Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Monday Morning Check-in for Refugees and Your Moozly Open Thread

  Make sure you let your peeps know where to find you!  

Reminder: Kysen left us a Moose Welcome Mat (continued — 1st one reached 200 comments) so, please, wipe your feet before you walk in the front door start posting.

You are invited to stop in at donnamarie’s Introduction Diary later and let everyone know who you are and what your passions are: politics, pooties, photography, whatevers.

Quick notes about commenting:

If you just joined, there is a 24 hour waiting period to comment. You will be able to start a comment and it will APPEAR as though you can post it but the Post will error out. Waiting period for commenting suspended for a couple of days. You will still need to wait to diary and to become a Trusted User (see all three rating radio buttons).

– Comments do not Auto-refresh. Click the refresh/reload on your tab to see new ones. Or click the diary title at the top or the bottom of the page. Do NOT assume you are all alone if you don’t see comments “appearing” … comments do not just show up, they are invited. 😉

– When you click Preview, the screen does not jump and show you the preview. You have to scroll up a bit to see the preview and click Post.

– When a diary gets to 200 comments it bogs down. Kysen suggests we stop and build a Part II if threads get unmanageable.

Extremely quick note on tending comments (more later):

– New comments in a diary can be found by searching for [new] BUT:

   – The new tags are cleared on a refresh.

   – The new tags are cleared when you reply to a comment while you are in the diary.

– My advice on tending comments in a busy diary (ymmv): run through and rate them first … for comments you want to reply to, do a right-click on the date/time stamp and choose “Open link in new tab”. If the comment is replied to in a new tab, it won’t refresh the diary and you can continue finding new comments.

– To check for replies to your comments, click the “My Comments” link in the right-hand column (or go to “My Moose”). Comments will be listed and a link to Recent Replies will be shown.

I absolutely love the comment replies page. It not only shows the subject line of your comment but the subject line (and user) of the replies … and if their reply was replied to. Great information to tend your comments and your diaries. (Note: Tending comments builds community)

This is a BHD: The posting rules for a new diary are:

Be excellent to each other… or else

From Kysen’s keyboard to your eyes:

Think of our comment threads as dinner table conversations. We start with the assumption that all come to the conversation with good intentions and go from there. If you get upset or angry, get up from the table and step outside for a bit.

For those looking for a second chance to make a first impression, that is very good advice.

See you in the threads!


  1. klnb1019

    so good morning from SC where it’s a brisk (for here) 34 F.  I’m looking forward to getting acquainted.

  2. kirbybruno

    How much I love the ratings.  I love the word “fierce” (no not fence, autocorrect) especially. And I am trusted, best of all!  

  3. klnb1019

    to add a signature line, but I have nothing that says “Account Info” in my Profile section.  Am I missing something?  

  4. DeniseVelez

    in the low 30’s here in the Hudson Valley of NY – am not sticking my toes outside.

    am on second cup of coffee.

    A warm welcome to those who are still wending their way Mooseward.


  5. Khloe

    We are experiencing a heatwave this fine morn. It’s 30 degrees out! Almost shorts weather in Michigan. We are expecting lower 40’s this week. Our January thaw has arrived. It would probably work better if there was something to thaw.

    Everyone keep smiling and have a great day!!


  6. Moozmuse

    Midday in Germany, unseasonably warm weather and has been since before Christmas. Not good. I admit I don’t care for the cold, but I would prefer to move south (or back home to the Bay Area), rather than have the weather move north.

    I’ve been registered at the Moose (new digs, new start = new name) since the 2011 boycott, but not active. On the other hand, my profession means I write all the time, so I guess by the time evening rolls around, I prefer to just read – but not confrontational stuff. Now that so many people I enjoy reading at the Big Orange are here, I hope to spend more time with you in these pleasant surroundings!

    Have a great day,


  7. trs

    37 at the northern tip of Virginia, with an expected high of 43 – and that’s the lowest high of the week. They’re predicting mid-50’s by Wednesday.

    Just had to remove Kidlet’s new piercing with two pair of pliers. The hole is infected. Right now she’s grumbling, “never again.” We’ll see how long it lasts.

  8. DavidW

    It’s 66 in South Florida and the high was 83 yesterday. The mango trees next door started blooming two weeks ago, so they are telling us, sadly that winter is over here. They are also telling me I won’t be able the breathe well for a few weeks. (I get congested from the pollen) Still getting used to the new Moose place but happy to be here. Looking forward to having my coffee here in the mornings too.

  9. Moozmuse

    wants to do the calculation, the range today is from 2 this am to 6 this afternoon. 0 degrees C = 32 degrees F, for those who have forgotten their high school chemistry… (the degree sign on my QWERTZ board produces gibberish here)

  10. blue jersey mom

    I am so glad to be here. It is right around freezing here in south-central NJ. Dad and I are leaving from LGA this afternoon. We had to get a cheap flight (I am doing this on university travel funds), so we are going from LGA to DC to London. Or return flight is direct from London to Newark. We are headed to the Society for Historical Archaeology meetings. The conference tour goes to the potteries where the transfer print pottery was made back in the 19th century. I have my camera. Have a great week.  

