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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Off to the [Primary] Races Open Thread

OK. So firedoglake has compiled nominations to primary Obama.  It’s an awesome list!!! (See below the fold).

Here’s a weekend game.  Let’s put our own list together.  Out of the FDL nominations, I’m particularly interested in the notions of a Spitzer/Hagel 2012 campaign, or a Clooney/Affleck fall back.

But my first choice would be two names that that crowd failed to anoint for consideration: A Snoop Dog/Floyd Landis ticket.  Check the list below.  Whaddya think?  Other ideas?  How about David Blaine and some anonymous mathematician from, say, Stanford?   Mark Wahlberg and Lady GaGa?

Al Franken

Al Gore

Alan Grayson

Alexander Cockburn

Amy Klobuchar

Andrew Bacevich

Andrew Cuomo

Andrew Romanoff

Anuradha Bhagwati (no Wikipedia entry)

Arianna Huffington

Brian Schweitzer

Ben Affleck

Bernie Sanders

William K. Black

Bill McKibben

Bill Maher

Bill Moyers

Bill Richardson

Billie Joe Armstrong

Brad Birkenfeld (note: Information on Birkenfeld’s place of birth is not readily accessible)

Bruce Springsteen

Buffy Sainte-Marie

Cenk Uygar

Cindy Sheehan

Chuck Hagel

Cory Booker

Cynthia McKinney

Dahr Jamail

Dan Choi (Too young, but note for future consideration.)

Danny Glover

Darcy Burner

David Corn

David Sirota

Dawn Johnsen

Dean Baker (note: Information on Baker’s place of birth is not readily accessible)

Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Dennis Kucinich

Dick Durbin

Don Siegelman

Donna Edwards

Dylan Ratigan

Ehren Watada (Too young, but note for future consideration.)

Eliot Spitzer

Eddie Vedder

Elizabeth Edwards

Elizabeth Warren

Geoffrey Canada

George Clooney

George Miller

George J. Mitchell

Glenn Greenwald

Henry Waxman

Howard Dean

James Galbraith (note: Information on Galbraith’s place of birth is not readily accessible)

Henry Rollins

Janeane Garafalo

Jello Biafra

Jesse Ventura

Jill Stein

Joe Wilson

Jim Hightower

Jan Schakowsky

Jane Hamsher

Jeff Merkley

Jerrold Nadler

Jerry Brown

Jim Webb

Jimmy Carter

Joan Jett

Joe Sestak

John Aravosis (note: confirmation of Aravosis’s place of birth, listed in several places online as “America,” is not readily available)

John Hickenlooper

John R. Talbott (note: Information on Talbott’s place of birth is not readily accessible)

Jon Bon Jovi

Jon Hamm

Jon Stewart

Jon Tester

Jonathan Turley (note: Information on Turley’s place of birth is not readily accessible)

Joseph Patrick Kennedy

Joseph Stiglitz

Keith Olbermann

Laurence Fishburne

Leonard Peltier

Lewis Black

Lois Gibbs


Matt Taibbi (note: Information on Galbraith’s place of birth is not readily accessible)

Matt Damon

Maurice Hinchey

Michael Moore

Mike Gravel

Nancy Pelosi

Patrick Fitzgerald

Paul Craig Roberts

Paul Krugman

Peter DeFazio

Rachel Maddow

Ralph Nader

Raul Grijalva

Richard Trumka

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Richard Trumka

Robert Reich

Robert Scheer

Ron Paul

Russ Feingold

Sheldon Whitehouse

Sherrod Brown

Shirley Sherrod

Stephen Colbert

Susan Sarandon

Tammy Baldwin

Tim Robbins

Tom Hanks

Tom Udall

Valerie Plame

Van Jones

Warren Beatty

Warren Mosler (no Wikipedia entry)

Whoppie Goldberg

Winona LaDuke

Yves Smith (no Wikipedia entry)…


  1. There’s some pretty good names on that list. I especially like the idea of a Whoppi Goldberg/Madonna ticket. A Jesse Ventura/Bruce Springsteen ticket would be interesting too.

