At this hour marriage equality has arrived in California. Attorney General Kamala Harris has asked the 8th Circuit Court to skip the 25 day delay in restoring human rights after the overturning of Prop 8 and they did.
With a single sentence.
Kristin Perry and Sandra Stien have been married by Ms. Harris. Paul Katami and Jeffrey Zarrillo are about to be married live on the Rachel Maddow Show.
I am going to edit this up as I put this together.
Paul Katami and Jeffrey Zarrillo are now married. I captured what I could and will see if can recapture the rest.
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa performed the ceremony.
This is a special moment. Before you stand Paul and Jeff, who love each other.
Your relationship is an inspiration to us all. Your braveness in the face of bigotry has made history.
Today, your wait is finally over. By joining the case against pro 8 you represented hundreds of thousands of couples in the fight for marriage equality. You represented America in the fight for marriage equality. In the fight for liberty and dignity for all
Based on what you told me the other night while we enjoyed that evening, and how you are looking at each other today, you are just as ion love as when you met 12 years ago.
Take it in, just take it in
We are gathered here today for the purpose of uniting in matrimony Paul and Jeff.
The wedding ring is an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual bond that unites two loyal hearts in endless love.
Paul, please place this ring on Jeff’s left finger and repeat after me.
I Paul offer this ring as a symbol of my love and devotion. Let it always be a reminder of my vows to you.
Jeff, please place this ring on Paul’s left finger and repeat after me.
I Jeff offer this ring as a symbol of my love and devotion. Let it always be a reminder of my vows to you.
And, so, on behalf of the State of California let me pronounce you married.
I always cry at weddings. :~)