  11. Mets102

    just in time for today too.  See, this is where I make a comment about me, me, me, me, me.

    The world ends in precisely one year.  In other words, I turn 29 today.


  12. ILS 27L

    I’ve loved this little poem since high school and have to share:

    Them Moose Goosers


    Mason Williams

    How about Them Moose Goosers,

    Ain’t they recluse?

    Up in them boondocks,

    Goosin’ them moose.

    Goosin’ them huge moose,

    Goosin’ them tiny,

    Goosin’ them meadow-moose

    In they hiney.

    Look at Them Moose Goosers,

    Ain’t they dumb?

    Some use an umbrella,

    Some use a thumb.

    Them obtuse Moose Goosers,

    Sneakin’ through the woods,

    Pokin’ them snoozy moose

    In they goods.

    How to be a Moose Gooser?

    It’ll turn ye puce.

    Gitchy gooser loose and

    Rouse a drowsy moose!

  13. and what an incredible day already, to see so many familiar names, so very dear to me.  

    thank you to everyone who created this safe haven.

    we be just as Realistrati as we wanna be now?

  14. pittiepat

    going into the shop this am for major surgery so that means I have to thaw out the windshield yet again in order to drive.  Have a great day everyone.

  15. kirbybruno

    but this has me laughing my ass off!

    “No shoes, no shirt, and I still get service.”

    “I do the tickle, YEAH!”

  16. dear occupant

    hhmm, 29. i feel 29 but my mirror says otherwise, must be time for a new one. 20’s right now in Chicago but the weatherman just promised 50 by Thursday and lots of sunshine.

    2 best things about today… i don’t work on Mondays and i’m here among the mooq. thanks for the welcome yesterday, it means a lot.

  17. lulu57

    Greetings from Humboldt County, CA, where it is currently…dark 😉 Gonna rain today, but that’s normal. You will see me doing happy dances on the days when it’s NOT raining. Few and far between!

    Smooches to you all, it’s gonna be a good day today.

  18. gogogoeverton

    Only been here two days and already happier than I’ve been at the GOS for a long time. I’ll stick around there for now, but man this is a great place! No offense to the great people here who I didn’t fierce rate, but if I gave out all the positive vibes that I’m feeling right now, I’d never get any work done.  

  19. edwardssl

    I’m still trying to figure out how this place works (I suppose it would help if I took the time to read the instructions and guidelines, but I don’t even read the instructions and guidelines when I’m putting newly-purchased furniture together, so why should this be different, eh?).

    Anywho, it’s great to see so many familiar “faces” here.  It’s like moving to a new city, and finding a bunch of your old friends already living in the neighborhood.

  20. SilverWillow

    I came over yesterday, thanks to a few links in a diary by BlueJerseyMom.  I signed up right away, and I am already behind (could not post yesterday).

    Not a well know participant at the GOS, but a member none the less.  I kept the same name, so a few may remember.

    I am hoping that the conversations will be intelligent and informative, and debates will be actual fact based debates (I love a good debate, not so crazy about arguments, if you get my meaning).

    Thanks for the welcome, I am looking forward to hanging out here.

  21. bubbanomics

    twelve and half of the centigrades here in lalaland… sunny and clear.  nice view of the hills with some snow on top.

    I wish Chuck Hagel’s name was Hegel.  that would be more fun.

  22. bleeding heart

    [Tip-toes in with my virgin comment.]

    Nice to see familiar names, some which I haven’t seen for a long time.

    My best to all.

  23. Mortifyd

    And it was a lovely non-cold non-rainy day in FOXbotville, Louisiana.  There is supposed to be a storm heading toward my boat this week – but she should ride it out all right I think.  Only 60-70mph gusts expected – she’s handled much worse than that.

    So hello Meese peoples!


  24. dear occupant

    ‘I have a lot of pent up blog posts that I have not felt I could write.’

    i suspected i wasn’t alone in this regard. well, we’re here now, good for us!

    i’ll look forward to your, ahem…’Articles’ 🙂

  25. mahakali overdrive

    Foggy too.

    Colder than heck since no one’s had the big idea to try insulating anything yet. It was much warmer in the winters when I lived back East.

    I’m so ready for summer…

  26. rfahey22

    Good to see, what did I miss?

    My daughter is due any day now, and we are closing on a house in need of significant renovations in the near future.  I guess it’s good to deal with stressful events all at once, rather than one at a time.  My only (admittedly, selfish) hope is that she waits until after Saturday’s Packer game.

Comments are closed.