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Archive for October 2009

Daily Tubes for October 12 & 13, 2009

Oh Contessa. I love you, but really, this interview with Representative Grayson was a bit silly.


What I did was like a Bob Dylan protest song, what Wilson did was like a belch.

God, I love this guy.

I have a new hero. White House Communication Director Anita Dunn. She goes after faux news with a vengeance.

I think I am in love again.

Headzup is back with another exclusive with Lumpybag.

Yep. I just can’t beat that;~J

The College Diet- Tips for Eating Healthy on a College Budget

College diet:

A diet that consists in approximately one meal a day. This meal is often of little or no nutritional value, and may be fast food or even a bag of chips from a vending machine, eaten while sitting in class waiting for the prof to arrive.

The college diet can be employed for a number of reasons, chief among these are a lack of funds with which to purchase food, or a lack of time in which to prepare and eat a balanced meal.

The Urban Dictionary

You wake up to the sound of the alarm going off and your neighbor banging on the wall, and notice you’re late for class. You dress without thinking about what you’re doing, and hoof it across campus wearing mismatched socks, shouldering a backpack containing fifty pounds of books, to take a chemistry test you didn’t study enough for. You look in your wallet and wonder if the local hospital needs any test subjects. You try valiantly to stay awake all day, finally limping back home (after a detour to try and work up the courage to talk to that cute girl in English class) and collapsing into bed- only to realize you’ve got another test to study for, and three papers to write.

Is it a wonder that being a college student and eating well are often seen as two mutually exclusive goals?

“I’ll worry about it when I’m older. They make drugs like Lipitor, which are supposed to clean your cholesterol if you eat too much instant food.”

Heck, a Starbucks Frappacino (13.7 ounces) has 290 calories, almost five grams of fat (half saturated), and 46 grams of sugar. That’s the nutritional equivalent of almost four scoops of chocolate ice cream!

I know it’s hard to eat healthy food, stay on a budget, and enjoy college life- so here’s a few tips for those of you on a budget and looking to eat well!

The Political Discourse in our country is FARKed

Back in the pioneer days of the Internet- the veritable “boom times”, when men were real men, women were real women, and the Internet was called the “Information Superhighway”- a drunk man misspelled a four-letter expletive and, on a whim, decided to register it as a domain name. No particular reason why- not that a drunk needs a reason for doing crazy things, of course. Indeed, for the first two years of it’s existence, this site’s sole purpose was to display a picture of a squirrel with giant testicles.

Who would have imagined that a mere ten years later, that site would become one of the Internet’s few runaway entrepreneurial success stories- and an important part of the 2008 Presidential elections?

The first thing Drew Curtis, founder and operator of, would like you to know is that The first thing you should know is that Fark isn’t a Weblog. It’s a news aggregator and an edited social networking news site. Every day Fark receives 2,000 or so news submissions from its readership- a link to a news article the submitter found particularly interesting, along with a humorous or snarky headline to “sell” the link. About fifty links a day are actually published on the main page.

Sounds simple? Maybe that’s why it works so well, because at over 4 million unique visitors a month, is one of the most popular English-language sites on the Internet.

Popular though it may be, Fark doesn’t naturally pop to mind when thinking of US politics. Sites like LittleGreenFootballs, DailyKos, and FiveThirtyEight. Indeed, part of it’s mass appeal is that the impetus for Fark is, and always has been, grounded in humor.

In the course of writing a term paper on the role the Internet, and the blogosphere in particular, played in the 2008 Presidential elections, I emailed a wide variety of people seeking their opinions of how the process worked. Perhaps overly-ambitious, I fired off emails to everyone from Keith Olbermann to Michelle Malkin. David Frum and I chatted briefly, but he was too busy for an interview. The same story held true for Christopher Buckley and Nate Silver. Markos Moulistas, and Erick Erickson both blew me off after hearing some of the questions I wanted to ask*.

The only person to sit down and talk with me in detail was Drew Curtis. While I didn’t get to use it in my term paper (thanks to the lack of other interviewees), I have transcribed it here for posterity’s sake. In light of recent events, and seeing how polarized our political discussion process has become, I think it’s even more interesting than it was this spring.

