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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Mind Your Own Damned Business

Or, get out of my relationship, my bedroom and/or my uterus.

I’m tired.  I’m tired of people who don’t know me trying to tell me what to do because of something he or she believes.

Why do people care so much who I sleep with?  Who I marry?  What I do with my body?  It’s my f*cking life and I should have some damn choice.  And it is getting to the point where I’m going to reach into my computer screen and choke the crap out of the next sanctimonious, smug jerkwad who tells me that I should be forced to carry the product of a rape.  I’m going to toss my smartphone out the window the next time someone tells me same-sex marriage is ruining this country.

How is it okay to attempt to deny women birth control but force a women to have a probe shoved up into her uterus before a LEGAL MEDICAL PROCEDURE!  I hate these people?  But small government, ya’ll.

How is it appropriate for government to tell a teenager that she must have the product of rape or incest?  Small government, ya’ll.

How is it an abomination to allow two consenting adults the right to marry and to enjoy the benefits of the institution.  Small government, y’all.

It is only “small government” when they say it is.  How dare the government try to save an entire industry or to provide healthcare to people.  How dare the government provide assistance to the elderly, the poor, the unemployed.  But it is okay to be up in my private parts because of what you believe.

And now we have the latest government intrusion: forcing the church-affiliated employers to provide birth control coverage to employees.  I’m over-simplifying the matter but if you listen to the Right you’d think the Obama Administration had priests and nuns passing out the morning-after pill on every street corner.

So far the Administration is holding steady to its latest contraception guidelines (I emailed the White House to encourage same).  These are the same guidelines that least six states have had on the books for years and are more lenient than a whole host of other states’.  But OMG! Obama wants to kill your babies and take away your freedom!!!11!1!!  STFU with that!  I read today that it was Clinton, Sebelius, and Jarrett who urged the president to issue the guidelines and VP Biden and Denis McDonough (both Catholic) who urged caution.  Now I heart Joe but STFU dude.  Really.  Catholics use as much birth control as the rest of the free world and they support the guidelines.  I sincerely doubt too many Catholics are going to use this issue to vote against the president.  {{deep breath and new paragraph}}

And we have a slight kerfuffle over the president’s decision to use Super PACs.  And OMG! he’s sold us out!  He’s allowing the super rich to control the elections! He’s just like Bush!  Yeah, Russ Feingold and Robert Reich and some guy named Cenk who would not be on my tv even if I had cable 😛 are up in arms because the president decided to use the legal means available to win re-election.  Apparently, Feingold believes the president will easily win a second term so why bother … yes, that’s the same Russ Feingold who lost his own re-election bid because some folks believe he took it for granted.  And Robert Reich thinks this lets the super rich control the elections.  EARTH TO ROBERT REICH:  they already do!  Now imagine President Romney (or OMFG! President Santorum).

Who wants to take that chance?  I sure as hell don’t.  Keeping the Senate isn’t a given.  Getting the House is a long-shot at best.  And anyone who says they plan to sit out this election or vote third party in a swing state can kiss my doughy white butt because there is too much at stake to play games or to deny ourselves any legal means necessary.  And if anyone needs any further “encouragement” Ruth Bader Ginsburg isn’t going to last four more years and who knows what else may happen to the other seven justices.*  


  1. HappyinVT

    “One of the things that I will talk about that no president has talked about before is I think the dangers of contraception in this country, the sexual liberty idea and many in the Christian faith have said, you know contraception is OK. It’s not OK because it’s a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be.”

    You can tell me he won’t be the GOP nominee and I’ll believe you but if they keep the House and win the Senate you don’t think some of this kind of crap will come up?!  And who knows what Romney would sign?  Hell, he doesn’t know.

  2. fogiv

    Would Muslim hospitals be allowed to be run based on Sharia Law? Or is the GOP only defending that right for Catholics?

  3. Shaun Appleby

    That one half of the Republican party is birthing a cow over this while the other half is desperately trying to sabotage Rick Santorum’s nomination campaign because they know his rigid, sanctimonious views on almost every subject imaginable to do with sexytime are an absolute guarantee of an electoral bonfire of their party should he become their presidential candidate.

    Sometimes you really have to wonder at the decision making process among those people.  Or if it actually exists.

