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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Thursday Herd Check-in and an Open Thread to aMooz Yourselves With

  Make sure you let your peeps know where to find you!  

If you are new to the Moose, Kysen left a Moose Welcome Mat (Part Deux) so, please, wipe your feet before you walk in the front door start posting.

You are invited to stop in at donnamarie’s Introduction Diary later and let everyone know who you are and what your passions are: politics, pooties, photography, whatevers. Or let us know here and maybe someday someone will gather them all together for an extortion letter a novella a blog roll post.

Some notes for newbies are in Wednesday’s Open Thread.

The big stuff:

– Comments do not Auto-refresh. Click the refresh/reload on your tab to see new ones.

– To check for replies to your comments, click the “My Comments” link in the right-hand column (or go to “My Moose”). Comments will be listed and a link to Recent Replies will be shown.

(Note: Tending comments builds community)


This is pretty darned easy to remember … the posting rules for a new diary:

Be excellent to each other… or else

From Kysen’s keyboard to your eyes:

Think of our comment threads as dinner table conversations. We start with the assumption that all come to the conversation with good intentions and go from there. If you get upset or angry, get up from the table and step outside for a bit.

For those looking for a second chance to make a first impression, that is very good advice.


Yesterday’s Daily F Bomb (don’t forget to hover over the photos).

See you in the threads!


  1. trs

    40 in the Shenandoah Valley, with an expected high close to 50. Predicting 70 for Sunday, so iriti wants to ride her new bike.

  2. Actbriniel

    24 degrees here in CT but will “warm up” to 41 today.  And yes, I do find these posts very a-moos-ing!

  3. dear occupant

    already 35 on the lakefront and we’re being promised some rain. i’ll take it, at least we don’t have to shovel rain.

    i’m starting to settle in here. found an old Northestern hoodie my wife gave me a while back that i never wore.

    real nice shade of purple.

  4. iriti

    Beautiful sunrise this morning here in the the valley.

    Tomorrow, trs is going to get a building permit to developing our land. First up is grade and gravel the driveway, followed by building and finishing his 16×24 workshop. All that should happen by spring.

    In theory, building his workshop first makes all the sense in the world. In practice, it may be like letting a kid loose in a candy store and I may never see him again.

    We hope to put in the well and septic this year as well, next year at the latest, and start building the house by 2015 at the latest.

  5. SheltieMan

    ..of fishing in the shallow employment pool. Already 37 here in beautiful Charles Town, WV. Going for a high of 50f today.

    Dink, patriarch of the Barks Bunch, has been off his feed for several days. We’ve tempted him with various combinations of dry/soft food, yogurt, vegetables and a bit of garlic powder, but he’s not enthusiastic. Seeing that he’s almost 15 y.o., I suppose he’s entitled to be a bit crotchety about his food. I see a vet visit in his immediate future.

  6. Khloe

    26 out right now. Expected to hit 40 with lots of rain tonight. Hopefully this time it won’t freeze when it hits the ground. It rained a bit yesterday morning and there were 200 accidents in 2 hours. This is Michigan… we are suppose to know how to drive in it.

    Today we are…..


  7. wordsinthewind

    we got almost an inch and a half rain yesterday, if it hadn’t been so cold people would have been outside dancing in it. It’s supposed to warm up today before the next storm blows in tomorrow.  

  8. raina

    feeling grouchy bec the dogs woke me up, again. I have a hard time sleeping as it is, I don’t need help waking up. Sheesh.  

  9. Nurse Kelley

    We’ll be in the 40’s today, then the cold weather and high winds arrive tomorrow and give us a nasty weekend of sub-zero temps. Guess I’ll make a provisions run later today.

  10. Lorinda Pike

    Thunderstorms likely this morning. Then a chance of scattered thunderstorms this afternoon. A few storms may be severe. High 69F. Winds SE at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 80%…

    It’s 80%ing all over me right now. I think we have one sunny day forecast within the next week.

    It’s 20 degrees warmer than it should be for this time of year, and so damp I’m beginning to mildew.

    Morning, Mooses!

  11. fogiv

    Totally OT:  I’ve long since lost track of that other thread, so I’ll post here the abstract for the paper I’m presenting at the SCA meetings in Berkeley, early this coming March.  Anyhoo, FYI:



    Drudgery, Dredging, and Distinction:  Findings of the Lower Steiner Flat Cultural Resources Inventory along the Trinity River, Trinity County, California.

    The Bureau of Reclamation conducted a cultural resource inventory in support of a phased Trinity River Restoration Program undertaking designed to promote migratory fish populations in the Trinity River. This effort resulted in the documentation of seven newly recorded historic archaeological sites, and an updated examination of three previously recorded resources. As expected, most are related to historic mining, and are types ubiquitous to the region.  However, the unusual complexity of one (CA-TRI-1602H), having been spared obliteration by later mining practices, provides a relatively rare glimpse into the rapidly disappearing past of early mining technology, agriculture, and European settlement.


  12. Had the nerve to rain in my neck of the woods this morning.  

    Kysen’s words up there reminded me of my decompression from Kos.  The best way to describe it comes from my favorite movie of all times The Princess Bride.  Anyhow remember when Wesley wakes up from being dead?  He screams “I’ll kill you all line them up” took Fezzik and Inigo a minute to convince him he wasn’t fighting and there was no need to.  Welcome to the Moose.  

  13. justme

    I ran to the store before I came home for lunch and got the makings for the weekly/biweekly dog and human food. Which is basically lentils cooked with chicken and whatever spices, leftovers, veggies, whatever hanging around the house.

    I then undercooked a potato—the middle of it was okay, though, so the lunch mission was accomplished—and am now catching my breath before I head back to the Dungeo … erm, office.

    Raining here. Beautiful rain! Lovely rain!

    Been raining a day or so. I wouldn’t mind if it rained another day or so!

  14. LeftOverFlowerChild

    In my small, throw a rock from one end to other, hometown…And we’ve had rain! Hooray! Lots of rain…More rain in the last two days than we’ve had in the last three or four months.

    Now the sun is shining, it’s a cool but comfy 55 here. Late afternoon break time me. That means Earl Grey, a few shortbread cookies and finally some time to play with my Christmas present…An honest to goodness bobbin lace making kit! So excited! Yes I know I rank high in dweebville, but any kind of lacemaking it joy to my soul. Maybe not so simple a pleasure but a pleasure to me nonetheless.

    Really enjoying hanging out with all the moosez!  

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