Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Sunday Morning Check-in for Refugees and other Mooz

  Make sure you let your peeps know where to find you!  

Kysen left us a Moose Welcome Mat so, please, wipe your feet before you walk in the front door start posting.

Stop in at donnamaries’s Introduction Diary later and let everyone know who you are and what your passions are: politics, pooties, photography, whatevers.

Quick notes about commenting:

– If you just joined, there is a 24 hour waiting period to comment. You will be able to start a comment and it will APPEAR as though you can post it but the Post will error out.

– Comments do not Auto-refresh. Click the refresh/reload on your tab to see new ones. Or click the diary title at the top or the bottom of the page. Do NOT assume you are all alone.

– When you click Preview, the screen does not jump and show you the preview. You have to scroll up a bit to see the preview and click Post.

– When a diary gets to 200 comments it bogs down. Kysen suggests we stop and build a Part II if threads get unmanageable.

The posting rules for a new diary are:

Be excellent to each other… or else

From Kysen’s keyboard to your eyes:

Think of our comment threads as dinner table conversations. We start with the assumption that all come to the conversation with good intentions and go from there. If you get upset or angry, get up from the table and step outside for a bit.

For those looking for a second chance to make a first impression (::: raises hand :::), that is really good advice.

See you in the threads!


  1. Mets102

    When it’s all over with I can submit my renewal for my law license and be done with this for another two years.

  2. blue jersey mom

    It is 33 degrees here in south-central NJ, and we had a dusting of snow overnight.

    I have never been a big fan of winter weather, so I ordered some seeds yesterday. Spring can’t get here soon enough.

  3. trs

    Woodworker’s show yesterday was a success. I sat in on a seminar on cabinet building, spent thousands of dollars in my head, but only $25 in reality (a book on designing a shop (mine gets built in the next few months) and a normally $50 router bit that I got for $10) and iriti got to see all kinds of pretty, funky wood that she now has more ideas of what she wants me to build.

  4. iriti

    Is this thing on? ::tap, tap, tap:: Been more than 24 hours, so this should, in theory work.

    So I shortened my DK user name “it really is that important” to my nic “iriti” which is meaningless except as an abbreviation for said very long user name, but sounds like an Egyptian goddess and I can live with that.

    Domestic chores today, woohoo!  

  5. pittiepat

    snow we had last week has finally melted.  I’m too spoiled, having had a garage for the last many years but no longer.  Covered parking of any sort here in Columbia is a rarity so I have my winter gear (boots, ice scraper, spray de-icer) stashed at the front door.  The car doors have already been frozen solid once so far this year so it makes no sense to keep the de-icer in the car.  I’ll get used to this sometime….

  6. GlenThePlumber

    still under the weather…but happy to see all the nice people have found a place to gather…peacefully.

    remembrance and the little one are sick too…may be time to make a doctor’s appt. for TLO…congestion was getting pretty bad last night.

    I signed up to be a state Dem party delegate and need to get the word out to my local friends and Dream Menders group…also have some Dream Menders’ work to do…a Move to Amend rally we are supporting.

    just wanted to stop in and say hi…”Hi..!!”

  7. onomastic

    Cold and snowy in Southern Maine, but it’s January. What else would we expect?

    Well, I just let the MF family know that I’ll be checking in to see how they are doing but that I wasn’t going to be around the site much for at least awhile.

    What are your Sunday plans? We’re heading out with the “boys” to watch the Hobbit in a little while. Anyone seen it?

    Much love and mojo for whatever the need, always

  8. DeniseVelez

    the Orange.

    Meanwhile – Happy Three Kings day to those who celebrate

    (for Spiffy)

    Afro-Puerto Rican bomba group  

  9. Nurse Kelley

    I, too, am so happy to see many familiar faces posting in purple! This chicken has work to do today – eggs to lay and yard to scratch – so y’all behave.

    That means you, GtP. 🙂

  10. It’s quite mild here in London, don’t know what in Fahrenheit, but around 9 degrees celsius. I’m hungover after the closing night of a show last night, which ended in a lock-in (do you Muricans know what that is?).

    I’m less around the Moose these days in diary writing terms because I write regularly for the Daily Beast, and use up all my RSI carpal tunnel on that most the week. But I’m always up for comments and wonderful to see so many new Mooq (no s needed for the plural apparently)

    So to everyone I haven’t said hi too, a big manly British hug from your resident limey. It’s so great to see this space used in a convivial, political and personal way. So many old faces from other blogs. And plenty of new ones. Looking forward to getting to know you all much better in the future.  

  11. scribe

    I joined up with the herd here awhile back, but didn’t stay long: seems I needed a near total break from posting anywhere, for quite awhile. Now I’m tired of examining my own navel, and decided to venture forth one more time, while I’m still upright and able to take nourishment.

    This getting seriously old is one hell of an adventure: yesterday, I got a letter offering me a chance on winning a Pre-Paid Cremation, fer gawds sake!

    Anyway, good to see so many familiar faces!

    • kirbybruno

      They are in a happy pile waiting for me. One of my favorite winter rituals to get me over my Christmas let down is looking at them and ordering my seeds.

    • iriti

      Until we get our new house built and I can putter around in the garden. Will be a few years, but a girl can dream.

      We are going to go primarily with low maintenance plants native to the area. Rather than appearance, our primary goal will be to build a nature habitat to attract birds, butterflies and, of course, dragonflies.

      Gonna put in a pond, hooray!

    • Yesterday I went outside and kicked a bucket over because of standing water, and it was HARD!  I live in Pasadena basically so I thought it had to be sorcery.  

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