Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Wednesday Watering Hole: Check In & Hangout for the Herd

Good morning, Moosekind. Don’t forget to let your peeps know where to find you.

  PLEASE Do Not Recommend the check-in diary!

        Recs on the weather jar comment are still welcome.

The common Moose, Alces alces, unlike other members of the deer family, is a solitary animal that doesn’t form herds. Not so its rarer but nearest relative, Alces purplius, the Motley Moose. Though sometimes solitary, the Motley Moose herds in ever shifting groups at the local watering hole to exchange news and just pass the time.

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The morning check-in is an open thread and general social hour. Come back when time allows through the day – the conversation continues.

It’s traditional but not obligatory to give us a weather check where you are and let us know what’s new, interesting, challenging or even routine in your life lately. Nothing is particularly obligatory here except:

Always remember the Moose Golden (Purple?) Rule:

Be kind to each other… or else.

What could be simpler than that, right?

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  1. iriti

    Happy Wednesday. 72 here headed for a cloudy, chance of rain 82.

    Going to see Despicable Me 2 tonight, because I loves me some Minions. Yes, I have mature taste in theatre. Plus a song in my heart this morning. Also.

     photo 3.jpg

  2. DeniseVelez

    this is getting repetitive.

    I have never seen this much rain for so many days in a row up here.

  3. 57 degrees here on its way up to 75 degrees. Sunny.

    Tomorrow we move out of the delightful 70s into the 80s so our respite from air conditioning will sadly come to an end. Although to sleep tomorrow night we will need air conditioning anyway because of the noise from firecrackers.

    I do wish they had chosen “America the Beautiful” as the national anthem instead of the one that celebrates “bombs bursting in air”:

       O beautiful for spacious skies,

       For amber waves of grain,

       For purple mountain majesties

       Above the fruited plain!

       America! America!

       The goddess gave her gifts to thee,

       And crown thy good with brotherhood

       From sea to shining sea!

    An amber wave would be much quieter.

  4. It is going to be a wet day. Pixie is already asking if I can fix the weather. Sorry baby no can do. Taking my niece to work then making a potato salad to munch on. My fourth will consist of hot dogs, salad, chips, a beer, and watching my favorite cheesy movie for the fourth Independence Day.

    Our weather today is similar to this called Electrifying.

    Electrifying photo Electrifying_zps84cf5169.jpg

  5. nchristine

    in the mid 60’s with slight chance of hit and miss showers this afternoon.  Not much going on – it’s my Friday and I can leave at 3pm if I want to… (well, I could leave at 2pm when the stock market closes, but I have an hour to make up from Monday)  Looking forward to the long weekend.

  6. Diana in NoVa

    And today my friend and I are supposed to wander around Middleburg before we lunch at the Red Fox Tavern.  Oh, well, umbrellas!

    I need to stop living on the Internet and start living in the real world.  Tomorrow’s the Fourth, so I’ll do that.  There’s going to be a block party tomorrow evening–if it doesn’t rain.

    Hope everyone has a good–and, it’s to be hoped–not too moist day!

  7. iriti

    Just sayin’.

    Made my morning protein shake in my sleep this morning. Added the almond milk, the sweetner, the powdered calcium, the fiber, the cocoa powder…all I forgot was the protein powder! Didn’t discover this until I got to work. Guess who mixed me a new one and brought it to me before heading to work himself?

    I am spoiled. I freely admit this.

  8. anotherdemocrat

    Weird. Ah — my phone says it’s 60, so that explains it. An April low temp snuck into July. High is only supposed to be 95.

    Wed/Friday. I can live with this 2-day workweek thing. Assuming the lege will adjourn this afternoon for the weekend, but you can never tell with those sneaky bastards.

    Anyway, eating breakfast, seeing what’s up. I think my brother is coming down this weekend. I guess I should check my e-mail.

    So since this is “Friday”, I’m playing some U2. This is Rise Up (not the version from that unfortunate musical)

  9. wordsinthewind

    here, this cool front has been delightful and we are supposed to have a couple more days of it. I had promised my silver serving trays for a baby shower so I got them all out for the hostesses to choose which they wanted to use. The selections have been made and I have them all polished and ready to go. What a lot of work for something that’s really a throwback to times when someone else did the actual work! It will be lovely though and I am glad that this stuff actually gets used.  

  10. slksfca

    The baking-hot hinterlands are sucking ocean moisture in across the City and Bay. Which is fine because I’m still sunburnt from last weekend.

