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Open News Thread — Rights Violations Edition

Since the “Right” wants to revoke most of our personal liberties other than the right to bear arms, there is plenty of material available about invasions into privacy and upending of rights. Sometimes these invasions creep, and sometimes they push forward with full open throttle.

Collection of electronic information has been in the news lately, but there is more, and I want you to join me with this open thread on rights issues or any other news you want to share.

Here’s a full throttle invasion, mentioned the other night on the Rachel Maddow Show. Iowa governor Terry Branstad will now have the option to decide coverage for Medicaid abortions. He. Himself. Will get to decide whether a woman’s abortion is covered. With no medical training and obviously no ethics training, he gets to decide.

U.S. law permits payment for abortions for rape, incest, and if the pregnancy threatens a woman’s life. Iowa law expands that to include terminations of pregnancies if the fetus is severely deformed and unviable.

Historically, the Department of Human Services had been the agency that governed this determination, but in the final negotiations between House Republicans and Senate Democrats, this incredible power over women’s lives was assigned to Governor Branstad.

Also in the news, Wisconsin Republicans’ decision to force medically unnecessary procedures on any woman seeking an abortion. From ThinkProgress:

Wisconsin’s current law already requires women to undergo a counseling session with their doctor 24 hours before having an abortion, under the false pretense that the women who seek to terminate a pregnancy must not be confident about their decision. Doctors already provide those women with information about ultrasound services. But under the new forced ultrasound measure, women would be forced to undergo an ultrasound – and potentially a transvaginal probe, depending on how far along in her pregnancy she is – without her consent.

Lyons is rightfully concerned about women’s health advocates construing the bill as “the equivalent of rape.” At the height of the War on Women last spring, Virginia Republicans incited a firestorm when they pushed a similar transvaginal ultrasound bill, and reproductive rights groups decried the legislation as “state sponsored rape.” But that hasn’t stopped anti-choice lawmakers from continuing to push legislation that would require invasive ultrasound procedures. Just last week, Michigan lawmakers proposed their own version of the legislation, although the state’s top Republicans were forced to clarify that they would “not pass a bill mandating transvaginal ultrasounds” after controversy erupted.


  1. HappyinVT

    Mandates invasive ultrasounds, and forces women to pay for the cost of the extra procedure themselves.

    Requires doctors to describe the ultrasound images to women seeking abortions, including details about the fetal heartbeat.

    Extends the waiting period for abortion to 48 hours, and eliminates the option for women to bypass it because of a medical emergency.

    Requires doctors to tell women scientifically disputed information about abortion risks.

    Requires doctors to tell patients how much money they earn from each abortion procedure.

    Punishes doctors who don’t comply with the new restrictions with a felony charge and up to a $1 million dollar fine.…  

    The second to last doesn’t make much sense; I doubt I’d change my mind about whether or not to have the procedure based on how much my doctor will earn from it.  Also I thought making money was a good thing to the GOPers.

  2. princesspat

    Texas Consolidates its Most Horrifying Anti-Choice Bills Into One Nightmare Piece of Legislation

    Republican Gov. Rick Perry called the 30-day special session this month to address Texas’ redistricting issues, as he and his fellow Republicans fight to prevent the state’s growing minority populations from receiving the democratic representation they’re due; a federal court struck down state and federal district maps drawn in 2011, declaring them discriminatory.

    But this week, Perry added a sweeping anti-choice bill to the legislature’s agenda: SB 5, filed by state Sen. Glenn Hegar (R-Katy), combines the worst of anti-choice legislators’ proposed abortion bills from the regular session into a nightmarish document that would decimate Texans’ access to safe, legal abortion care. If passed in its entirety, SB 5 would:

    Reading the front page collection of articles on this site is sobering, as is Rachael Maddow’s continuing coverage. The R’s are relentlessly pushing their agenda in every state, including supposedly safe Wa State.

    The 2013 legislative session in Washington state is looking at lot like the 2012 one, at least when it comes to a bill that would require all insurance plans offered in the state to cover abortions if they cover prenatal care. The chair of the state senate committee hearing the bill has announce she will not let it go to the senate for a vote.

  3. HappyinVT

    mitchellreports 11:30am via HootSuite

    According to Mayors Against Illegal Guns, 6,003 Americans have been shot and killed in the 6 months since #Newtown.

    That’s shot AND killed.  How many more were “just” wounded?

  4. Rubio, who said this week he’d oppose his own immigration bill if it protected gay rights, was asked by ThinkProgress yesterday about whether he’d consider backing ENDA. The Florida Republican didn’t explicitly denounce the bill, but he left no real doubts about position: “I’m not for any special protections based on orientation.”

    Asked further about protections based on race or gender, Rubio said that’s “established law” and then walked away. Substantively, the senator is correct — there is “established law” that prevents employers from discriminating on the basis of race and gender, but Congress can change the law to expand those protections.

    Indeed, that’s the point of ENDA — to make a new established law to prevent gay people from losing their job just because they’re gay. Most Americans assume that it’s illegal to fire someone simply for being gay, but those assumptions are incorrect, and it’s why ENDA is needed.

    He wants no “special” protections. How about not-special ones that simply protect?

  5. Here is the story from Reuters.

    Though an establishment figure, Rohani is a former chief nuclear negotiator known for his nuanced, conciliatory approach. He has pledged to promote a policy of “constructive interaction with the world”, but no surrender to Western demands for a nuclear suspension, and enact a domestic “civil rights charter”.

    I am not going to raise my expectations much. But, it is a good sign.

  6. We will be joining the handful of states which seek to punish women who want to have a legal medical procedure.

    Republicans claimed that if only women saw the fetal tissue in their wombs they would not want to have an abortion. An independent study showed that seeing an ultrasound of their fetus did not deter women at all. It is really all about shaming and increasing costs and, in the case of Wisconsin where clinics who can’t do the ultrasounds will have to shut down, restricting access.

    And Wisconsin is dead last in job creation. We will make them pay for this next year. Like national Republicans voting against women, Wisconsin Republicans show that they don’t have any sense of what is important to people.

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