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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Finally Friday

The week started with Our Nation perilously close to the Fiscal Cliff.

“Jump, Jump!”, said some.

“Fix, Fix!”, said others. Frantic folks (and furry friends!) looked on fearfully.

We had seen this before.

Calls for sanity rang out.

The clock was ticking.

The countdown started on New Years Eve. SOMETHING big was going to happen. And it did!!

But unfortunately that was not exactly what we were waiting for.

Quick … get my smelling salts. Senators voted for something!!

On to the House. Oh, this does NOT look good.

But then … a New Years Day miracle. The House of Representatives voted to pass a bill that the Senate had passed and the President signed it. That sounded like “a law”.


And now, it is Finally Friday. Phew!

(Hey, it’s an F sound! Darned Purists …)

I want to thank “trite images taken from the Internet” for making this possible.

p.s. Don’t forget to hover!

(Crossposted from Views from North Central Blogistan)


  1. blue jersey mom

    I have to finish my paper for the SHA next wee. Doug made the powerpoint for me; now I have to finish the text.

  2. Mets102

    I’m feeling somewhat better.  Listening to the required courses to renew my law license.  I’m just looking forward to the warm up that we’re supposed to have a in few days.  It’ll be nice to see 40 degrees here again.

  3. SallyCat

    My nasty cold is almost gone so it’s a great Friday!  

    and I passed my 24 hour waiting period! Wheeeee!

  4. It’s been a tough few years financially to survive as a freelance writer (especially with British TV production shrinking by over 50 percent) and though I’m loving the journalism and return to book writing, the money is way down.

    But mercifully today I’ve discovered I’ve just avoided my own personal fiscal cliff, and can survive another six months to finish my second book (On Scientology). I’m writing the opening chapter today, and hopefully the pitch for the book (it will be crowd funded by Unbound like my Murdoch book) will be up in a week or so.

    Phew! is all I can say. Still not out of the woods. But thinks already look better.  

  5. Barney Frank Would Welcome Interim Appointment To Fill Kerry’s Senate Seat

    “I’m not going to be coy. It’s not anything I’ve ever been good at,” Frank said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “I’ve told the governor that I would now like, frankly, to do that because I would like to be a part of that. It’s only a three-month period. I wouldn’t want to do anything more. I don’t want to run again.”

    He probably did not need to point out that “coy” has never been attributed to him. Ha!

  6. Mnemosyne

    I pray to Cheesus has me laughing out loud. The dog woke up long enough to look quite alarmed.

    Thanks for reminding re hovers. I always forget about those.

  7. onomastic

    And it’s good seeing everyone here!

    Hi everyone and big thanks for such a warm welcome!

    Sorry for the late post but I was doing Nana duty, come home and crashed and then, well, you know how it goes. 🙂

    Happy Weekend Everyone!

  8. GlenThePlumber

    I know you wouldn’t start the party without me…would you..??..and I’ve been sick…is this how you treat your little brother..??

    peace and hugs..!!

  9. mahakali overdrive

    I resorted to elaborate password recovery measures. I’ve heard tell of a few people here who I’ve missed… and am curious to find out if they’re still posting. Also, I wanted to play welcome wagon to the new additions.

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