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Sunday Morning Herd Check-in: Greetings and Grazings of the Moosekin

  Make sure you let your peeps know where to find you!  

   Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead!   

     Daylight Savings Time is NOW!!!!!

If you are new to the Moose, Kysen left a Moose Welcome Mat (Part Deux) so, please, wipe your feet before you walk in the front door start posting.

The important stuff to get you started:

– Comments do not Auto-refresh. Click the refresh/reload on your tab to see new ones.

– To check for replies to your comments, click the “My Comments” link in the right-hand column (or go to “My Moose”). Comments will be listed and a link to Recent Replies will be shown. (Note: Tending comments builds community)

– Ratings: Fierce means Thumbs Up, Fail means Thumbs Down, Meh means one of three things: I am unFailing you but I can’t Fierce you, I am unFiercing after a mistaken Fierce, or Meh. Just Meh.

– Ratings don’t bestow mojo, online behaviour does.

– Only click Post once for comments. When a diary’s comment thread gets longer, it takes a bit to reload and the comment may not display as quickly. Clicking the Post button twice posts the comment twice. (h/t Khloe)

– When creating a new diary, remember to choose the Draft option (near the bottom) while you are working on it. Choose the Public option when you want to publish it. (h/t Khloe)

– Finally, the posting rules for a new diary: “Be excellent to each other… or else

(Some other commenting/posting/tending notes for newbies can be found in this past check-in and, of course, consult Meese Mehta for all your questions on meesely decorum.)

Here is a great link to have open in a tab: Motley Moose Recent Comments


And if you are a new moose (or an old moose) looking for a second chance to make a first impression, you can start right here.



  1. Khloe

    Sunny and 73 outside today. I got the perfect cross breeze coming right off Lake Huron. Abernathy is in the window stalking the hummingbirds. Cocoa has staked out the robins. I’m sipping some RumChata and listening to some George Benson…… in my inner world.

  2. Mets102

    Went walking in the late afternoon for a little over an hour.  Nice and sunny and mild.  I hope the weather continues to stay like that instead of the snow we got on Friday.

  3. blue jersey mom

    It is only about 30 this morning, but it is supposed to get up to about 60. Yesterday’s warmer weather melted a lot of the snow. My first crocus is blooming. Spring is coming. Rob is home for spring break. I am going to make some fancy tea sandwiches for brunch.  

  4. trs

    First, one of my musical favorites, Joe Jackson (If you haven’t read his book, A Cure for Gravity it’s worth looking at.

    Or maybe U2 is more to your liking…

  5. The past couple of days have been very rainy and dreary here in east central Iowa. There was about a foot of snow on the ground before the rain started. We have had about an inch of rain. Melting has removed a lot of snow and ice. A little more will come take it’s place in the next 24 hours. Then, we get some snow. But we are making progress toward spring.

  6. We had fun with our party last night. Just 5 neighbors and us, but we all know each other pretty well and it’s easy to just BE with them. Lots of good food, plenty of wine, not much whining…

    Good news from FFDIL (Fabulous Future Daughter in Law). She’s now heard 2 grad schools of the 5 to which she applied. UC Berkeley and Univ. of Chicago have both admitted her. Now she’s still waiting for the ones she really wants. 🙂

    Today’s weather: sounds like Jan’s except were starting a little higher. It’s 43 and is supposed to be about 39 all day. Fog came up a while ago. Glad we don’t need to go out.  

  7. anotherdemocrat

    Supposed to be partly cloudy today with highs in the mid-to-upper 60s.

    I’m just chilling on the couch, watching Chris Hayes. I was planning to go to Dallas this weekend, but that switched to Wed-Fri of next week. So I told my church to go ahead & list me on the prayer concerns this week. Now I don’t want to go, because I couldn’t bear to be there when they say it. So I have this weird morning where I’m not going to church. A friend from work is coming over this afternoon to help put together a set of shelves & I need to make next week’s breakfast smoothies. I think I might go to the gym & swim in the late morning, just to leave the house. Or not. I might just watch Chris & Melissa & do nothing else.

  8. wordsinthewind

    and cooler than yesterday, the wind is indicating another big blow for today. I’m drinking coffee and working on persuading myself that another day inside will be good for finishing up projects. Mr w was dropping hints about a pound cake yesterday so perhaps that would cheer both of us up.  

  9. pittiepat

    gone thanks to rain and warm temperatures.  While I’d rather park myself on the sofa and finish reading the last book of the stack of mysteries from the library I promised myself to do house cleaning.  This place doesn’t take much to shine it up so why I hate to expend the effort is hard to explain (except for being just plain lazy).  

  10. jlms qkw

    another mild day.  yesterday was very sunny, and windy.  

    kids are laying around like slugs.  i am grateful they never say “why didn’t you let us sleep 5 more minutes” on mornings like this.  

    first big goal for the day is met: we’re up and about in a timely manner.  

