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Thursday Morning Herd Check-in: Greetings of the Moosekin

  Make sure you let your peeps know where to find you!  

The morning check-in is an open thread posted to give you a place to visit with the meeses. Feel free to chat about your weather, share a bit of your life, grump (if you must), rave (if you can). The diarist du jour sometimes posts and runs, other times sticks around for a bit, often returns throughout the day and always cares that meeses are happy … or at least content.

For those new to the Moose, Kysen left a Moose Welcome Mat (Part Deux) so, please, wipe your feet before you walk in the front door start posting.

The important stuff to get you started:

– Comments do not Auto-refresh. Click the refresh/reload on your tab to see new ones. Only click Post once for comments. When a diary’s comment threads grow, the page takes longer to refresh and the comment may not display right away.

– To check for replies to your comments, click the “My Comments” link in the right-hand column (or go to “My Moose”). Comments will be listed and a link to Recent Replies will be shown. (Note: Tending comments builds community)

– Ratings: Fierce means Thumbs Up, Fail means Thumbs Down, Meh means one of three things: I am unFailing you but I can’t Fierce you, I am unFiercing after a mistaken Fierce, or Meh. Just Meh. (p.s. Ratings don’t bestow mojo, online behaviour does).

– Finally, the posting rules for a new diary: “Be excellent to each other… or else

(Some other commenting/posting/tending notes for newbies can be found in this past check-in and, of course, consult Meese Mehta for all your questions on meesely decorum.)

You can follow the daily moosetrails here: Motley Moose Recent Comments.


From our intrepid news team, the current Open News Thread:

All The News Fit To Share: Wednesday Ohs and Woes


Let the greetings begin!



  1. Khloe

    36 and dropping toward freezing. Raining very hard out. A freezing rain advisory is up until this afternoon. There is also a flash flood warning up until Monday.

    JanFab, I love your weather jar LOL!

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  2. iriti

    Currently 54 with a high of 88 today. Every time I look at the forecast, the high temps go up. A few days ago Saturday was supposed to be in the 50’s. Now it’s forecast for 66. I predict 70. We went straight from an early February weather pattern in March to a late May weather pattern in April. Spring? What Spring?

    I haz a sick this morning; it hit me late yesterday morning. I am not going to school work today; instead I’m going back to bed. Be excellent to each other.

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  3. 39 degrees out, 65 in. Mr Hourly says it won’t get much warmer today, or tomorrow, for that matter.

    I’ll head to the food pantry this morning for a volunteer shift. Last week’s went quickly — it’s only a couple of hours.

    Son called last night. He had some work done on the old car the other day, basic maintenance, and ended up with a mucked up something in the front right axle or discs or wheel bearings… Something bad, and likely expensive. I just had the brakes replaced in November, so it shouldn’t be that. ugh…

    Hope you all have a great day!  

  4. JG in MD

    Downtown Monday and Wednesday included walking ~5 blocks each time. City blocks. In 85° heat. In flats and not walking shoes. I think I’ve begun my summer tan a little early.

    I feel great this morning. I have paid work to do, plus a potential new client. All is sunshine.

  5. nchristine

    Wisconsin, or a few other western states…. 2 feet of snow in the past couple of days.  Minnesota and Wisconsin are getting socked with snow and ice…..  lots of luck to y’all up there.

    We’ve had 3.5 inches of rain here in town this past week.  We sure need the rain.  But, someone turned the thermostat down a bit too much!!  There are daffodils blooming now.

  6. slksfca

    Cooler today (50°F right now) than yesterday, which was a spectacularly nice day. I did go for a walk, but not into the park. Just wasn’t feeling it so I stuck to the neighborhood. (Sorry, Jan, no pix this time.)

    Last night I got caught up on a few episodes of The Donna Reed Show which had piled up in my DVR. I do enjoy that show, partly because I’ve always been a big fan of Donna herself.

    Go forth and have a marvelous Thursday!

  7. pittiepat

    yesterday’s storms.  It rained all day, rolling thunderstorms but all the excitement in this part of the state was over by 7 pm.  On my plate today is blood work, laundry, groceries, library and house-cleaning.  Such as exciting life!

  8. anotherdemocrat

    48 this morning, but supposed to warm up this afternoon – then there are 90 degree highs in the 5-day. Yep, if you like sameness in your weather, Texas is not the place for you.

    I forgot that I had intended to ride my bike to work today. Just as well, I wouldn’t have at this temp. But I really need to get some exercise. Can’t ride tomorrow, bringing queso for a baby shower. Oh well, next week. Looks like Friday might work.

    Anyway, today will be work & the gym.

  9. Pixie and I are trying to deal with losing Merlin yesterday. She is very subdued and keeps looking for him. I keep looking over at the couch to see if he is on the back of it since it was his favorite spot.

  10. Diana in NoVa

    Good morning, Meese!  Iriti, hope you’ll feel better today. Recommended cure:  position self in reclining position in recliner, remote to hand, watch your favorite movies or TV series on DVD.  🙂

    I feel a bit Meesly this morning because half my face has swollen.  Spent yesterday hacking weeds in the garden.  Not sure what I’m allergic to, but it’s making itself felt!

    Today must work in the front garden because Dearly Beloved needs to plant the boxwood hedges we bought and I want to plant the new lavender I bought.

    Yesterday was so warm we grilled outside for dinner–I did enjoy feeling HOT for a change! At my advanced age, being outside in the heat is the only time I can ever be considered “hot.”

    Everyone have a Mooselicious day!

  11. wordsinthewind

    our university weather station that reports on the internet has our wind speed at .2 mph which is just about as still as it’s going to get. I like the novelty of it.  

  12. bill d

    then it turns suddenly and cold it doesn’t take a long time after arriving home to realize that you had turned your air conditioning system off.

    Around 2 inches of water evaporated from my fish tank during the day.  

  13. slksfca

    …I just peeked out the back door to see neither fog nor overcast. Supposed to be a cooler day than yesterday (which was in the 70s), but it looks like it will still be a pleasant sunny one.

    MAYBE I’ll get that walk in the park today, if I’m feeling up to it…

  14. princesspat

    I’m feeling very relaxed today… dearly beloved grand kids 🙂 I’ve enjoyed every busy moment but it’s time for a quiet restful day…..with my (much stronger!) leg elevated.

  15. bfitzinAR

    today but this may be Winter’s last hurrah as we’ve got mid 70s slated for Saturday and 80s for Sunday (for which I’m happy since that’s my laundry day).  Still priority registration but as the classes fill and disappear from where the students can see them we get fewer calls so I may actually get enough uninterrupted time to figure out what the heck all these papers sitting on my desk are 🙂  This is a grand day to stay in the purple (wish I could) – if you go anywhere orange, keep your head down.  Do meeses like hugs?  If so {{{HUGS}}} – and I’ll try to check back later.  Y’all take care, bf

  16. wordsinthewind

    to the normal 5 to 10 mph breeze but that stillness was even nicer because it wasn’t very cold. I’m off to bake more macaroons and give the dog a bath. She’s not very impressed with the process but doesn’t object either. Somehow I’ve managed to teach my dogs civil disobedeience which I think makes all our lives better. Even our cat will go limp when picked up, the vet techs are fascinated by her and the fact that after all these years I showed up with a cat one day. She’s pretty special even if she won’t come in the house.  

  17. JG in MD

    everybuddy. I’m not very responsive today. The 85° heat has wrung me out. Can’t walk more than a few steps outdoors without panting like a puppy dog.

    Played Scrabble with a Seniors in Action group in my community. First time I’ve tried them. Last year I suppose I thought it would cost money to join so I didn’t think about it. It turns out to be free and I had a good time. They have exercise classes too.

    I’m thinking of calling the exercise classes “physical therapy” on my calendar. That might push me into actually, you know, going.  

  18. LeftOverFlowerChild

    Much better mindset today, no pouting over the temps. It was chilly for the field events, but all in all a good day. My guy didn’t go on to the next leg of the finals, but that’s okay. He surprised everyone with a huge freshman year finish. He’ll letter in both track and UIL competition–computer sciences. Not bad for a kid carrying a full load of advanced honors classes and a number extracurricular activities. Annnnnd he turned 15 yesterday to boot.

    Our middle son had a slight snafu with his apartment complex–The complex was sold last year and the new owners implement a bunch of new rules, several regarding pets. Middle son didn’t get the memo, and his little six month old pup can’t stay there until he either puts up another 600 dollars (to go with the 350 dollars he’s already put up) for a pet deposit or he moves. He’s opted to move so little Miss Lacey Lou is living with us. Ummm..we’re not exactly spring chickens and neither are our dogs! lol..Lacey is going to be a challenge. She’s a sweet puppy, but boy is she ever a puppy. She scared the dickens out of my chickens right off the bat, but they can do their free ranging and then go in the chicken run while she’s outside. Zoinks! I can tell this is going to be one big adventure–Until August no less!

  19. Jim has 8 siblings. 6 are within “driving distance”. One of those, is planning to come to Son’s commissioning. I have 4 sibs, all within driving distance. One is planning to come.

    Okay, folks, maybe you don’t get this. But this young man is making a TEN YEAR COMMITMENT to the Air Force. If you would go to anyone’s wedding, knowing their marriage only has a shot at lasting 10 years, why can’t you come to this?  

    I know, I know. It has to do with YOU, not him or me. And I know, a couple of you have grandchildren graduating from one thing or another. But really?? Two out of 12? Really? Disappointing, to say the least.  

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