Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Wednesday Morning Herd Check-in and Thread to Mooz Around In

  Make sure you let your peeps know where to find you!  

If you are new to the Moose, Kysen left a Moose Welcome Mat (Part Deux) so, please, wipe your feet before you walk in the front door start posting.

You are invited to stop in at donnamarie’s Introduction Diary later and let everyone know who you are and what your passions are: politics, pooties, photography, whatevers.

Some stuff I figured out:

– If you just joined, there may be a 24 hour waiting period to comment. You will be able to start a comment and it will APPEAR as though you can post it but the Post will error out. There will be a 24 hour wait to rate and build a sig line. 48 hour wait to write an article (diary).

– Comments do not Auto-refresh. Click the refresh/reload on your tab to see new ones. Or click the diary title at the top or the bottom of the page. Do NOT assume you are all alone if you don’t see comments “appearing” … comments do not just show up, they are invited. ๐Ÿ˜‰

– When you click Preview, the screen does not jump and show you the preview. You have to scroll up a bit to see the preview and click Post.

– When a diary gets to 200 comments it bogs down. Kysen suggests we stop and build a Part II if threads get unmanageable.

– New comments in a diary can be found by searching for [new] BUT:

   – The new tags are cleared on a refresh.

   – The new tags are cleared when you reply to a comment while you are in the diary.

– To check for replies to your comments, click the “My Comments” link in the right-hand column (or go to “My Moose”). Comments will be listed and a link to Recent Replies will be shown.

The comment replies page ROCKS! It not only shows the subject line of your comment but the subject line (and user) of the replies … and if their reply was replied to. Great information to tend your comments and your diaries.

(Note: Tending comments builds community)


– If you click FAIL and meant Fierce, just click Fierce. Most people Fierce as a way to keep track of what they read. If you feel that someone has Fiercely Failed, you are out of luck … you can only choose one of the three. ๐Ÿ˜‰


This is pretty darned easy to remember … the posting rules for a new diary:

Be excellent to each other… or else

From Kysen’s keyboard to your eyes:

Think of our comment threads as dinner table conversations. We start with the assumption that all come to the conversation with good intentions and go from there. If you get upset or angry, get up from the table and step outside for a bit.

For those looking for a second chance to make a first impression, that is very good advice.


Yesterday’s Daily F Bomb (don’t forget to hover over the photos).

See you in the threads!


  1. trs

    28 here, with an expected high of 55. Iriti got her new bike yesterday – definitely a cool bike. A hybrid road/trail bike. And it actually fits her – amazing what a bike shop that knows what they’re doing can accomplish.

    Friday I’m going to the county clerk’s office in the county we have our land in to get the building permit for my workshop. Then my fun starts…

  2. kirbybruno

    36 going to 40 something. We know what that means, right? ::sigh::  As of 7:25, first day kidless in almost 3 weeks. Time to break out the bons bons and hit the couch to watch “Keeping Up With the Kardasians”.  

    I KID!

    I am actually dying to finish organizing all of my household paperwork, I have already cleaned out 2102 and set up my current system, and am now completely purging and gutting my long tern stuff.  I love it! I am such a weirdo, I know. o_O

    Have a good one!

  3. DeniseVelez

    skies are grey

    Spending the morning rying to figger out what to do about a giant barn rat that has decided to invade my pantry.  My cats seem to be fascinated by it – but since it is larger than their usual gifts of mice they haven’t demolished it.


  4. dear occupant

    it’s 20 on the lakefront  and promising a high 40, with lots of sunshine.

    with all this light, how will my S.A.D. ever kick in?

    will be keeping my distance from the article template today.

    i’m not sure if i’ll never live up to that first one, or never live it down. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ


  5. wordsinthewind

    it’s 42 and cloudy in the desert. We are forecast for rain later today which we need desperately. If any actually falls I’ll be sure to let everyone know.  

  6. pittiepat

    the next 3 days in the 50s-60s with rain tomorrow.  I need to stay away from the computer today to do stuff, like clean house.  I’d much rather be here.

  7. It’s cold to me, but the stargazer has no cold only bad clothes.  about 40 mid degrees going up to mid 60’s.  I know places where it’s really cold are shaking their heads at me but we So. Cal people are spoiled.

    I sometimes wonder what would happen if we lost regional power at night, would the sight of the actual sky scare people.  I think the next “cause” I’m going to support is to help people understand and limit light pollution.  

  8. Moozmuse

    High of 6ยฐC* today in southern Germany, already past, possible snow flurries tonight. Since I work at home, it’s no biggie. I really don’t like snow and won’t drive in it. My excuse? Native Californian…

    *6 degrees celsius (C) = 42.8 degrees fahrenheit (F)  

  9. BlueStateRedhead

    If all works well, bye bye persistent sinus headaches, less eye strain when viewing computer, more time with you guys….here’s hoping.  

  10. Ebby

    42ยบ and cloudy.  The construction in the building here at work is starting to wear on my nerves.  “Ohhhhmmmm”… I’ll try to think of flowers instead.  How about some spring crocus to look forward to?:


  11. Via Chicago

    Forties again today. Looking good.

    My wife and I are heading to NYC this week where it’s supposed to be in the fifties. ๐Ÿ™‚  So excited to have reservations at Red Rooster in Harlem. I’ve been dying to eat there since reading Marcus Samuelsson’s (the chef) excellent memoir Yes, Chef. I’ve been studying the menu online pretty hard.

  12. princesspat

    The combination of his cartoons and commentary are always a good read….

    In the trench warfare that characterizes politics in the nation’s capital these days, Chuck Hagel is like a soldier stuck in no-man’s land, getting shot at from both sides.


    And so, though not much has been said about it, yet, it is likely that the biggest behind-the-scenes resistance to Hagel will come from defense contractors and people within the Pentagon who think bloat is just fine. More than the pro-Israel folks, more than the bomb-Iran crowd, more than gays and abortion activists, it is those who profit from military spending and the senators who are lavished with their campaign donations who will be aiming the biggest guns to shoot down Chuck Hagel.

  13. wordsinthewind

    and it’s only gotten a little bit colder. We’re not likely to see snow although there is another storm expected this weekend that might also have moisture. I’m off to fire up something in the kitchen since that’s my preferred method of warming up.  

  14. I’m just passing through, though I’ll probably be back later.

    It’s 50 and overcast and the snow level is dropping so San Francisco is supposed to be a bit chilly. No matter. We’re going to go grill some meat and I’m going to soak my feet in the surf until they go numb. lol Like a dipstick, I managed to drop my leatherman tool on the top of my foot. “OW” was NOT in my vocabulary at the time. The cold water will help.


  15. remembrance

    My lingering cough and fatigue have stolen my sense of humor, so this is just a warning that if you want to stay away from negativity, read no further, I wouldn’t blame you.

    I’m heading to the doc’s in a few minutes to see if there is anything to be done or if I am destined to suffer like Henri the cat. There is a side to my nature that is slightly devious, while I would never want to get anyone sick, I delight in the possibility that I may inadvertently pass around germs to colleagues and children resulting in a potential day off and the continuation of avoiding the terrible things happening at work in which I am having difficulty adjusting to.  I must run, I hate to be late to appointments.  

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