  11. slksfca

    Up early today (and yes, I set the clocks ahead) because I twisted myself into an uncomfortable position during the night. But I’m glad to be here. Glad there’s a “here” to be. 🙂

    Local weather:


    Current: Partly Cloudy

    Wind: N at 0 mph

    Humidity: 80%

    Predicted high for the City: mid-60s, with high probability of napping in the afternoon.

    I hope everyone has a nice Sunday to look forward to. Mine will be langorous and lazy!

  12.  photo BirthdayPic_zpsd28cac64.jpg

    Children are a time accelerator.  I swear it seems like barely 2 months ago he was born, and now he’s running around walking and trying very hard to talk.   Well by talk I mean verbally his parents taught him sign language, he’s been talking after a fashion for months.

    We had a Cowboy/Western theme for his party yesterday, because everyday I’ve seen him I’ve sat him on my knee and we sang this

  13. One of those couldn’t sleep until 4 a.m. mornings. Yawn! Have Dark Chocolate Truffle Coffee to try and wake me up. Need to get some writing done and more art worked on so it will be a computer day.

    I recently saw an illustration of how the planets would look if they were the same distance from us as our moon. Of course I had to do art with that inspiration. This is Jupiter Rising and shows what we would see if Jupiter were the same distance from us as our sun.

    Jupiter Rising photo JupiterRising-1_zpsbb9a9f83.jpg

  14. Nurse Kelley

    Yesterday’s blizzard is just a blip on the memory card, or will be when my guy comes to plow the drive. Wish me luck in the morning – I’ll be in the endoscopy lab bright and early to find out why my stomach x-rays were so wonky.

  15. but I have a nook I got in October for my birthday. I’ve purchased a couple of books for it from B&N, and that went fine. But I want to be able to check out books from my library, too. And the information for how to do that makes me feel completely dense, like I don’t even know how to read, much less follow directions.

    ugh….. It’s like some people say “oh, I can’t do math.” I feel like, “oh, I can’t do book downloads.”


  16. Ebby

    giving way to sunshine so it looks to be a very nice day.  The outdoors is calling me… there’s so much to do around the property it’s hard to decide where to start.

    I’d been pricing the materials to make some raised beds for a vegetable garden, and two days ago came across a local guy selling pre-made ones for less than what my cost for materials would be, so I bought two.  Feeling a little sheepish about not making them myself (as I’ve done before), buy hey — I actually saved myself money, and supported a local enterprise!  Not all bad, right?

  17. dear occupant

    oh i wish i could blame my late arrival

    on the screwy Daylight Savings Time thingy

    but i can’t.

     photo thCA974IE4.jpg

    truth is i was up all night and didn’t

    get to sleep until 6.

    it’s pouring here on the lakefront and already

    48, the snow will be history soon enough. birds

    chirping like crazy, sure feels like spring to me!

    have a great day everyone!

  18. princesspat

    I’ve had a lovely lazy morning resting, chatting on the phone with my kids, and finally finishing reading The Memory of Light. While I’m sad to have the adventure end I can now start a new series and that will be fun too.

    I’m recovering surprisingly well from last weeks moving adventure. When the surgeon said to expect real recovery to take two yrs I just couldn’t accept it, but now I’m carefully hoping she was right. It feels good to just be more “normally” tired. I’ll be back at the PT pool tomorrow however, as I know that remains critically important to my overall well being.

  19. and MM is very comfortable and welcoming. Believe me how much I appreciate that. And I am fine. We are fine. We’re happy in our lives, and we are fine. But sometimes, sometimes, this is very hard. Very hard and painful. There are different levels and sources of pain, and some amount of anger. And no one knows the whole story, and no one can, even me. I am not allowed to. And that is hard, too.

    Understand, please, I’m NOT trying to drag a fight or controversy here. I’m just expressing a moment of my emotion. That’s all.

    Thanks for listening.

  20. slksfca

    …that I can’t wait until tomorrow morning to report this (though I’ll probably repeat myself then anyway!).

    My old friend C (we’ve known each other for over 30 years) actually lives just across the street from me. And late this afternoon she came by to accompany me for a walk around the neighborhood. We stopped at a local café for mochas and sat outside in warm sunshine (at 6PM!), then she walked with me down the street a couple of blocks to a restaurant where some SF Kossacks were meeting for dinner, so I could say hi and get some always-welcome hugs.

    Well, the greetings from the group were SO warm and loving that we stayed there for nearly a half-hour just standing and talking, until I finally had to drag myself away because I was getting pooped out. And on the way back home my friend C was blown away that I’d met all these wonderfully friendly people over the internet, and that she now worried less about me being such a hermit these past months because she could tell that these were friends who would actually be there when needed.

    And that was before I told her that one of them (navajo) had actually driven up from the Peninsula to take me to the hospital, and then again to bring me back home when I was released.

    I’m sooooo tired out right now, but flying with good feelings from a great afternoon out and had to share. 😀

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