Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Wednesday Watering Hole: Check In & Hangout for the Herd

Good morning, Moosekind. Don’t forget to let your peeps know where to find you.

The common Moose, Alces alces, unlike other members of the deer family, is a solitary animal that doesn’t form herds. Not so its rarer but nearest relative, Alces purplius, the Motley Moose. Though sometimes solitary, the Motley Moose herds in ever shifting groups at the local watering hole to exchange news and just pass the time.

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The morning check-in is an open thread and general social hour. Come back when time allows through the day – the conversation continues.

It’s traditional but not obligatory to give us a weather check where you are and let us know what’s new, interesting, challenging or even routine in your life lately. Nothing is particularly obligatory here except:

Always remember the Moose Golden (Purple?) Rule:

Be kind to each other… or else.

What could be simpler than that, right?

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  1. iriti

    55 here in the Shenandoah Valley, headed for 72 today.

    Road trip!!!! Tomorrow I leave to visit our precious Khloe. Will arrive Friday morning. Not excited at all, at all, at all.

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  2. Khloe

    Even Abernathy can tell something is up and is excited. I do feel bad about one thing. A cold front will be going through tomorrow afternoon, and winter will be returning for the weekend. We might even get a bit of snow.

    I will have a whole weekend of mischief will our Iriti! Not that I ever look for mischief…….

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  3. We made it to Wednesday! Hurray!!!!

    38 degrees here with flood watches. Rain/thunder in the forecast with an expected high of 44 degrees. At least no snow.

    Tonight starts youth softball with our first practice (thankfully) indoors. It is a challenge to play spring sports in Wisconsin because some years spring does not arrive according to schedule. I recall some years ago the first spring soccer game being postponed because there was snow on the field.

    Stay out of trouble, all y’alls!!

  4. Thunderstorming here in east central Iowa. I don’t know what temp is because I didn’t turn on the light yet. Mr. Hourly says we’ll get 3 or 4 inches of rain over the next 48 hours.

    Lots to do today. No, I didn’t ever get all my little churndash blocks done. Today I’ll move them along, as well as another project. Jim will head to work and I’ll try not to cry all day. 🙂

    I’m working on expanding a piece of writing for my class. When I first wrote it (and posted it), I knew it wasn’t really finished. But I wasn’t prepared right then to do more. I’ll post it on our blog once it’s done.

    Have a lovely!  

  5. I’ll be keeping an eye on the weather since thunderstorms are coming in and potentially severe weather. Sigh. That may be what my little chatterbox Pixie was trying to tell me this morning.At least the rain should wash some on the pollen out of the air so I can breathe. Wrecking havoc with the C.O.P.D. this year.

    Actually I want to be here where there is no pollen. 😉

    Under Starry Skies photo UnderStarySkies_zps3fea7f29.jpg

  6. JG in MD

    G’mornin’ e’buddy, I’m early today. Gotta get a parking space at the Metro so I can go back to the Chinese authentication office and then to the Library of Congress. I made a mistake and only had one doc authenticated before, picking it up, and have to get the duplicate authenticated too which means another pickup next week. Can I charge my client time and fares for the next trip? Pondering.

  7. wordsinthewind

    I rescued from a neighbor yesterday evening. She looks to be a chihuahua mix of some kind and of course completely adorable. First thing I did was put her in the tub and give a nice bath and then she got some puppy food and settled right in. Right now I’m keeping her quarantined in the bathroom until I can get her out to the vet clinic to treat for parasites and start vaccinations. Our dog is NOT impressed, she did not ask for a friend she’ll have me know. I don’t know that I want to keep her but I know I didn’t want to wake up to a road pancake either so when he said I could have her I scooped her up and went inside. Mr w told me it was okay, usually he’s much more soft-hearted than I am so he likes when I act on those impulses.

  8. Portlaw

    in the fifties here and going up to the sixties. Still smiling at that image of the road trip. Safe trails for all Meese today.

  9. nchristine

    precipitation we lacked last year this month.  Thunder woke me up around 5.20 cause it was shaking the house pretty good.

