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Archive for March 2009

My Rape Story

I was 12 or 13 years old, back in ’72 or ’73.   It was summer.   I played outside with my friends and did whatever young boys do, with time on their hands and no supervision.   My friend Bob and I were outside goofing around.  We ran into Jimmy, a man that lived in the neighborhood.  He was tall, thin, had a mustache and long hair, in his late 20’s or early 30’s.   He often said hello to me as he walked by.   Bob and I saw him and we got to talking.   There was a forest preserve across the street from my house, where I often played.   As we walked along talking, we entered the woods.  I had no reason to be suspicious.   I was always in those woods.

(Cross-posted at The National Gadfly)

The Lounge: What's Your Sign Baby?

So y’all – it was my birthday last weekend.  With turning a year older and the self-reflection that comes with it (plus a little nudge from Holli) I decided to look up my horoscope.  I am a Pisces which is described as:

Pisces represents two fishes swimming in opposite directions, bound by a cord. The dualism implicit in its symbolism is a weakening principle, because the fishes strain against each other rather than support each other’s motion. This adds an element of vacillation to the way a Piscean thinks and acts, but it also suggests the ability to receive influences from multiple sources which, whilst tending to undermine self-will, gives the capacity for rounded awareness and instinctive understanding of how gain in one area results from loss in another.

As such a trait suggests, Pisceans are not known for being quick and decisive problem solvers. They are apt to see everything as a dilemma, riddled with numerous options and shades of possibility. A complex and idealistic sign, Pisces sets a high store on conscience and consequence, with the fear of causing upset to others often gaining the upper hand over the desire to assert one’s own interests. Highly sensitive and impressionable, Pisceans are either commended for their compassionate humility and sympathetic consideration, or berated for being weak-willed, gullible and lacking in focus.

That got me to thinking – what about….

Barack Obama – August 4, 1961 – