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Friday Coffee Hour: Check In and Hangout for all Moosekind

Good morning, Moosekind. Don’t forget to let your peeps know where to find you.

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Friday Coffee Hour and check-in is an open thread and general social hour. Come back when time allows through the day – the conversation continues.

It’s traditional but not obligatory to give us a weather check where you are and let us know what’s new, interesting, challenging or even routine in your life lately. Nothing is particularly obligatory here except:

Always remember the Moose Golden (Purple?) Rule:

Be kind to each other… or else.

What could be simpler than that, right?

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  1. iriti

    Headed for 61 degrees!!!1!!!!!!!!11

    Winter had what was hopefully its last gasp here, as lots of folks in the area had sleet. I don’t think it hit us; if it did it was while we were asleep.

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  2. Khloe

    30 degrees with a expected high of 44. Snow is possible tonight after midnight. I’m not at all opposed to sharing it with anyone. Any takers?    ðŸ˜‰

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  3. We got into the upper 50s yesterday but the wind was very strong and when it blows across the packed snow it is cold. Today’s expected high is 48 degrees and tomorrow it is supposed to get to 60 with rain.

    My coffee got cold while I was typing an email!!

    Today I have to work into the evening and I might need something more powerful:

  4. Probably going to work on art all day. I’m still updating pictures. Unfortunately all the easy fixes are done and I actually have to do some work. I worked on this one last night. It is part of the “Old Fashioned” series. This one is Old Fashioned Birthday.

    Old Fashioned Birthday photo OldFashionedBirthday2_zps48daffba.jpg

  5. ilovecheese

    Maybe some rain in the future. The Bullwinkle and I have been fed, so it’s a pretty good morning!

  6. nchristine

    Got some clean compiles yesterday!!!  Re-remembering how to use the system.

    No plans for the weekend – just relax!!  We actually got to 61F yesterday as well!!  However, average last frost is at the end of the first week of May.

  7. This week has been pretty good so far. Let’s not mess it up now!

    The good things:

    Weather is finally spring-like, temps in the 50s and 60s, and rain coming.

    Invitations to Son’s events are all mailed and rsvps are coming in.

    Test results from my physical are all reasonably good (or at least, the bad ones are better than they used to be.)

    I got to spend Wednesday with our daughter and grandson.

    Yesterday I volunteered for the first time at the food pantry.

    Last evening I had my first-of-five writing classes on “writing your spiritual life.” I’m not very spiritual so there will be some adjusting to do, but that’s okay.

    Today we’re volunteering at the free lunch program.

    Yesterday my sister and I arranged a weekend outing for us and husbands to Starved Rock. Brothers are invited, too, but they haven’t responded yet.

    Nephew and his wife are coming to dinner tomorrow evening.

    More to look forward to for next week…

    Hope you all are having fun, too!

  8. DeniseVelez

    Valley region of NY

    A red flag warning means that dangerous fire weather conditions are expected due to the combination of gusty winds… low relative humidities… and dry fuels. Any fires that develop may quickly get out of control and become difficult to contain.


    Hopefully rain predicted for Sunday will help.

  9. Jk2003

    Tomorrow will be mid 60s and possibly rainy.  We could use it.  Hope you are all doing well.  I have some inspection repairs to make today.  More phone calls to make.  Wish me luck.

  10. JG in MD

    Iriti’s weather is pretty much my weather most days, maybe warmer, so it looks like >61° and Yay! today.

    It’s been a crazy busy week for me. Why do I think this is a normal-type week for other people and I’m just out of shape?

  11. pittiepat

    many hours at the mechanics.  They may — or may not — appreciate my Googling shift lock problems.  It could be one of four problems and someone even posted pictures of a work around to avoid the $400-600 replacement cost.  Cross your fingers!

  12. slksfca

    55°F and overcast with predicted high in the mid-60s.

    Slept on my side all night (with pillow between knees). Progress!

    Today I meet a couple of new friends for lunch at the de Young Museum cafe. We’re also doing the current exhibition at the museum, Girl with a Pearl Earring: Dutch Paintings from the Mauritshuis.

    The exhibition features 35 paintings representing the range of subject matter and technique characteristic of 17th-century painting in the Dutch Republic. Among the works traveling to the United States is the Mauritshius’ celebrated masterpiece Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer and the enchanting The Goldfinch by Carel Fabritius. The painting Vase of Flowers by the gifted Rachel Ruysch, one of the few female painters of the Dutch Golden Age, is being restored especially for the American tour.

  13. wordsinthewind

    we’re warm heading towards hot for the next few days. It will be breezy though so it won’t feel too hot. I have an appointment for haircut and color this afternoon. I used to have my hair dyed brown but switched last year to grey, my natural color has actually gone completely clear. It’s not attractive at all so if I couldn’t afford a hairdresser I would do it myself. Or I would grow it long and pile it all on top in a messy bun, the big problem with the clear hair is that it looks like I’m balding because you see the scalp through it so a mass might overcome that.

  14. bfitzinAR

    priority registration is hotting up as our classes close and students are starting to freak out.  QC committee meeting last night was a waste of taxpayer dollars – not a single thing brought up that hasn’t been presented to the Court in previous meetings.  Maybe the noobs felt more comfortable in a training setting.  If so, the only redeeming feature.  Gotta go.  {{{HUGS}}} to all and thanks for the coffee – do I ever need it!

  15. princesspat

    My house has a few more quiet moments before the grand kids wake up and start the busy fun. I love them dearly, but this is a moment to savor.

  16. raina

    We’ve had warm temperatures for the past week or so, then bam! another cold front. Finally got a good bit of rain this week.

    I had my dr’s appt on Wed, and I had to drive 60 miles round trip, IN THE RAIN, and pay $30 co-pay for him to tell me the tests showed everything was fine with my heart. He couldn’t save me a trip and $ and tell me that over the phone? My primary dr. has the courtesy to do just that- he’ll call and say your bloodwork is fine, NED on mammogram, xrays are fine, etc. I wasn’t really expecting him to tell me bad news, but it’s nice to have confirmation that all is ok, until I freak out again in 6 months or so. LOL.  

  17. JG in MD

    I put on the label you use when you are not sending a check.

    I’ve finished paying for 2010 and I’m about halfway through paying for 2011. In six months or so I can start paying for 2012.

    My buddy at the IRS and I keep the paperwork flowing and the Treasury cashes my $10 and $20 checks. I’m sure the processing costs more than the checks are worth.

  18. Pam from Calif

    Feeling a bit better from my rotten no good cough/cold. Beautiful Spring day in my part of the world. Very sunny~low 60sF.  Finished my taxes now off to see the CPA.  Still promoting the Okiciyap Quilt Auction/Fundraiser.  But still very late to this diary.  Hope all is well in Mooseland.


    Sarah Vaughan ~ Black Coffee

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