I have been putting more effort into these in recent weeks. There is just so much insanity to work with lately. Ah, the astonishing absurdity of it all, edged however, with echoes from a frightening past…er, um…
Aw damn. I should just get this over with now.
****A ***WARNING:* to all who read this diary: This is not one of my normal tubes. We have serious business to attend to, so do not enter if all you want is amusement!** Then again, perhaps the entire thing is such sheer lunacy, then all it can do is make you laugh and laugh and laugh;~P*** Oh and please note: this diary is very long.****
Either way, I hope you enjoy them.
The latest absurdity seems to be the rather fierce rise in Anti-Islamism in the United States of America since 9/11 and in the past couple of weeks. I use that word because it reminds best of Anti-Semitism. To me, there seems no difference between the two “isms”, except of course, for the actual religions involved.
Ok. So I agree Keith Olbermann is a gigantic ego maniacal twit who thinks he is the second coming of Edward R Murrow , but he is also a MSM liberal voice I often agree with, if I can stand watching him. Bear with me here…
Too much? I am sure that is by design (much in the same way those faux people do), but I am a such a sucker for the dramatic, and will admit I clutched my chest during and after his…um… special thingy.
And yet, things do seem very dire in my country these days. I worry whenever I see a campaign of hate being fostered by the gop, but I am not sure I have seen one work quite so well and so swiftly. Perhaps too well. I wonder how many of them are getting worried about what they have created this past month (years, decades)?
Why do republicans get away with using hate as a campaign tool?
Wow. Wow. Just wow. I got nothing.
No! Now wait just one damn minute! I do have one bloody question, as this all seems pretty grim to me. Do you think these folks are fascists or Nazi’s or something else? Or…and/or, are they fomenting others to the task? I ask, because I really want to know what you think.
So fuck Godwin, ’cause the scene has changed for me. Am I crazy or does this woman have a point?
Good gawd, I truly hope I am just over reacting to recent events. It has been known to happen;~J Please, please let me know if you think I am…uh, taking this too seriously.
Perhaps we just need something funny to take our minds off of all of this annoying hate.
Yep, that was pretty funny, but it didn’t really make me feel any better;~J