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Archive for March 2013

The Daily F Bomb, Saturday 3/16/13

Happy Saturday, Bombazinos. Where I live the days are hitting highs in the low 80s, and the Jasmine is starting to bloom. Alas, foggy morning bring smoggy afternoons, so there is a trade-off.


When is it permissible to lie? What is something you believe in/are into your friends and family think is crazy? What is the first thing you notice about people? If you could go back in time and advise your younger self, what advice would you give? How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?

The Twitter Emitter


Can’t believe it is Friday again.  We have made it through another week already.  This week saw the election of a new Pope, testimony on the hill from military rape victims and DiFi told Cruz to shut up.  The sequester continues and the CPAC is so full of dumb that I have trouble reading or watching anything about it.  Hope you are all well and that there are no major problems in your lives.  But, if there are, we are here to discuss whatever you feel like discussing and will be happy to lend an ear if you need one.

I’ve Never Met My Best Friend: Pondering online friendships

This diary was prompted by a recent discussion elsewhere. It’s not meant to be a deep work of philosophy or literature, just musings on the questions ‘Are online friendships real? Do they have the same meaning and impact as off-line friendships?’ They’re questions that bring out strong opinions on both sides.

My opinion, as the title makes clear, is that online friendships can be just as powerful as in person relationships. They’re not the same, it’s true. But they can be just as precious.

My two best friends are on-line friends. One I’ve met once when trs and I swung by her house a couple of years ago during our vacation to help her out with a couple of things. We’d been friends for several years by then, though, without having met. She’s about 560 miles from me. My best friend I’ve never met is almost 1600 miles away. I hope to finally meet her this summer after 4 years of friendship.

In both cases, we started with chats in online comment threads, progressed to e-mails and then to phone calls. I have other online friends; some I’ve met at meet-ups, some not. Many I’ve met on political sites and then friended on Facebook. Because I have issues with social skills, interacting with them primarily in writing works well for me.  

The Daily F Bomb, Friday 3/15/13

Good morning Bombers! Is it really Friday? This week has been so long.

I think the first question may be hard… and the rest rather dull. ;-P


Today our kids are amazed to learn of the things we didn’t have when we were their age because they hadn’t been invented yet. Can you come up ideas for inventions that their kids will take for granted and be appalled that their parents didn’t have? (This is an imagination exercise – snark welcome.) Do you dream in color? Have you ever had a dream within a dream? When was the last time you tried something new, and what was it? When you shop for groceries, do you read the labels? If so, what are you trying to avoid? Would you rather be at South by Southwest or CPAC?

The Twitter Emitter

Why I am Converting to Catholicism

Yes. You read that correctly.  I’ve lived my life as a Jew, a traditional Jew in many senses.  And I have always been a rationalist.  But I am converting to Catholicism.  And it is the most rational thing for this rationalist Jew to do.  It’s motivated by empirical observation and analysis that suggests, quite convincingly, that The Roman Catholic Church has been telling the truth.  I cannot be an obstinate super doubting Thomas and remain unconvinced, even after probing the wounds of the Savior with my own grubby fingers.  The fact is, the Catholic Church has performed a miracle.

Thursday Coffee Hour: The Guardian Series Part Four

Welcome to Thursday Coffee Hour. This is an open topic thread so help yourself to the goodies and sit a spell and let us know what is new in your life. I have a couple of leads on where to promote my art so I’ve been updating all my old art on my website with new models and textures. I want everything to look as good as possible. I did a series in 2006 called the Guardian series where I tied everything together with the same dragon and rainbows. I wanted to challenge myself to see if I could do a series that was artistic and symbolic and united together. It wasn’t easy to do but the more I got into it the more I enjoyed creating it. The dragon was really a pretty clunky model and could not be posed. So I just finished updating the whole series. These are the Guardians of the Concepts. These were the most challenging of the whole series to do because I was taking abstract concepts and trying to make them into a concrete picture. See previous diaries for the Guardians of Time, Elements, and Seasons. I’ve included my comments on the pictures from my website.  

QOTD: NOM chairman suggests Chief Justice Roberts’ choice to adopt kids is “second best” option

Quote of the day, from the Associated Press:

“You’re looking at what is the best course societywide to get you the optimal result in the widest variety of cases. That often is not open to people in individual cases. Certainly adoption in families headed, like Chief Roberts’ family is, by a heterosexual couple, is by far the second-best option,” said John Eastman, chairman of the National Organization for Marriage. Eastman also teaches law at Chapman University law school in Orange, Calif.

Because when you’re less than two weeks out from arguing cases related to marriage and raising children, the thing to do is viciously and cruelly insult the Chief Justice’s family, right?