    No response from the bosses over the email I sent yesterday…. kinda surprised about that.

  10. trs

    As you can see, iriti is abandoning Kidlet and me to our fates while she and Khloe get in who knows what kinds of trouble…

    Seriously, I’m glad she’s going to visit Khloe, and I promise, we will not order pizza every night.

    On the workshop front, electrical inspection tomorrow late morning. After that, once I finish the conduit run, we will arrange to get power connected. That will make life there a whole lot easier. Plus, the way I’m setting it up, we will be ready to go with power for the house when the time comes.

  11. pittiepat

    the monsoon hits again.  Like Melanie & Jim we are forecast to get a heck of a lot of rain over the next 48 hours.  I have to buy an brolie this morning as my “antique” golf umbrella from my Chevron days has gone missing.  Had that one for more than 20 years, a souvenir of sorts.

  12. Jk2003

    We are in for that rain as well.  Three or four inches.  In three days.  It’s gonna be a soupy mess out there.  Have a great day all.

  13. slksfca

    A mild 57°F here in Babylon by the Bay. Predicted high: 67° downtown, low 60s out here in the fog belt.

    Is it really Wednesday already? I can’t keep up.

    Go forth and thrive today, my friends.

  14. princesspat

    The forecast is for sun and 60’s the rest of the week though, and as I will be packing the collectibles in my MIL’s basement it won’t really matter.

    I’ve arranged for the movers to come tomorrow, so today will hopefully be a somewhat easy day of organizing and finding all the items that should be packed together. taking things to her apartment, and finding some old family photos important to have copied for everyone. Just typing this makes me weary…..

    Oh well, I promised her I wold do this, and I do believe in keeping important commitments.

  15. DeniseVelez

    am still at orange – had to post new diary – yesterday’s is so full I can’t open it, which is a good thing.

    Thanks for the Moosie support.

    bbl – i hope.  

  16. anotherdemocrat

    So my feet aren’t healed enough for me to run intervals on a hill. I knew that & did it anyway. 30 second intervals (ok, x5, followed by 45 second intervals x 3, and a 10 minute walk)

    The Westboro idiots are being idiots again, but Anonymous hacked their page (George Takei posted a really funny picture), and — not that I condone violence, I really, really don’t — there’s this:

    To the Westboro Baptist Church goons picketing the Boston funerals: don’t sweat the guys with bats walking toward you. Probably just Red Sox

    – The Blue Ape (@TheBlueApe) April 16, 2013

    hot & humid today, but a cold fron coming in, tomorrow will barely hit 70, and lows will be in the 40s.

  17. LeftOverFlowerChild

    Starting off with a muggy warm morning in N Texas. 78 degrees at present, headed to several degree higher and then we’re suppose to get some thunderstorms. My area is on the edge of the storm, while we’re going to get plenty wet, we won’t be in path of the heavier storms. My heart and hopes of safety go out to those in path way of the heavy stuff.

    Haven’t been in a mood to do much of anything the last few days. A lot of spinning as sitting at the wheel helps me find a center to work from. The Boston tragedy has occupied my brain quite a bit…Thinking of the victims, the families of everyone–volunteers, first responders, medical professionals and all the wonderful acts of support and love shown to Boston.

  18. It’s another fantastic day in the So. Cal neighborhood.  I always feel inept talking in these weather threads cause we basically don’t have any.

  19. where he took the car to be fixed. They need it until Friday. He is staying with FFDIL in Batesville, 30 miles from there. The dealership has no loaners.

    “Random guy,” as he put it, was going to Batesville to the Ford dealership for parts, so gave him a lift back. Son, pleased he wouldn’t have to rent a car for 3 days, gave random guy a $20 tip. Win-win, all the way…. as long as the car gets fixed.  

  20. JG in MD

    and I’m very tired. All that jogging yesterday plus long day today, even with taxis and as little walking with briefcase as possible, was too much. It was 80° and muggy in DC today, just to add to the gaiety of nations (as my dad used to say).

    By the way, does anybody know why the Supreme Court building is wrapped in plastic?  

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