Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Open Thread: Welcome Visitors (part deux)

Seems Moose are chatty tonight, here is another Open Thread/Open House to welcome our visitors and friends (both new and old).


Busy night on the Moose.

Who Gnu?


(yeah yeah, I know it is an EMU…I just like the picture)

Seriously, though:

Here is a diary that might help our new Moose:  Insider’s Guide to Motley Moose

Make yourselves at home, kick up your feet, RELAX.

In fact, I invite ya’ll to do as scribe has done…and Jump Right In!



Ya’ll know what to do.


  1. Mets102

    I’m must say I’m enjoying hanging out here much more than I did at that other place the way things were going over there.

  2. Lots of new meat to devour — ah, I mean, new/old friends to greet and exclaim over.  Yeh, that’s the ticket.

    But, alas, fun’s over for me tonight, and I am now going


  3. Shaun Appleby

    Now that we’ve run off all the new visitors I suppose we can fold up shop for the evening with a sense of Moosey accomplishment?  Well done all.  Our reputation for erudition and civility has certainly been reaffirmed.

  4. sricki

    I have to share this with everyone. I’ve been in a bit of a down-ish mood of late, and I’ve probably listened to this same song 75 times over the last 3 days. Just what the doctor ordered (or I’m sure it would be, if Spiffy were here. 🙂

  5. DTOzone

    Personally, I’m far more impressed by Jesus Christ’s ability to turn the other cheek than I am by his ability to turn water into wine.

  6. American in Chiang Mai

    from the adorable gnu and dik dik to the hysterical comments.  It’s great to see some familiar names!

    And Peter, my son is Peter, named such because just about every Peter I’ve known has been not only wicked smart but a thoroughly decent person loaded with humor and compassion.  Didn’t know it was your name too, but am not surprised!

    Great site you have here!

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