morning a coffee date that’s been put off for weeks with a Very Interesting Person. I sure hope I’m not jagged and itchy with her tomorrow morning.

    Took a half a Xanax. I’m going to lie on the sofa and watch my list of favorite TV shows on Xfinity On Demand if it will work.

    I really hate Effexor. It’s going to take me an entire year to discontinue it a little at a time.

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