  4. HappyinVT

    I’ve read in awhile:

    Since I have been working the Komen beat almost exclusively, I have been remiss in pointing out that I fear that Barack Obama will in all likelihood be facing a socially maladroit charisma-challenged gaffe-prone filthy rich religious cultist who claims to be middle-class and unemployed, holds no deeply held belief that couldn’t be swayed by a stiff breeze, enjoys making money by dismantling businesses, firing the employees and shipping their jobs overseas and then taking that money and stashing it in off-shore tax havens and who has recently been spending tens of millions of dollars fending off the likes of Newt Fucking Gingrich and Rick Fucking Santorum because, even faced with those horrible choices, most Republicans still find him as palatable as a semen-flavored popsicle.

    Tbogg’s a national treasure.

  5. HappyinVT

    Church-affiliated businesses don’t seem to mind hiring folks who don’t ahdere to their beliefs or else this wouldn’t be an issue in the first place.  Maybe the Church needs to look at all those folks who get birth control through their healthcare and figure out they are waaay behind the times.

  6. HappyinVT

    PublicPolicyPolling @ppppolls

    We put a national poll in the field today and pretty clear your new leader is Rick Santorum.

    Retweeted by Lis Smith

    That sound you heard was the folks in the White House laughing their collective asses off.  I honestly don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

  7. Shaun Appleby

    Lapsed Catholics are an unmerciful lot:

    There were a couple of ways all of this could have been avoided. One, as Lawrence O’Donnell pointed out last night, would have been through a single-payer health-care system. The other would have been to toss a whole lot of bishops in jail for conspiracy to obstruct justice, enough of them so their power to influence the secular law was destroyed forever. They needed to be humbled, unmercifully, until the hubris was wrung out of every damn one of them.

    Now, a woman working a low-income service industry job under the supervision of a Catholic boss will have her access to essential health-care truncated by a discredited encyclical to which no Catholic has paid any heed since the administration of Lyndon Johnson. These bastards needed to be broken, publicly, and into a thousand pieces that were scattered to the winds. Instead, they are “voices of conscience” again. It is to weep.

    Charles P Pierce – The Clan of the Red Beanie Stalks the White House Esquire 8 Feb 12

    Yet hauntingly poetic…

  8. HappyinVT

    The poll done by Republican polling firm Wenzel Strategies for World Net Daily found something similar to my own recent analysis of state polling data that the 2012 election is beginning to look like a replay of 2008. The Wenzel/WND poll turned up the surprising statistic that no matter who the Republican nominee is, one fifth of the Republican voters surveyed are leaning towards voting for President Obama.… (I ain’t linking to wnd)

    I did wander over to the wnd article:

    “What must be particularly alarming to every Republican campaign regarding this nasty fight is that, even among those who say they think the nation is heading in the wrong direction, Obama still wins at least 20 percent support in head-to-head match-ups against the four remaining Republicans, and among those who said they were unsure about the overall direction of the nation, Obama wins by overwhelming percentages,” observes Wenzel.

    I like how the pollster describes the match-up between the president and Dr. Paul who fares the best among the GOP in the head-to-head match-up (which someone needs to explain to me):

    “This is likely a reflection of discontent over Obama’s handling of the economy and, in particular, his outsized appetite for deficit spending,” observed Wenzel. “Paul has far and away offered the clearest and most serious plan to cut federal spending, and it appears to be recognized by these survey respondents.”

  9. Shaun Appleby

    Did Obama just pull a fast one?:

    With the fig leaf of religious liberty removed, Republicans are in a bad situation. They can either drop this and slink away knowing they’ve been punked, or they can double down. But in order to do so, they’ll have to be more blatantly anti-contraception, a politically toxic move in a country where 99% of women have used contraception.

    My guess is that they’ll take their knocks and go home, but a lot of the damage has already been done. Romney was provoked repeatedly to go on the record saying negative things about contraception. Sure, it was in the frame of concern about religious liberty, but as this incident fades into memory, what most people will remember is that Republicans picked a fight with Obama over contraception coverage and lost.

    Amanda Marcotte – Obama Punks the GOP on Contraception Slate 10 Feb 12

    Meep, meep.

  10. Shaun Appleby

    No women permitted to testify at hearing on contraception:

    Ranking committee member Elijah Cummings (D-MD) had asked Issa to include a female witness at the hearing, but the Chairman refused, arguing that “As the hearing is not about reproductive rights and contraception but instead about the Administration’s actions as they relate to freedom of religion and conscience, he believes that Ms. Fluke is not an appropriate witness.”

    Igor Volsky – Democratic Women Boycott House Contraception Hearing After Republicans Prevent Women From Testifying ThinkProgress 16 Feb 12

    Quelle surprise!  As Booman points out the optics of this are pretty terrible.  Are Republicans really this tone deaf?  I guess so.

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