Once again John Stewart proves something that ever sane Al Giordano and our own sage Shaun Appleby have said:
Cable TV political shows on Comedy Central – The Daily Show and The Colbert report – have become far more relevant to the national political discourse than any host on MSNBC or even Fox, which has gone down the Glenn Beck rabbit hole in a manner that only increases the dysfunction inside the GOP.
Al Giordano – A Primer on the 2010 US House and Senate Elections The Field 1 Sep 10
Or as I said, in full Bardic emulation mode, perhaps we’ve reached that strange decadent point in our politics “when sooth sayers sound like fools, and only fools speak the truth.”
The obscene and inflammatory 9/11 commemoration promised by the ridiculous moustachioed demagogue Terry Jones (no, not the Monty Python guy) richly deserves the most withering satire your political wits are capable of.
I can’t view or embed Comedy Central videos in the UK (help Moosefather!), so hat tip for Bruinkid on DKOS for the transcript below the break….
Now as you know, Saturday is September 11th. It’s a day, for many Americans, sadness and reflection. Of course, not everybody is that circumspect.
MONICA CROWLEY (9/9/2010): Coming up on The Factor, a radical fringe Christian group is planning to burn a bunch of Korans on the anniversary of 9/11.
Yes, Florida pastor and Civil War mustache collector Terry Jones is hosting the first ever International Burn the Koran Day. It’s fucked for the whole family.
By the way, two things, pastor. Just because you put “international” on the sign, it doesn’t really make it an international event. Same way the World Series isn’t really played with the entire world, and Miss Universe is always from Earth.
Number two, it’s only three hours? You’re gonna be out by 9? Don’t you want to leave an event like this a little open-ended, based on things like burning time and amount o’ Korans that show? “Look, I hate the Moslems, but Saturday at 9? That’s Bones time. You know the rules. When Bones starts, burnin’ stops.”
But of course, Pastor Jones wanted to make it clear, this isn’t about hate.
TERRY JONES: We’re against a radical element of Islam. Even moderate Muslims should be on our side.
KIRAN CHETRY: No moderate Muslim’s going to be on your side when you’re burning their holy book! I mean, that just sounds silly.
TERRY JONES: That’s not… of course it’s not silly.
It’s not silly, it’s not silly. And I know silly. Exhibit A. (touches mustache)
So a radical Muslim as defined by our good pastor, a radical Muslim defined by this pastor, is any Muslim who thinks it’s not OK for him to burn their holy book. So I guess radical Jews are the ones who don’t take Communion. Uh, this is a political no-brainer, so watch how political no-brainers connect it to other Islam-related issues.
MONICA CROWLEY (9/7/2010): I think about all of this in the context of the debate over the Ground Zero mosque.
FRED BARNES (9/7/2010): This is similar in one way to the Ground Zero mosque.
REP. JOHN BOEHNER, R-OH (9/8/2010): To Pastor Jones and those who want to build the mosque, just because you have a right to do something in America, does not mean it is the right thing to do.
Get it? See the parallel? A Christian is an extremist by burning the Koran. A Muslim is an extremist by reading from it… too close to a place that their extremists burned. It almost makes no sense. For more on this, I’m happy to be joined by our Senior Correspondent John Oliver. John, thanks so much.
JOHN OLIVER: Jon, if I can just… let me just make this perfectly clear. Terry Jones, that radical hate-spewing extremist, does not reflect the views of the vast majority of moderate peaceful Christians. In fact, this man is fucking crazy. He no more represents Christianity than Dr. Laura represents the United Negro College Fund.
JON STEWART: All right, so, I appreciate your clarity on that, but he is hardly alone, John Oliver. There’s Fred Phelps, the Westboro Baptist Church; there is Jeremiah Wright in Chicago; Pat Robertson blamed 9/11 on America’s behavior. I’m seeing a pattern now of extremism in Christianity that a lot of Americans are finding very troubling, very troubling indeed.
OLIVER: OK, sure, you can cherry-pick a few embarrassing lunatics, but to declare them emblematic of the entire faith is simply ridiculous.
