Hi Mooses!
Sorry to be so unattentive lately, you remain in my heart and mind notwithstanding.
Life continues to be interesting, though news and politics do not cross my bow a lot of late (maybe that’s why…).
While working undercover using my Secret Code Name Rick Blask keeps me busy,
The Industrial Controls Systems Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ICS ISAC) will provide deeper cross-industry alerting and threat communications among critical infrastructure companies, Rick Blask, ICS-ISAC executive director told Government Security News in an interview. Blask is also the founder and chief executive officer at ICS Cybersecurity, Inc.
…having a 25th anniversary last Saturday and getting a little dog rescued by our friend Maria today keeps everything else grounded.
Our Littlest Girl turns 10 on Monday, yesterday was the last single-digit school concert I will sit on the floor and take pictures at. Le Grande Damien turns 17 in three weeks and Roxy has always been more than the 12 or whatnot she wears on a given day.
With all the hard-fought successes in business in recent months that can be logically traced back to years of effort, the odd thing is that completely unpredictable amazingly good things are happening, as well. Among the strangest is the car that I have had since I was 18 – that Donna and I drove around in as kids, that we brought Damien home from the hospital in – has shown up after five years missing.
That isn’t what it looks like now, but that it exists at all, has all the custom bodywork, restoration and modifications done and is being packaged off to my cousin’s hangar in Florida to be painted and assembled is unlikely beyond words. That it should rear it’s long-lost head at exactly the same time that years of toil are beginning to pay off is not at all short of making a non-theist scratch his head.
How about you, Mooses? Is the world getting a slice better every day in general, or is it a local phenomenon?