Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Wednesday Watering Hole: Check In & Hangout for the Herd

Good morning, Moosekind. Don’t forget to let your peeps know where to find you.

  PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary!

        Recs on the weather jar comment are still welcome.

The common Moose, Alces alces, unlike other members of the deer family, is a solitary animal that doesn’t form herds. Not so its rarer but nearest relative, Alces purplius, the Motley Moose. Though sometimes solitary, the Motley Moose herds in ever shifting groups at the local watering hole to exchange news and just pass the time.

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The morning check-in is an open thread and general social hour. Come back when time allows through the day – the conversation continues.

It’s traditional but not obligatory to give us a weather check where you are and let us know what’s new, interesting, challenging or even routine in your life lately. Nothing is particularly obligatory here except:

Always remember the Moose Golden (Purple?) Rule:

Be kind to each other… or else.

What could be simpler than that, right?

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  1. iriti

    72 degrees here in the Shenandoah Valley, headed for a high of 84. Weather forecast says 60% chance of showers. I say 100%, but I have the benefit of a window to look out and see the rain coming down.

    Working out in the shipping shack at work the rest of this week and all of next while the normal guy is on vacation. Not exactly a glam job, but since it’s slow I’ll enjoy the break.

    Happy Humpday!

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  2. 72 degrees in Madison WI on its way up to 78 degrees. Idyllic, you say? It would be except for the 85% to 90% relative humidity which means that the air conditioning has to stay on. Sweat dripping into the keyboard causes sPeLLng errors and cAPitalizatioNING problems.

    Another day, another dollar. A stitch in time saves nine. Make hay while the sun shines.

    Nose back to the grindstone …

  3. nchristine

    May need to turn on the sprinklers…. rained only once in the last week and Chantal will be preventing more from moving in.  Getting kinda dry in the lawn.

    Can do without the politics at work…. think the local co-worker has an interview this afternoon.  Like I said before, the co-worker and the boss seem to have some perverse kick out of pushing each others buttons.  Co-worker has decided that the boss has ‘won’ and is looking for another team to move too.  She’ll be moving sooner than later.  That’ll leave me the defacto SME on a crappy system that is going to be going through a conversion… just what I want to do…  maintain a piece of crap and convert at the same time…

  4. Portlaw

    to see so many penguins among us! Maybe that means summer is over!!!! As for here, right now, it’s summer. ;-(  Running out but will be back later.  Dare I look at the news this morning> Sigh. Guess it’s my duty, I hate buying the NYTimes on a day when Maureen Dowd is in it.  

  5. Portlaw

    to see so many penguins among us! Maybe that means summer is over!!!! As for here, right now, it’s summer. ;-(  Running out but will be back later.  Dare I look at the news this morning> Sigh. Guess it’s my duty, I hate buying the NYTimes on a day when Maureen Dowd is in it.  

  6. kishik


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    another hot humid day.  I think tomorrow at night we’re finally dropping below 70!  yayayayay!

  7. kishik


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    another hot humid day.  I think tomorrow at night we’re finally dropping below 70!  yayayayay!

  8. pittiepat

    radar shows the storms moving away, but we’re having a good old thunderstorm right now.  Once the rain is over, today will be hotter and more humid that yesterday.  The interior temperature of my car at 3 pm was 110 degrees.  Bah!

  9. DeniseVelez

    For the foreseeable future.

    Had a very interesting evening yesterday.  Went to my local Democratic Party Caucus to vote for a slate of candidates for local elections – a town judge, city clerk, collector of taxes, highway superintendent, and city council members, and town supervisor.

    The turnout was awesome – the local senior center where it was held was packed. Sitting right next to me was our recently retired progressive Congressman Maurice Hinchey.

    Local politics are very important.  The word was out that a Tea Party Republican failed in her bid to get an R endorsement, and she showed up, with a few supporters to try to get on our slate.  (cross party endorsements are legal here – so for example, the Working Families Party Candidate can also be endorsed by Democrats)

    Extending that courtesy to a Teabagger wasn’t going to happen 🙂

    Getting involved locally here – for me – has been a challenge.  It feels very odd to be in a packed room, and see not one other person of color.  Later on in the evening one other black woman showed up, and a Latina.

