With August almost over, it seems some of the funny is re-emerging.
Headzup has been busy, and is sharing with us, the growing bond between two of my favorite lunatics.
OMG. I just had an awful thought. The Sarah Palin and Glen Beck Show (SPAG BS). The horror.
Pundits are out again. 50 Holli points to whomever can make fun of them the best.
Ooh. Representative Wasserman Schultz got Pence about five times. Lets see 5 x 50 = she is winning.
Every so often this little toad comes out from whatever rock he has been sitting under, and I see him on my tv machine.
Oh wait. Sorry, that was Grover Norquest. He always looks like that. Can anyone understand what this fellow is talking about? Ever?
A serious look at our justice system.
Note to self, self: don’t kill any white people…aw, bummer.
I have recently learned who Miley Cyrus is and now I need counseling. This is pretty adorable though.
How can you not love gay men?
Uh oh. More of that “bipartisanship” sweating away. Is it warm where you are?
Why is that? The vast majority of Americans still believe in serious health care reform. How long do the rethugs get to just stand in the way?
I am for running them the (deleted) over. Oh damn. I forgot, they are mostly white guys. Bummer.
Monday August 31, 2009. The Day in 100 seconds through the fabulous lens of TPMtv…
…and will post it as soon as they do.
Update! TPMtv never posted the Day yesterday. I am lost and forsaken. I hope they will post today or I may end up in serious withdrawal.