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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Archive for March 2013

Motley Monday Check in and Mooselaneous Musings

Good morning Motley Meese! Hope your weekend was lovely. Remember to let your peeps know where you are!

We break today from our normal Monday format to commiserate with those who had a truly wonderful St. Patrick’s Day yesterday and are regretting it today. Plus, it gives me an excuse to practice a new skill!

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The Daily F Bomb, Sunday 3/17/13

Happy Sunday, Bombadillos! I am going to try to get something done today (outside of diaries). Wish me luck, willya?


After you have pried your eyes open, what is the first thing you do when you wake up? Are you frugal or profligate? What is the earliest memory from your childhood? What did you want to grow up to be when you were little? Do you sing in the shower, and if so, what do you sing?

The Twitter Emitter

I wasn’t a fan of his before, but this… and now Malkin has sicced her troll followers on him:

A Very Late Happee Caturdai Pootie diaree

Those of you who already either know me or know of me know that I am a massive pootie person. We  moved into an apartment and now have a pootie, named Jenny; however I grew up with both cats & dogs and I love both. I do not discriminate against any animal & love animal photos of all kinds. Please enjoy the following and add any photos that you think the community would like to see. Now, enjoy the photos & have some fun.

My Irish Themed Art

I do all my art on the computer now due to arthritis in my hands. My main programs are DAZ 4.5 for figures, Bryce 7.1 for putting it all together, Photoshop for small touchups, and Turbosquid for a lot of my 3D models. I have always liked doing themed pictures and as it got more and more difficult to try and come up with gifts for a Mom who had everything she needed I started doing Irish pictures for her. Every year I’d do a special St. Patrick’s Day themed picture. After we lost Mom our Hospital Chaplain asked me to do a tribute picture for Mom. She was so proud of her Irish heritage that the picture was set in Ireland. Here are some of the pictures I have done and some thoughts on them.

Irish Sayings

(In case you need some Irish sayings for tomorrow.)

The Irish have always had the reputation for having the gift of gab. Irish come from a storytelling heritage. They love to talk, tell tall tales, sing, laugh at themselves and others, and just sit and talk for a while. I gave my Dad a bookmark that read: Irish diplomacy. The ability to tell a man to go to hell and make him look forward to it. Here then are some Irish saying both humorous and serious.

Irish Food with Recipes

(In case you are wondering what to serve for dinner tomorrow.)

When you think of Irish food the first thing that comes to mind is potatoes. Certainly the history of Ireland has one of its most tragic times during the Great Famine of 1845 to 1850 that saw the death of millions and millions more emigrating many to the United States. Irelands history is one of extreme poverty while landlords became rich and ate well.

Traditional Irish cooking is of the meat and potatoes variety. Cattle, sheep and pigs were all used for meat. Fishing provides a good portion of the Irish diet. Grains were mainly grown for cash crops. Green vegetables like cabbage and kale are frequently part of the Irish diet. While many continue to think of Irish cooking as bland there are now chefs that are showing a new side of Irish cooking to the world.

Irish stew is traditionally little more then mutton or lamb, potatoes, carrots and water. Potatoes are often paired with cabbage, kale or green onions. There are many recipes that use Guinness. Irish like to fry their meats and sausages and go for a hearty breakfast.

I am having family over for dinner tonight to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Here are some of recipes that go well with an Irish dinner.


A parent dies; a child moves out. Time passes and we accumulate things, usually at a faster pace than we rid ourselves of them. And one day we look around and realize we have a problem. In many ways it’s a problem of good fortune, but it’s a problem nonetheless.

The problem is stuff. Well, I take that back. The problem isn’t stuff. It’s what stuff does to our mental and physical spaces. Stuff is in our way.

What spurs you to finally get rid of stuff? A change in circumstances, such as a move, an addition or absence of a family member in the household? A look around in disgust or frustration? How much time do you spend moving things, cleaning around things, pushing through things? How much stuff do you need?  

Out the Back Window – 03-16-13

A couple of days ago the weather in east central Iowa was kind of nice-ish. We have had a fair amount of rain. Melting has removed most of the snow and ice. We are making progress toward spring. But, there are no green things yet.

Melanie and I were returning from a walk and approached our driveway. The neighbors have a huge cottonwood tree. She looked up and asked what that thing was up in their tree. I got the camera and two pictures. It’s about the size of a softball. We had never seen it before. I thought the neighbor boys had destroyed a softball and ripped off the cover. They are wound with string. Maybe they tossed it up there.

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