On Facebook today someone asked me to join an event to “Stop the Marketplace for One Day”. Because Facebook will only allow me 1,000 characters in a wall post – and because I can’t say “hello” in less than 1,500 characters – I decided to make it the basis of an Open Thread discussion.
My comment is below the fold, but you won’t find me pitching in to bring down the global economy to somehow “fix things”. I like the 21st century, and since one of my children did not die as an infant I find it demonstrably more desirable than the 19th century when at least one of them would have.
Anyone who wants to suggest that we shuck off this modern world needs to talk to the parents of this baby, first.
Your thoughts?
I don’t get it. The idea is to take down 1/260th of the economy and this is going to help how? Sure, less commerce so less jobs, that’s a big plus for everyone out of work. Eat only locally grown crops that only upper-middle-class people can afford, grown using methods that, if every farmer used them, would not produce enough food to feed the global population?
Until someone convinces me that latte-liberal farming methods can scale to feed 15 billion people (plan ahead, folks) much less the 7 billion we have now I’ll keep my vote in the marketplace. You aren’t going to influence corporations by opting out, you influence them by choosing wisely among them (granted, that includes buying from small farmers, for example).
No offense intended, and I have no doubt your intentions are good, but I don’t think retreating into caves is going to save the world. We cannot go back to 1950 nor would we want to (global infant mortality was nearly three times what it is today) much less back to 1850 when US infant mortality was 22% (white) and 34% (black). Compare that to the worst place on earth today – Angola, at 18%.
This “system of the world” we have built has brought enormous advantages along with it’s disadvantages. Make it better if you can, but going backwards is not an option.