Headzup landed an exclusive interview with President Obama. I was so pleased that they were able to get him to really open up.
Oh don’t I wish he could actually go there.
The Onion has breaking international news!
OMFG. I just totally offended myself! WTF is wrong with me? I actually adore Hillary Clinton. And yet I still found the bit pretty funny. I wonder why?
President Carter has some thoughts on the tea baggers and anti Obama protesters.
I do believe that racism is a strong undercurrent flowing through the freak show we have been witnessing over these past several months.
For those who are not racist, you shame yourselves by allowing these nut bags a place in your movement.
She’s baaaaaaaack.
Ahem. I am fairly certain all of the criteria has been met to have Michele Bachmann legally declared insane. Won’t someone please help this poor woman, and get her placed in an appropriate facility?
Tea bagging organizer Mark Williams outs himself on CNN.
More on tea bagger Mark Williams. I love how David Gergen and James Carville start laughing at this lunatic and then go on to shred him so effectively.
Taking money from working stiffs and giving it to the big corporations
is socialism? Can we please order another room at the appropriate facility for Mr. Williams? Or at least get a little education for this fellow?