  2. Strummerson

    neither Charlie Young nor Sam Seaborn made the list.  Especially since Psych sucks and I hear from my sister in law that Lowe’s character on Brothers and Sisters was killed off.

  3. DTOzone

    does a person have to wake up on a Sunday morning, turn on the TV, and hear some bubblebrained news anchor ask “How influential do you think Sarah Palin will be?”

  4. Kysen

    Wavy Gravy!! I can’t believe he didn’t make the short list!


    Damn, most of those names make as much sense as:


    (Can’t you hear the roar of Teabaggers fapping from coast to coast?)

    Though, tbh, I think the name from that list that bothers me most (and this might get me tsk’d) is Elizabeth Edwards. She actually, on a public/political level, offends me near as much as her husband. SHE KNEW…and yet held her silence and supported her husband in his run at the Presidency. Just like her husband she put the nation at risk for personal glory. Might be just me…but, at least on a public/political level…I find her as craven and loathsome as her husband.

    I hope those I respect (like Dean, Gore, Webb, Franken, etc) do not let their heads swell so much they start listening to such tripe. I feel like I would quickly lose respect for them if they ran against Obama….all I can think of is Kennedy vs. Carter and the damage that was done in that Primary. I would like to hope that we Democrats can pull our shit together and unite behind the President for the 2012 election….not really holding my breath though.

    Vee shall see.

  5. HappyinVT

    Alan Grayson and Russ Feingold couldn’t win re-election in their own district/state.  Tester and Sweitzer are likely more conservative than the president; at the very least there exists no evidence that I know of that they are more liberal/progressive.  Jim Webb isn’t exactly a flaming liberal, either.

    I’m going to assume many of those are tongue-in-cheek and continue enjoying the beautiful weather we’re having.

  6. HappyinVT

    Alan Grayson and Russ Feingold couldn’t win re-election in their own district/state.  Tester and Sweitzer are likely more conservative than the president; at the very least there exists no evidence that I know of that they are more liberal/progressive.  Jim Webb isn’t exactly a flaming liberal, either.

    I’m going to assume many of those are tongue-in-cheek and continue enjoying the beautiful weather we’re having.

  7. Shaun Appleby

    Of attempting to understand the economic crisis and our national response have led me to agree with this:

    …far from being in an era of brutal partisan warfare, as conventional wisdom holds and as watching the nightly television news might suggest, the United States is now in the grip of a political duopoly in which both parties are thoroughly complicit.  They play a game: they agree to fight viciously over certain things to retain the allegiance of their respective bases, while agreeing not to fight about anything that seriously endangers the privileges of America’s new financial elites.

    Charles Ferguson – The Financial Crisis and America’s Political Duopoly Huffington Post 14 Nov 10

    Honestly the Republicans are the worst of the two parties but on a lot of levels there isn’t much difference.  We think of Democrats as ‘caving’ to political opposition when in fact many are already serving other interests.  My only question is has this situation gone so far that it can’t be reversed in the context of a money driven two-party political system?  It’s no accident that Grayson and Feingold are gone.

  8. Since he’s a communist nazi muslim the only two candidates who can beat him on his own ground

    Stalin and Hitler

    Of course, neither of them are Muslim (“as far as I know” thanks HRC) but they both energetically appeal to the base. Neither of them are corporatists, and have been known to energetically ‘fight’ for their base, even to the extremes of the Bunker or Lubyanka.

    They both have the advantage of instant media recognition. They literally ‘kill’ the opposition in debate, and as for holding ‘their feet to the fire’, they can teach us a couple of thinks about that. They’ll also deliver ponies/unicorns/viking porn on a strict five year plan, and work towards an anschluss with Canada. Neither will employ Rahm, who will be sent to a laager or gulag of his choice, which will also please the liberal base no end.

    It’s a no-brainer really. Between them Hitler and Stalin cover the waterfront in terms of policies.

    I don’t know why no one thought of this before

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