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Archive for January 2013

The Daily F Bomb, Thursday 1/17

Hello, Bombers! Another day, another dollar. Another day, another stupid Republican Trick. Another day, another gun death. Another day, another…

So let me think of some irrelevant questions to ask you. What was your favorite sitcom ever? Soup: Broth based or creamy? What is your favorite cheese? T-shirts: V-neck or crew neck? Farrah, Jaclyn, or Kate? What is your favorite decade (not counting this one) for fashion? Men in sandals, yes or no? Facial hair, good or bad?

The usual suspects on Twitter have this to say (please note there are some jokes about an imaginary girlfriend. If you missed this, Google Manti Te’o):

Now, on to the history lesson!

Why Does Mississippi Vote Republican?

This post will attempt to explain why Mississippi is a Republican stronghold today.

But before doing that, let’s describe another state – call it State X. Looking at State X is very useful for analyzing why Mississippi votes Republican. I invite you to guess what state it is.

Here is a description of State X.

Demographically, State X is very rural and very white. There are no major cities in the state; one has to cross state lines and drive more than a hundred miles to find the nearest metropolitan area. Racially, the state is homogeneously white; indeed, it is the second whitest state in the entire nation.

State X has almost always been a one-party stronghold, and that party has generally been the Republican Party. The Republican Party has almost always taken this state’s electoral votes; indeed, it voted for a Republican president for more than a century. State X has only elected one Democratic senator in its entire history.

More below.

My Letter to My GOP Congressman

This is the letter I sent to my congressman, Michael Grimm, a Republican.  It’s a bit of an unfortunate reminder that for the first time in my life I’m represented in Congress by a Republican thanks to redistricting.  Before this, I was represented by Rep. Jerrold Nadler, a good liberal Democrat.

Dear Congressman Grimm,

I write to urge you to support the common sense proposals put forth today by President Obama. They are measures designed to curb gun violence without infringing upon the constitutional rights of law-abiding gun owners. Each and every one of us has the right to safe streets, safe schools, safe workplaces and safe public areas.

The weapons that President Obama seeks to have banned are in no way related to self-defense or hunting or any other legal and legitimate purpose. Such military-style assault weapons are designed solely for the purpose of killing and injuring other human beings. There is no reason such weapons should be legal. Similarly, high-capacity magazines are designed to fuel those weapons and make it easier to kill people. As with the weapons, there is no reason such magazines should be legal.

As for universal background checks and registration, I cannot imagine any logical reasons to oppose them. We require a similar system, including licensing, when it comes to automobiles to demonstrate proficiency and safety. Why should guns be any different?

I ask you to put the safety of your constituents, along with those of all Americans, first. That is more important than receiving a high rating from the NRA and other organizations in the gun lobby. Enough people have died over the years because their extreme points of view have too long held sway over too many of our elected officials despite the majority of Americans support common sense gun laws. Please let them know that enough is enough.


Ryan Mets102

Shotgun thoughts

Hi y’all. With all this struggle going on about cartridge guns, I thought I’d change the subject and ask you for some advice about a different gun; the shotgun.

I don’t own any guns, never have. I did live with a sensible fellow for some years, who owned a revolver and a shotgun, which was shortened. I don’t know why this is done.

Anyway, he took me down to the Pecos one day to show me how to shoot the guns. This is not difficult. Aiming is a bit more of a problem. When I fired the shotgun (I was supposed to shoot into the Pecos) I missed. My roommate laughed his ass off. “You killed that tree!”

Okay, it was a small tree, and I was very embarrassed, and none of this was my idea. I was just happy about getting to go to the river. If I had to shoot it, well whatever. Tree collateral damage, so sad. 

Okay, so a shotgun. I could kind of see owning a shotgun. I could see treating it as a kind of sacrament. I would put it under something or in a closet with a closing door. No humans live with me.

I’ve been depressed a lot over the years. I have never instigated physical assault. I have never tried to kill myself with knives, guns, ropes. I do drink a lot. And I have for years.

And I think, A shotgun. Why not? Just another tool. And I am so tired of the assaults and the attempted pimping and the general ongoing inclination to hurt people like me.

I probably won’t buy one, but you never know. I promise though that if I do ever buy a shotgun, I’ll ask too for a local gun buddy, of any gender, who will work with me to teach me to become comfortable with the gun. They are dangerous tools, but here we are, surrounded by them.

I want everything to be entirely different. I am as radical as we come.

But if I must be surrounded by gun-owners, all right. We must address this. And nothing about this will change quickly.


Highlights from Governor Jay Inslee's inaugural address

(highlights from my point of view – it was a fairly lengthy address)


. . . This is a very special day for my family. And this is a very special time in history for many other families.

People all across Washington stood up for fairness and family in approving marriage equality last November. We should all be proud. The vote on Referendum 74 represents the best of who we are as a state. It should be an inspiration for the progress we can make toward equality, fairness and justice across all of Washington.

Inslee resigned his seat in congress to campaign for governor, yet found the time to actively campaign for Ref 74 in the midst of his own campaign. He has long supported marriage equality.



Common Sense, 2013 style

Below is the White House Summary of the 23 Executive actions taken by President Obama today in response to the gun violence which plagues our nation.

The Daily F Bomb, Wednesday 1/16

Happy Hump day, Effers! Wednesday, also (for me) gym day, which equates to feline resentment day…

A few questions: Do drinks taste better out of bottles or cans? What food does everyone else love but you hate? What sounds best? Records, CDs or MP3s (and other electronic variations)? Have you ever caught yourself saying, “When I was your age…?” Did you stop yourself in time? Hardwood or carpet? White, whole wheat, sourdough, rye, pumpernickel, or other? What do you mean, “it depends???”  Has your handwriting deteriorated with the advent of computers? Has anything else? Can you still be a feminist and be subservient to shoes?

Let’s have some Tweets:

Now, on to the history lesson!

What are you reading? Jan 16, 2013

For those who are new … we discuss books.  I list what I’m reading, and people comment with what they’re reading.  Sometimes, on Sundays, I post a special edition on a particular genre or topic.

If you like to trade books, try bookmooch

I’ve written some book reviews on Yahoo Voices:

Book reviews on Yahoo