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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Archive for March 2009

What is AIG?

I happened to be in the States for a few days, and I came home just in time for the explosion over AIG.

Yesterday some of you might have seen my diary quitting the blogsphere…of course I reconsidered, but in that diary I said that the blogsphere has become completely detached from reality…like the MSM has been.

Both of them are pushing the story of massive public outrage…but quite honestly, I don’t see it and in the last two days, I haven’t seen it.

Tao Te Traffic


“Americans will put up with anything provided it doesn’t block traffic.”

– Dan Rather

Traffic is a minor miracle.

It’s a dance, and a competition. The stakes are incredible – driving at 60mph in a crowd of other cars is likely your most dangerous activity of the week. Each time you enter the fray, a stranger may have saved your life, and you may save another’s life in return. How many times do we avoid an accident because someone else was paying attention?

Marriage "A Mother and Father for Every Child"

is the slogan on buttons displayed by the people protesting gay marriage legislation in Vermont. The tactic being used by the right wing protesters, led by The National Organization for Marriage a group based in Princeton New Jersey, which is stepping up its campaign with radio ads which will pepper the state and neighboring areas, and they have encouraged supporters to send emails to legislators which state:

For millennia, marriage has been the way that societies, across all cultural, ethnic and religious lines, have connected children to their own mothers and particularly fathers. This is a fundamental role of marriage which ought not be changed lightly.

RIP: GOP – Thank you, Christian Right!!!!

That giant sucking sound that you hear, is the hole in the ground where the GOP used to be.  The Christian Reich (CR) took them over and instead of spreading out to envelop the entire country, the greedy, intolerant, deceitful hypocrites have killed the GOP.  Moderate and independent citizens have spoken with their votes.  It turns out that Americans really do want equality for all.

(Cross-posted at The National Gadfly)

Why I Quit Blogging: UPDATED

I haven’t been around recently. I’ve been travelling, working, and been downright busy.

I came back this week to check out what’s going on and as usual I came to the blogs, where I have been participating since 2004.

In the less than 12 hours I hit the blogs, my blood pressure went sky high and I’ve come to the realization that the blogsphere is another world completely disconnected from reality. I didn’t really want to write a GBCW diary, it’s so 2007, but I will anyway. It’s time for me to hang up the keyboard and move on.  

The Week in Tubes ~ Part One {from last week}

These are make-up tubes, because I had a rotten week and got behind.

“I’m a little stem cell” anyone?

Have I mentioned yet that I love Versusplus? My cat Wicked would quiver all over when I would sing I’m a little teapot to her. of course it could have been my singing…

Tuesday March 10, 2009 in 100 seconds by TPMtv

From the deepest valleys to the mountain top in just one short day. You think they have a bit of altitude sickness?

Monday March 9, 2009 in 100 seconds

He cares! He really, really cares. And that is a mos def on the ‘tude sickness.

Overnight Open Thread

Ann Coulter versus Keith Olbermann- death cage match- two men enter, one man leaves- who wins?

Ayn Rand's Ghost Responds: "F**k You!"

VAHALLA, NY.  Recently, there has been a stream of people quoting Ayn Rand and her novel, Atlas Shrugged as justification for the economic policies that created the current financial crisis. Ms. Rand’s polemic novel which assaulted altruism and government has been quoted and promoted by CEO’s, government officials, lobbyists as well as print, radio and television – and apparently, they’ve all got it wrong.

Education Reform

Cross-posted to Mike’s Blog!

Here’s a blog post I wrote recently about education policy. I don’t have a lot of experience writing about policy, so I’d really appreciate comments and criticisms so I can get better at this stuff. Since I wrote the post, President Obama gave a big speech on education policy. There’s been a lot written about that speech and its implications, but this post is more of an introduction to the entire education policy debate.