Make sure you let your peeps know where to find you!
Kysen left us a Moose Welcome Mat so, please, wipe your feet before you walk in the front door start posting.
Stop in at donnamaries’s Introduction Diary later and let everyone know who you are and what your passions are: politics, pooties, photography, whatevers.
Quick notes about commenting:
– If you just joined, there is a 24 hour waiting period to comment. You will be able to start a comment and it will APPEAR as though you can post it but the Post will error out.
– Comments do not Auto-refresh. Click the refresh/reload on your tab to see new ones. Or click the diary title at the top or the bottom of the page. Do NOT assume you are all alone.
– When you click Preview, the screen does not jump and show you the preview. You have to scroll up a bit to see the preview and click Post.
– When a diary gets to 200 comments it bogs down. Kysen suggests we stop and build a Part II if threads get unmanageable.
The posting rules for a new diary are:
Be excellent to each other… or else
From Kysen’s keyboard to your eyes:
Think of our comment threads as dinner table conversations. We start with the assumption that all come to the conversation with good intentions and go from there. If you get upset or angry, get up from the table and step outside for a bit.
For those looking for a second chance to make a first impression (::: raises hand :::), that is really good advice.
See you in the threads!