Without further ado- Drew Curtis and’s contribution to US politics, in his own words:

Daily Tubes for Friday October 9, 2009

Lookie, lookie, here comes cookie! And see who won the Nobel Peace Prize this year.

I actually think the Nobel committee is giving the medal to the people of United States for electing Barack Obama as our President. I suspect that the world had almost given up on us over the past decade.

The President accepted the award with typical aplomb and a colossal dose of humility.

Well said Mr. President.

Gun Rights: Honesty in Political Debate Reality Check

Having just fired guns for the first time recently I thought I would take up the issue of Gun Control/Gun Rights.  I am further going to consider this in the context of how honestly this is being handled by both sides.  

That paragon of honesty in political debate – Human Events – has been so kind as to send me a note today from the Second Ammendment Foundation.  I have copied the bulk of it below and made an effort to see if it accurately expresses the reasons gun owners should be concerned about the current administration.  I will accept the SAF as an established voice (35 years) for the political right on this topic, and allow President Obama’s words speak for themselves, as specifically referenced by SAF.

"Get off Obama's back!"

I’m back to writing …

… in my mysterious and sexy way.

(actually I’m back to sharing links)…

We had a great debate on the Moose on Michael Moore in a recent diary and I wanted to share with you peeps a letter he wrote.

I was going to put it in an openthread but it is in the 3 digit range and many might not see it.

Here is a bit :

All I ask of those who voted for Obama is to not pile on him too quickly. Yes, make your voice heard (his phone number is 202-456-1414). But don’t abandon the best hope we’ve had in our lifetime for change. And for God’s sake, don’t head to bummerville if he says or does something we don’t like. Do you ever see Republicans behave that way? I mean, the Right had 20 years of Republican presidents and they still couldn’t get prayer in the public schools, or outlaw abortion, or initiate a flat tax or put our Social Security into the stock market. They did a lot of damage, no doubt about that, but on the key issues that the Christian Right fought for, they came up nearly empty handed. No wonder they’ve been driven crazy lately. They’ll never have it as good again as they’ve had it since Reagan took office.

But — do you ever see them looking all gloomy and defeated? No! They keep on fighting! Every day. Our side? At the first sign of wavering, we just pack up our toys and go home.  

I don’t have much to add other than …


Daily Tubes for October 7 & 8, 2009

Attacks from the republican party on Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi are standard fare. However, earlier this week, republicans stepped over the line even for them. More from

The National Republican Congressional Committee on Tuesday mocked Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) for daring to question Gen. Stanley McChrystal.

“General Pelosi has no problem sacrificing her own credibility as the Obama administration and liberals in Congress attempt to walk back a strategy they strongly advocated just months ago,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “Nancy Pelosi continues to make party politics a higher priority than our national security. Rather than listening to a four-star general’s assessments on Afghanistan, General Pelosi somehow believes she is better suited to craft our country’s military policy.”

If Nancy Pelosi’s failed economic policies are any indicator of the effect she may have on Afghanistan, taxpayers can only hope McChrystal is able to put her in her place.

For whatever reason, the NRCC did not criticize Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.) who called McChrystal’s recent public statement “pretty odd.”

“I think the place for a woman is at the top of the House of Representatives,” responded Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.): “It’s evidence [Republicans] long for the days when a woman’s place was in the kitchen. Now a woman is third in line for the presidency… But it’s not surprising, coming from a party that’s 80 percent male and 100 percent white.”

Speaker Pelosi had this response for Ken Spain and the NRCC.

Is Spain channeling Lumpybag?

Over in the Senate it is SSDD.

Does anyone else think that McConnell looks like a turtle?

John posted this tube earlier in my last diary. He called it the GOP anthem. It seems more like their fight song to me.

The pugs are anti-cheerleaders and Groucho’s song is a very fitting theme song for GOP.  

Time to sound off on health care reform.

Thirty Democratic senators sent a letter in support of the public option to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. If you support the public option, please read the letter ane the list of senators who have signed it then email your senator if you don’t find his or her name on the list.

I didn’t see Carl Levin’s name on the list so I sent him the following email.

Senator Levin,

Thirty senators signed a letter to Senate Majority leader Harry Reid today in support of the public option in the current health care reform efforts. You name was not one of those who signed the letter. Could you explain why you don’t support this effort?


John R. Allen

Letter and list of senators after the jump.