STEWART: Let me ask you this then, John Oliver, where’s the money coming from for these extremists? Who’s funding these radical Christian clerics?
OLIVER: What do you mean, funding them? I guess, parishioners? Occasional bake sales? Nothing nefarious, if that’s what you’re trying to imply to me.
STEWART: Apart from the fact that they have tax-exempt status! That means that pastor Terry Jones is being bankrolled by the United States government! That is state-supported extremism! We’re funding extremist churches right in this very….
OLIVER: Oh yeah, sure, right Jon. Our Muslim President is funding Christian extremists. Nice try, please. Settle down.
STEWART: You cannot deny Christianity is a violent religion. I have your holy book right here. Isaiah 13:16: “Their children shall also be dashed to pieces before their eyes, their houses shall be spoiled, their wives ravished.” Leviticus 20:9: “For everyone that curses his father or his mother, shall surely be put to death.” How are we supposed to feel when we see pastors preaching this type of thing across our very country? [Jon mistakenly said “Isaiah 3:16” on the show; it’s actually Isaiah 13:16.]
OLIVER: Hold on a second, Jon. That’s the Old Testament.
STEWART: Yes, that’s right.
OLIVER: No, no, no. That’s your book. Yeah. That’s yours.
STEWART: Are you serious?
OLIVER: Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s a Jew manual. We’re New Testament, Jon. We’re a Prince of Peas, uh, Prince of Peace, turn the other… not Prince of Peas. That’s… that’s not us.
STEWART: I think that’s Dinty Moore.
OLIVER: That’s right. That’s them. We’re Prince of Peace, turn the other cheek, wash your feet. The Old Testament, that’s all you. That’s all on you.
STEWART: This is the Jewish manual? Because I thought the Jewish manual was this book.
Portnoy’s Complaint. It was an ancient text on what it means to be chosen by God and have mommy issues. But even if you go with the New Testament, Christianity is still an expansionist religion, with a core mission to convert the entire world to your way of life.
OLIVER: No, no, no! That is a wild misinterpretation of a very complicated text!
STEWART: That is not a wild misinterpretation! Listen again! (Matthew 28:19-20) “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” That doesn’t even sound like a religion, that is a blueprint for world domination, my friend! World domination!
OLIVER: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!! You wanna go? You wanna go? Cuz I’ll go right now! I will go right now! Gimme that! Gimme your Jew manual.
STEWART: No, no, don’t read from my manual!
OLIVER: Yeah, OK, let’s try this. Chapter 2, Whacking Off.
STEWART: Oh, for God’s sake.
OLIVER: And I quote, Jon:
“Come, Big Boy, come,” screamed the maddened piece of liver that, in my own insanity, I bought one afternoon at a butcher shop and, believe it or not, violated behind a billboard on the way to a bar mitzvah.
OLIVER: Jon, will you publicly now condemn the Jewish practice of ejaculating into dinner meats? Will you do that? Now, here?
STEWART: This is not about me, this is not about Judaism.
OLIVER: Jon, look down the camera, Jon. Look down the camera and publicly state to America that you are against committing sex acts on a two-pound cut of liver. Do it now. Do it. If you believe it, do it.
STEWART: I think people have a right to do that, but I think it should not happen.
OLIVER: Well, there you go. Thank you. Now I feel significantly safer eating lunch with you. But here’s the point. Why won’t every Jew go on camera and just make that simple statement?
STEWART: That is a hardly fair statement….
OLIVER: In fact, let’s settle this now. Wolf Blitzer, where are you on frosting the liver? Answer the question, America wants answers!
STEWART: John Oliver, everybody. We’ll be right back.
Brilliant stuff. But does it do much to stop the zealots? I hope shows like this and Colbert reach a larger audience than Fox, but what do I know?
And how come it’s taken 9 years for Islamophobia to ratchet up to this level? Are some people gaming this? Is it a deliberate new tactic in the wedge issue, for right wingers to distract us from the economic inequalities?
If you’re against religious intolerance (both intolerance between religions, and of religions) how do you effectively counter the