  11. Jk2003

    Grey morning here.  Chance of rain today then supposed to be nice tomorrow.  We are going to a parade in the morning then having some peeps over for a BBQ tomorrow afternoon/evening.  An old friend of ours is coming tomorrow with a new girl he is dating.  His wife left him suddenly last year and really threw him for a loop.  This is a good thing for him, to have someone to care for and to care for him.  She better be nice.  He’s got a lot of people watching out for him.

    Happy fourth everybody!

  12. PadreJM

    I woke to temps above 70 at 5 a.m.

    I’m grieving some this morning.  A client essentially fired me yesterday, and that would be okay, if it wasn’t a symptom of his having given up on himself, I hope temporarily.  But even if he gets up and tries again, he’s falling into a period of suffering, and that breaks my heart.

    And I’m still reeling from the decision the administration made yesterday to delay the requirement of large employers to provide health benefits.  Perhaps it was the politically astute thing to do, and maybe what Mazur and Jarret are saying is true, that these giant corporations really need another whole year (or more) to “get it right.”  The people I work with don’t have a year, though.  Most of them are hanging on by their fingernails to make it through the month, or the week, or the day.

    But, I’ll keep doing what I do, and even though it ain’t enough to fill the gap, at least it’s something.

  13. Nurse Kelley

    Our expected high is 73° and mostly sunny – bliss! There’s a massage on my schedule, then probably a cast, which should be interesting. I can’t tolerate anything touching the first knuckle of my thumb.

  14. princesspat

    We made good progress in the garden yesterday….planted the two yew trees in the pots that look like tree trunks, a rhodie to hide the hose connections, a tall laurel with cool burgundy branches, a Japanese maple in another pot, three evergreen fuschia, and a new hydrangea called Fire and Ice (burgundy branches and white flowers).

    Now I can plant the small plants and the containers, which is manageable fun. Yesterday was a messy sweaty day and thankfully our son did the heavy lifting.

    I had fun with the grand girls too…..Popsicles on the porch, playing in the sprinkler, singing silly songs, reading stacks of library books and watching them play dress up in my closet….simple pleasures, times to treasure.

  15. slksfca

    …if 1) my orthopedist approves and 2) I can afford it. The place isn’t all that, but they do have a lot of the walking machines and the bicycle machines. That should be enough to help me get into something close to decent shape. I’m really feeling the need for something more than my daily walks, that’s for sure.

    Meanwhile I’ve run out of milk for my coffee. The corner store opens in 20 minutes and I’ll be there waiting for them to unlock the door. I knew I should have made a grocery run last night.

  16. Khloe

    Another beautiful day half way up! Abernathy is on the bed snoring. Kiki is in the window, window hunting for deer. Life is good.

    A morning earworm for you.

     photo catmusicbrickinthewall.jpg

  17. PadreJM

    and since I don’t have staff coverage, that meant having to post a sign on the door, and close the office.  I only had a couple of appointments I had to cancel, since we mostly operate on a “first come, first served” drop-in basis, but it bothers me that some folks may have urgent needs and will find a locked door.

    But, it couldn’t be helped.  As I have mentioned, I don’t deal well with the heat, and we’ve had several 3-digit days in a row.  Add to that the exposure to the Sumac I couldn’t entirely avoid even though not sleeping there for awhile, and I really was not feeling well upon arising.

    I went into heavy cramping, and nearly passed out at the altar, so decided it was in everyone’s best interests, and certainly my own, if I got to where I can crank the A/C and remain close to supine.  I do feel nearly normal when reclining, except for the headache and occasional cramp.

    I’ll be okay.  I may need to hire some help doing the clean-up in the wake of the tree removal, though.  Dang, this makes me feel like a weakling.

  18. Kysen

    It has been a wet few days, though.

    Like I said in BKos yesterday…I hope that those on the East Coast are keeping dry (lookin’ at you Dee!) and that those in the South West are keepin’ hydrated.

    We lived in AZ for a couple years. I know how miserable that heat can get (one of the summers we lived there there was a NIGHT where the low was 96!)…I’m glad to be back on the East Coast. 🙂

    Hope everyone is havin’ a good one…

    Uh oh…guess what day it is?

  19. DTOzone

    She went into the hospital with stomach aches on Monday night and now she’s sedated and on a ventilator suffering from renal failure.

    They found an infection in her pancreas that got out of control really fast and they don’t think she’ll make it.

    I’m doing ok, but my mother is inconsolable. Really tough.

    Anyone ever hear of an infection of the pancreas getting out of control so fast? It’s not responsive to anti-biotics at all.

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