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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Monday December 21, 2009: The Day in Tubes

Happy Solstice! I like Winter Solstice because it means the days will begin to get longer. We will not notice a discernible difference for a month or so, but at least we will begin getting more light.

Apparently the season has imposed itself on even the worst of all Scrooges. Headzup explains.

And yet I somehow am deeply suspicious. That bill needs to be looked over very carefully.

Once in a while I hear a speech that is truthful and biting, but with a dignity that defies time.

That was very good.

Voting for cloture on Health Care Reform is a significant breakthrough for our country. It is not perfect, not even close, but we are inches from passing some of the more positive changes in American health care in the history of this country. And I do believe we can make this legislation better in time.

Now let’s talk about some of these Senators. Who is up for re-election in 2010 and 2012? I want to move the House and Senate more to the left. We also need a more representative face to our government. More women and people of color. More liberals. And let the republicans rot in their stew of hate and lunacy they have been fostering for the past few decades.  

You may wonder why I am displaying such a venomous tone for republicans these days. Here is one reason.

So Doctor Cobern, were you praying that Senator Byrd’s health would prevent his arrival? Or did you just want God to strike him dead? My positive side believes/hopes that Americans will begin to see the fetid nature of the swill the republicans are selling.

Then we have the neo-con crazies getting into health care.

Mary, could you say Jihadist one more time please? I think whoever wrote her talking points today was channeling Cheney.

McCain had a few thoughts about how Teddy Kennedy would see the current legislation.

What a piece of work. Does he just not see what his party has become?

I think Governor Dean describes it well.

Too bad the things worth doing are not often easy.


  1. Hollede

    It was not a very funny day I am afraid. Although I saw a hysterical bit on KO tonight about Sarah Palin. I will try to remember to post it when it is available.

  2. sricki

    that prayer is some creepy stuff. I watched a bit of it last night, and it gave me the heebie-jeebies. **shudder**

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