Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

People Updates (GMB02/ Teacherken/ LoreleiHI)

Just wanted to post a single diary to keep everyone updated on some community members from GOS, since there’s such a high crossover.

First – commonmass has a new diary about GMB02:

Update on GMB02’s Health Crisis – Hope and Change

They are working to wean him off of the ventilator using what is essentially a high-powered version of the CPAP people with sleep apnea use. In order to do that, they have had to “wake him up” from the deep sedation he was under. He knows me, and our priest, and his family, and he also knows he’s still intubated–which is not pretty to watch. However, they do have to “wake him up” to do this and there is hope that they can get him to an assisted rather than dependent breathing full-time in the next couple of days. His dialysis is less constant and his kidney and liver function is steadily improving. There is some (very common in ICU’s) staph pneumonia related to his intubation which is responding to treatment and his blood infection responded to treatment. He’s going to be in the hospital for a while, and his organs are beginning to function, but he’s not out of the woods.

Definitely better than we thought the situation was last week, but still a long road at this point.  

Second, Teacherken’s wife, Leaves on the Current, is also in the hospital with a mass on her spine.  His latest diary is here:

So now we wait

Just found out they have ordered another MRI, this time of her entire thoracic spine –  I think just to be sure they have all the info and to verify the location and size of the mass on her back.


They’re waiting on biopsy results at this point and his wife has been fitted with a back brace (they were worried about the mass damaging her spine).

And third, I posted about LoreleiHI last night, who posted a plea to help her get away from her spouse, who is currently in jail for domestic violence:

A Plea to those in Maine

From one of her comments, it appears she found someone she could stay with:

In good news, a Kos lurker who’s local contacted me, so there might be a solution in the works. I’m crossing my fingers.

I promise I’ll write a diary soon that will have something to do with politics and nothing to do with GOS, but I thought it would be nice to update everyone.  


  1. LabWitch

    updated.  still sending universal energy to all of them.  cauldron still bubbling away with positive herbs and suchlike going into the ether and reaching them.  labs are also still speaking with their labrador friends asking for good energy for these good hoomins.  even sooperpanna is using his panda magic skills.  

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