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A Textbook Example of Media Embellishment

I recently wrote a post title: The Great Twitter/Facebook Revolution Fallacy. This post noted that:

For some strange reason, the American media has always been obsessed with Twitter and Facebook…

This applies to foreign affairs as well. In the context of the events   occurring in the Middle East, the Western media loves to argue that   Twitter and Facebook constitute catalysts for revolution in the modern   era. Indeed, some articles called the 2009 Iranian protests the “Twitter Revolution.”

It then went on to argue that, in fact, Twitter and Facebook played a  negligible role in the Arab revolutions, given the very very few  individuals in those countries who use Twitter or Facebook (let alone  have access to the Internet in the first place).

More below.

In fact, given that the Internet was blocked for much of the Egyptian  protests, it’s safe to say that Twitter and Facebook had absolutely no  role in the Egyptian revolution during its most crucial period.  Neverthess, many still insist that the revolution could not have happened without sites like Facebook and Twitter.

Let’s add Youtube to the list.

America’s media has always exaggerated the role that Youtube plays in  spreading political change and unrest. A few days ago, the New York  Times wrote an article titled Qaddafi Youtube Spoof By Israeli Gets Arab Fans. This article was an inspiring story about how:

A YouTube clip mocking Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s  megalomania is fast becoming a popular token of the Libya uprising  across the Middle East. And in an added affront to Colonel  Qaddafi, it  was created by an Israeli living in Tel Aviv…

Mr. Alooshe, who at first did not identify himself on the clip as an   Israeli, started receiving enthusiastic messages from all around the   Arab world. Web surfers soon discovered that he was a Jewish Israeli   from his Facebook profile – Mr. Alooshe plays in a band called Hovevey   Zion, or the Lovers of Zion – and some of the accolades turned to   curses. A few also found the video distasteful.

But the reactions have largely been positive, including a message Mr.   Alooshe said he received from someone he assumed to be from the Libyan   opposition saying that if and when the Qaddafi regime fell, “We will   dance to ‘Zenga-Zenga’ in the square.”

It sounds great. Isreali-Arab friendship. Fun being made of Libya’s  dictator. And most importantly, the rising influence of the new media.

There’s just one thing wrong with this picture.

Notice how, in the comments section of the video, everything is in English. At the moment this post was  being written, this individual scrolled through eleven pages before  seeing one comment in Arabic.

If this Youtube video is so popular with Arab fans (as the article’s  title implies), how come there are no comments in, you know, Arabic?

Perhaps the number of viewers from the English world swamped the Arab world after the Times published the article. But the earliest comments, made article was published, are largely English. Of the first 100 comments, only 15 were written in Arabic.

It doesn’t take much searching to find a video with a mainly Arabic-speaking audience. Here is one example,  of an apparently popular musician. About 90% of the comments are  written in Arabic. Contrast that with the Zenga Zenga video, in which  the amount of Arabic in the most recent commentary approaches zero  percent.

One wonders how the Times journalist came upon this video and  concluded that it was a hit amongst Arabs. Perhaps the author saw the  video and thought it was cool. Maybe the author had an urgent deadline  and needed to bullshit an article.

But whatever the truth, it is almost certain that the Zenga Zenga  video is far more popular in America than it is in the Middle East.



  1. Shaun Appleby

    About this.  Agree it is overstated and mangled by the media but couldn’t help noticing how many protest signs in Egypt, not to mention Libya more recently, were in English.

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