What is frustrated that no one has fixed the economy or created jobs, but feels good about nothing happening for the next few things, and thinks Congress should set the agenda even though they won’t compromise with President Obama?
The American people.
Almost seven-in-10 (68%) say they voted in the midterm elections hoping to see change. By a large majority (61%-33%), they say the election results – and divided government (60%-36%) – are good for the country. But they are doubtful of just how much change will actually take place. Almost three-quarters (73%) say there either will not be much change or just some change. And 76% believe the country is headed for a period of division with the parties showing little willingness to work together or compromise.
The country sees President Obama as more likely to show a willingness to work with Republicans than vice-versa – 67% said Obama is likely to work with Republicans versus just 45% who said the same of the GOP. But that’s the way the Republican base likes it, according to the poll. The country is split on whether it wants elected officials to compromise — 47% say they do, 43% say they don’t. And just 27% of Republicans want elected candidates to compromise; 63% want them to stick to their campaign positions. In contrast, 64% of Democrats want compromise while 28% do not, and 46% of independents do versus 39% who don’t.
And Americans say they don’t want the president to take the lead role in setting policy for the country — they want Congress to do it. They said so by a 52%-39% margin in this poll. That 39% for Obama actually is higher than what they said of Bill Clinton in 1994 – after Democrats suffered major losses in the House – and of George W. Bush in 2006, when Republicans lost control of both the House and Senate. Just 30% favored Clinton taking the lead, and even fewer — 21% — said so of Bush. The only time in the poll’s history that a plurality of respondents said they wanted the president to set the agenda was after the September 11 terrorist attacks.
Obama’s job approval rating in this poll ticked up slightly to 47 percent approving and 47 percent disapproving. That’s the first time since May that more people didn’t disapprove of the job he was doing than approved.
Anyone want to try to make sense of this? I’m fried.