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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

"Tampering with Evidence" or "Happy Birthday, Roe v Wade"

If Cathrynn Brown (R-NM) has her way sexual assault victims who seek an abortion could be charged with a felony punishable by up to three years in prison.

HB206 reads in part:

Tampering with evidence shall include procuring or facilitating an abortion, or compelling or coercing another to obtain an abortion, of a fetus that is the result of criminal sexual penetration or incest with the intent to destroy evidence of the crime.

So if Ms. Brown has her way not only should a woman, or fourteen-year-old child for that matter, be forced to bear a child that was conceived through assault but having a medical procedure to end that pregnancy could land a woman in jail.  (I’m at least hopeful that minors wouldn’t get any jail time but I’m still an optimist sometimes.)

I get that there are people who are, I’m never sure of the correct term these days, “forced birth” or “anti-abortion.”  I get that there are moral reasons for some to oppose what I consider a right to choose.  But here’s my thing: don’t have an abortion if you don’t want one.  It is that simple.  But what a woman and her doctor choose is none of our business unless we are invited into that decision-making process.

I have a friend (I really do!) who, along with his wife, has been trying to have a child.  After several miscarriages she finally appeared to have a viable fetus.  Actually, she had two.  And because of the age of my friend and his wife they had tests run and one of the fetuses (baby A) was determined to have severe disabilities so my friend and his wife decided to have a reduction.  Would I have made the same choice?  I don’t know and it really doesn’t matter.  Because it isn’t my life or my decision.  Do I have an opinion on their decision?  Yep.  Doesn’t matter.  Because it isn’t my life or my decision.  I certainly have not changed my opinion of either person, though.  

Meanwhile the same people screeching about “small government” and “freedom” are the same ones all up in a woman’s business, almost literally.

Happy Birthday, Roe v Wade … what’s left of you.


SANTA FE – State Rep. Cathrynn Brown, sponsor of an anti-abortion bill that she called poorly written, said her intent was not to charge rape victims with a felony if they terminated their pregnancy.

Brown, R-Carlsbad, said her bill was badly drafted and that she did not catch the language problems when reviewing it. “I missed this one,” she said Thursday.…  

It says alot about the state of the GOP that at this point I’m not inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt.


  1. sricki

    Absolutely vomitous.

    Someone with a diary up on DKos posted this link to an article that says she’s recanting. If it’s true, I guess she caught a lot of shit quick, huh?

    Doesn’t matter. That kind of hateful bile is like toothpaste: once it’s out, you can’t put it back (and trying to do so will only make things messier). Portlaw phrased it well, and you can’t put back a vocalized sentiment like rape victims are “evidence lockers.”

    There was a time when I felt surprised when would hear about a female Republican working this hard to roll back women’s rights. Now I don’t even blink. I love psychology, and I’ve done a fair bit of reading over the years. But I really can’t begin to fathom what kind of twisted self-loathing, woman-persecuting mentality this is on the part of GOP women.

    The degree to which women’s right to choose has been attacked and further limited across the country of late has left me aghast. I really thought that more legislators (at least at the state level?) had a little more decency than that. Shows you what I get for trying to have a bit of faith in people.

    There is something seriously wrong with the lot of these folks.

    I love the USA, but sometimes I’m really scared to be living here.

  2. jsfox

    Update: Brown told the AP today that “the measure is being misrepresented.” As many have suggested, Brown says her intent was simply to outlaw a rapist from forcing his victim to get an abortion to cover up his crime. Unfortunately, the bill, as currently worded (“procuring … an abortion … of a fetus that is the result of criminal sexual penetration or incest with the intent to destroy evidence of the crime”), seems to also include the rape victim herself. Brown said she plans to “revise the bill.”

    Personally even with this revision this bill is way beyond stupid.

  3. dear occupant

    ‘badly drafted, i missed this one’, line of defense.

    she’s a lawyer for cryin’ out loud. she’s just a small time Representative who got caught trying to sneak this disgusting legislation through without notice. the social media sh**storm is the only reason she’s attempting to walk it back now. she had to shut down her FB page.

    she should keep it closed and crawl back in the intolerant hole from whence she came.

    thanks for this post HappyinVt.

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