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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

The Donald

As many of you know I have a bet with another Moose on who will be the Republican nominee for President.  I have Pawlenty while the other Moose (I’ll let someone else “out” the poor deluded soul) has Huckabee.  The field, official and otherwise, might be a bit crowded although only Romney, Pawlenty, and Santorum (?!) have officially formed exploratory committees.

But we all know who has been sucking the air out of the GOP room lately ~ The Donald.

The truth is I don’t know what to make of the guy.  He has, in a matter of a couple of weeks, gone full Birther while practically accusing the President’s grandparents of welfare fraud (not that welfare existed when the President was born but let’s not let facts get in the way of a good conspiracy).

On top of that Trump is embracing the notion that Bill Ayers, Obama’s best friend, wrote Dreams From My Father.  OMG!  Ayers has admitted it! (Sarcasm really does go over some folk’s head.)

Apparently, Trump hasn’t met an Obama conspiracy he hasn’t felt the need to embrace.

And it’s being reported that Trump intends to announce his decision on whether he plans to run for President on the season (series?) finale of his show in May.  And, if he doesn’t win the Republican nomination he has raised the possibility of running as a third party candidate ~ something he has thought about in the past.

The good news for Mr. Trump is that about a quarter of all self-identifying Republicans are single-issue (Birther) voters.  The bad news is that 3/4 are not ~ and I’d dare say the GOP leadership is looking on in horror at the freak show known as Donald Trump.  Karl Rove called him a “joke candidate” while Eric Cantor said Trump wasn’t a “serious” candidate.  But, you know what?  But refusing to allow/suggest/demand your fellow Republicans denounce or reject Birtherism the GOP leadership now gets to reap the “benefit” of some jerk like Trump riding the Birther train as far as it will take him, which may not be very far but if he runs will make other candidates own his/her position one way or the other.

A tiptoe through the FEC records shows a schizophrenic donation history:

George Allen (yeah, “macaca” man) next to

Hilliary Clinton next to

Mark Foley (yeah, of the page scandal)

Dick Durbin

Joe Lieberman

John Ensign

Chris Dodd

Chuck Schumer

Tom Daschle

Then there’s the question of Trump’s financials.  Would he possibly let anyone see the truth?

I don’t know what’s up with The Donald.  I don’t know if he started this as a joke and got carried away.  I don’t know if he’s been seduced by the notion that the President was somehow not born in Hawaii.  I’d like to think it is about ratings and that come May he’ll look into the television screen and tell the viewers that he just got his show picked up for another season, thank you very much.  Given that he has tried to run for President before, however, I’m beginning to think he thinks he’s serious.


  1. Inoljt

    why he’s gotten so much support. Maybe white suburban, upper-income Republicans aspire to be like him and admire reality show.

    I personally think Trump would be a worse candidate than even Sarah Palin.

  2. spacemanspiff

    I think Romney is getting the VP slot. Heh.

    Don’t know why but my spiffy senses (fat free an 0 carbs) are telling me they’ll use him to balance out whoever is on top. Kind of like a reverse Palin.

    I agree with this poor deluded soul and believe it will be Huckabee. Remember last time? He is a great speaker and seems harmless. Dude has experience on the campaign trail and FOX loves him. He has teabagger cred and they’ll “understand” if he takes positions they don’t like.

    That’s my nonexperty analysis.

    Trump is a joke. Remember Giulani and how early polls said he was the only one who could take on Hillary.

    A verb, a noun and 9/11 is a lot better than a verb, a noun, and a birth certificate.

  3. spacemanspiff

    Cracked is my go to comedy website. Love it.

    Anyways if you have time you might want to check out…

    (I promise you’ll enjoy it)

    5 Amazing Things Invented by Donald Duck (Seriously)

    Donald Duck > Donald Trump. I’m just saying.  

  4. jsfox

    His problem which he seems to fail to realize because of ego is his history as a business failure.

    This guy has been bankrupt more than a few times. In fact and I think it was the first or second time he had really strict personal spending controls imposed by the court and his creditors. Controls to the point that at one point while traveling on a then smaller private jet he personally could not pay for the gas his credit card was refused. And had to have someone else pay for it.

    The guy has all the class of a used car salesmen, the taste of a middle eastern potentate and the intelligence of a rock. The guy who has to announce that he is the smartest guy in the room usually isn’t.

  5. Rashaverak

    (not that welfare existed when the President was born but let’s not let facts get in the way of a good conspiracy).


    Welfare certainly existed in New York in 1961.

  6. Jjc2008

    reality show watchers are probably polling for “the Donald.”

    For some reason I am incapable of comprehending, there are many out there who find “bullying” a wonderful form of entertainment.  That’s the basis of many, if not most, reality shows, from Simon Cowell to the Donald.  They get to be bullies and paid millions.  Housewives and the idiots on Jersey shore get the most attention when they bully others.

    Right wingers/tea party types love authoritarian types…

    they want a “Make my day” mentality.

    Trump is playing the part, or perhaps the dolt actually thinks he can rule without a congress.

    It fascinates but does not surprise me anymore.

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