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WAYWO: L’arpies and Sock Monkey and Octopi, Oh My!

I did this diary for “What Are You Working On?” over at GOS. Come on you know you are dying to find out what a L’arpie is.

This year I decided to go all crafty for the family for Christmas. I had already purchased custom made L’arpies for them. I decided to do sock monkeys and yarn octopi as well.

L’arpies are custom made over in the UK and the name stands for “Little ‘appy Rock People.” They are the mascots for RACPA UK (Rock Against Child Pornography and Abuse UK). All money goes to this worthwhile charity. My L’arpie Michele Cook/Baker was the first L’arpie to reach the United States. There is a growing community of L’arpie owners Stateside now.

The L’arpies are made to order and each is unique. When I decided that I had to have one I asked about the possibility of one being made and sent overseas. We talked about color and style etc. and decided that what I really needed was the Baker/Cook L’arpie. So I wired the money over to England at sat down and waited. I was excited when they told me it had been shipped. Unfortunately L’arpie Michele decided to take the long way around as it took six weeks to get here. She was worth the wait.

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Each L’arpie is unique. Those of us who are L’arpie owners all seem to have a wacko sense of humor and we will pose and take pictures of our L’arpie and put them up on the Club L’arpie page on Facebook or the main L’arpie page on Facebook. I have discovered that L’arpie makers, L’arpie owners and the L’arpies themselves all need our coffee in the morning.

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These are the North Carolina L’arpies including mine L’arpie Michele Baker/Cook, the Knights of Columbus L’arpie that I got for my late brother, the Tenth Doctor L’arpie, and in front Captain Jack Fl’obble.

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These are the North Carolina octopi including mine the yellow one called Octavia Octopus.

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These are the North Carolina sock monkeys including mine the blue and black striped one called Sue Sockey Monkey.

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Kevin is a Superman, sock monkey and Doctor Who fan. His favorite color is blue.

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Berni recently got her Master’s degree and her favorite color is red.

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Kayla is our math person, loves cows, and the color purple.

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Tristen is our tech support and computer guru and loves anything Celtic and the color orange.

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Zack loves dogs, computer games, and the color green.

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  1. wordsinthewind

    never thought of them except with the red heels and yours are so clever. That’s going on my wish list of projects which is getting whittled down since I retired. There are a few folks I know who could use a cheerful sock monkey of their own.  

  2. I love creative folks and the things they make. I will have to settle for hammer and shovel, but maybe someday I will make smaller things with my hands as well.

    In the meantime, I’ll admire yours. :~)

  3. cassandracarolina

    at summer camp! Now that’s a craft I can pick up again at my advanced age! But wait… who needs a yarn octopus? Well, I’ll find someone…

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