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Archive for September 2010

New GOP document – A Pack of Lies to America

In 1994, Newt Gingrich unveiled the Contract for America. Many political analysts view  this document as being helpful to the GOP’s effort to gain control of Congress in that year’s election. Now that the GOP finds itself in a similar situation in 2010, they have decided to release a Pledge to America with the hope that it will help them gain control of Congress in the mid-term elections. Whether that proves to be true is yet to be seen.

ConfederateGOP Logo

A draft version of the document has been released on the Internet. What I’ve read so far appears to be a typical GOP document filled with misdirection, misinformation, half-truths, and outright lies.

The misdirection starts on the first page in the intro. They save the lies for the content. I’ll deal with those in a later post.

An unchecked executive, a compliant legislature, and an overreaching judiciary have combined to thwart the will of the people and overturn their votes and their values, striking down long-standing laws and institutions and scorning the deepest beliefs of the American people.

What they say in that paragraph is true. The misdirection is that they want people to think they are talking about the current government when it is obvious that they are describing the Bush administration that was appointed by a conservative controlled Supreme Court  and enabled by a compliant GOP-controlled Congress.

I Just Don’t Understand

I am a Democrat because I believe in justice and equality. I am a Democrat because I believe in the Constitution and that living document’s ability to improve the lives of all people. I am a Democrat because the more we educate people, help them improve their condition and strive for world stability and security; the more stable and secure our world will become. I am a Democrat because I am a good guy.

I do not believe the people calling themselves republicans or teapots are not good guys. From every indication, the current “leaders” of the republican/conservative/tea party/whateverthefuckyoucallthem are leading the charge for the destruction of the American middle class. On purpose.  

On Rape, Safe-Words and Choice

In the span of 24 hours recently, I came across several vastly different experiences of women regarding feminism, choice and the question of women’s control over their bodies.

(Posted at SexGenderBody)

*Trigger Alert* Among other things, this post discusses sex, kink, rape.  Links will show you naked people.


Republican women heart slavery days

Making the rounds of the internet, you tube and facebook is a photo taken at The National Federation of Republican Women’s Conference, in South Carolina


South Carolina Senator Glenn McConnell (in Confederate Navy costume) with re-enactors

Analyzing Swing States: Virginia, Part 1

This is the first part of a series of posts analyzing the swing state Virginia. The second part can be found here.

Analyzing Swing States: Virginia,Part 1

During the ’08 campaign, the political beltway famously defined Virginia as a Republican stronghold gone Democratic. For ten straight presidential elections, the state had reliably turned up in the Republican column. President Barack Obama, however, promised to change that – and he did.

More below.

The Economy Teeters on the Edge as Politicians Play… So what do the majority of Americans want?

A new poll shows that 53% of Americans support the  ending of tax cuts  for the Wealthy 1% while maintaining them for the  Middle Class.  John Boehner , however, comes out today saying it is not time to increase taxes on anyone (so I assume he’s in that 1%… or is dominated by it.) At the same time, the US  poverty  rating has now increased by 43%… more of us are impoverished by this economy and the lack of jobs is seen as the major cause.

S0 let’s look at that Wealthy 1%. As the major business investors (in terms of money, if not in the creation of new businesses), these folks have NOT created new jobs… at least not in the US. While China and the far east have gotten more employees (for pennies!) and Mexico has received new factories that used to be in Indiana and Illinois and Ohio, the Wealthy 1% have held onto their dough and have not used it to, as the trickle-downers maintain they would, “save America.”