A little alliteration.
What did you think? Speak Moose!
1.) No mention of carbon pricing or cap and trade, though he endorses the House bill which has it, that’s sure to piss some people off
2.) Former Mississippi Governor Ray Mabus heading a reconstruction committee
3.) Moratorium on drilling remains in place
4.) Pledges BP will move money for damages, to be overseen by an independent body
After Thoughts:
I’m struck by the obvious criticisms of the speech from those on the left…that it didn’t set forth a list of specifics to fight for. I disagree. He didn’t give a number of wind farms he wants to build or a date specific he wants us to stop be reliant on oil, but he made both goals. Do we need a date certain in order to fight for it? I don’t.
The other criticism I see is that he “missed an opportunity.”
Taegan Goddard
Though Obama called for a “national mission” to transition to clean energy, he was vague on what he actually wants to see in a comprehensive energy bill. In doing so, Obama is just another president that has refused to ask Americans for the necessary sacrifice to finally achieve this greater national goal. He missed a golden opportunity.
I agree we need someone to ask us, or demand us, to sacrifice, but in a democracy in a country like ours, those leaders do not exist, and where they do, they can’t get elected.
The fact is we’re not a country that sacrifices…anymore. We used to be, but then we became a superpower and now as we’re declining as one, we as a people are like the spoiled rich princess who has to be weaned off daddy’s credit card.
The truth is we need someone to put us in our place. We need someone who tells us off. But that person would never had a career in politics.
I’m wondering in the last few days if Bill Maher was wrong in saying what he said…telling coal miners, loggers and oil rig workers to “fuck their jobs.” I think instead of them, I’d be telling off those who drive gas guzzling SUVs, those who insist on leave the lights on or someone who pollutes and has no regard for energy, how we get it, and the people who risk their lives to get it for them (the people Maher insulted)
That person is certainly not Obama, and I’m not so sure it should be. Would it help if he threw his Presidency in a desperate attempt to get the country to act seriously, or would it just lead to another Reagan era of right wing government that will further destroy the country? In a country as irrational about him, and about politics, as ours is, the message will get lost. We’re clearly a nation, as evidence by the polling on offshore drilling in Louisiana, that would destroy the earth around us for a buck.
Those on GOS, OpenLeft, FDL…they think if the President put us in our place, the American people will respect him and see things their way. They couldn’t be anymore delusional IMO. I don’t know what country they live in, but it’s not the same one I do.
As is it, i’m not sure anyone actually heard Obama. Everyone I know was watching either the Mets or the Yankees tonight and not the President. I really only watched because it happened to be on. I’m not sure he reached out to anyone and the only people tuned in are the people he wasn’t talking to…blogistan and the right wing hate machine.