Though long expected, the decision to overturn Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce and to thereby allow unlimited corporate financing of campaigns is nonetheless shocking. Republicans, with the exception of McCain, are cheering this decision (can near see them rubbing their hands greedily together as they fantasize gleefully over the money soon to be pouring into their campaign coffers). Exxon and Phillip Morris can now give eleventy billion dollars to see that likes of Michelle Bachmann stay in office till they turn to dust.
I want to scream.
Rather than attempt to explain this decision through my own frustration muddled mind, here is a link to RawStory with a good overview of it and of early reactions to it.
Republicans say ‘freedom won,’ liberal jokes real winner is Satan
The US Supreme Court on Thursday lifted a 20-year ruling which had set limits on campaign financing by US businesses, and critics, including nonpartisan watchdogs and Congressional Democrats, are up in arms about the decision, which most had feared for a long time. Meanwhile, aside from Senator John McCain (R-AZ), Republicans appear to be gleeful about their second apparent victory of the week.
I am so bloody frustrated with our government…41 seat Senate ‘majority’, the filibuster, the Roberts Court, Brown, HCR, and the list goes on and on.
Though, I guess we can all be thankful that John Edwards did not find his way to the Presidency, or Vice Presidency, Attorney General’ency (heh), or find his way into any other position in Obama’s Administration. He finally fessed today to having fathered a child out of wedlock.
Former presidential candidate John Edwards abandoned his long denial that he had fathered a child during an affair with a campaign aide and admitted today that he is the father of the almost 2-year-old girl.
“I am Quinn’s father,” Edwards said in the bombshell statement this morning. “I will do everything in my power to provide her with the love and support she deserves.”
Again, not that anyone is surprised by this point, but, good grief, what a filthy lying SOB.
To think, I used to support the slimeball. Sheesh.
Think I am gonna go stuff my head in the sand somewhere for a bit. Catch ya’ll on the flip.
Open thread..rant away.