    It’s not like we don’t have poc’s here.  I’m going to raise this issue at the next meeting.  Almost all of the local Democrats are ‘natives’ meaning their families have lived here in Saugerties for generations, and it is a bit difficult to get comfortable as an “outsider” in more ways than one.

    But I will persist.

    It’s also odd to feel like a youngster (at 65) I would guess that 4/5ths of the people there were about 10 years older than I am or more.  Quite a few folks in their late 80’s and 90’s.

    Almost no really young folks (20’s, 30’s)

    Several of our party caucus slate candidates were contested.

    We prevailed 🙂


  10. anotherdemocrat

    I know this isn’t What Are You Reading – but I finished Ocean At The End Of The Lane yesterday and it is amazing, wonderful, breathtaking…. You know how when you’re reading Ray Bradbury, you can feel how much he loves words? That’s how good this book is, you can just feel the love of words & storytelling just exuding from the pages. Buy this book, get it from the library, do what you need to, but read this book.

    Anyway, Wednesday & my legislature is still crazy. Sigh. And it’ll be 103 today. But this isn’t the 80-somethingth day of it, so I’m trying not to complain.

    Oh – and I woke up last night but only once. In the 4 o’clock hour though, so I didn’t get back to sleep sleep. Wish that would move itself back to an hour where I could at least do that.

  11. PadreJM

    Weather Channel’s predicted high was 5 degrees under the actual temperature, and I think they’re even further off today.  But, what do I know?

    Staff orientation day went well yesterday.  The new team is bright, eager, and compassionate.  I’m even more encouraged than I was already, which was pretty psyched.  The guy who did the hiring should be congratulated.  Oh . . . wait . . .

    there goes my humility quota for the month.

    Today’s going to be busy, though.  We’ll have a backlog from being closed an extra day this week, and I’ll be breaking in the newbies.  The payoff will be well worth it.

    I’ll try to touch base a few times to keep up with what y’all are up to.  Until then — great day to everyone.

  12. bill d

    Hot in Texas in the summer time, go figure.

    Sure is nice to see all the people who wanted Texas to secede a few short months ago now become full of hope for my beloved state.

  13. princesspat

    My house is quiet and I should be asleep! My knees were creaky yesterday, but today they are screaming for attention…..::grumble grumble::

  14. Nurse Kelley

    And it’s too warm for 7:40 AM, 60°. With clouds. Meh. The cats get cranky if they don’t have sunshine to bathe in this time of day.

  15. slksfca

    Yesterday afternoon the skies cleared temporarily. Maybe that will happen again today so I can enjoy my walk.

  16. emeraldmaiden

    This whole rain thing is annoying.

    It’s 83 degrees, 70% humidity. I wilt at anything over about 50% after so many years in the desert.

    Rich is in ‘get things done’ mode today, so I anticipate hearing the whip crack all day long. Maybe I’ll be able to escape to the library later and do some reading in peace.

  17. emeraldmaiden

    This whole rain thing is annoying.

    It’s 83 degrees, 70% humidity. I wilt at anything over about 50% after so many years in the desert.

    Rich is in ‘get things done’ mode today, so I anticipate hearing the whip crack all day long. Maybe I’ll be able to escape to the library later and do some reading in peace.

  18. bfitzinAR

    are the “new normal” the fact of it is “old normal” – and as uncomfortable as it is, it’s still not a pimple on the butt of Houston’s “old normal” humidity.  (Some 30 years ago when my sister’s 1st husband did Big Oil’s version of being posted in Jakarta and the company was giving a “prep” class to the wives – what can I say, it was Big Oil and 30 years ago – husband’s didn’t need prepping for how to run a household outside the U.S.- after the class she told them, “You can’t scare me.  I grew up in Houston, TX!  I once heard Houston described as being like L.A. with the climate of Bombay.)  I image fish could live in Houston’s “new normal”.  Two tips for living with humidity – moving air and as little clothing as possible/consistent with being in public.  C.C.’s blessings on everybody.  {{{HUGS}}}

  19. Khloe

    I was hoping to get a free and clear for one summer from my allergies. Not this summer…. maybe next.

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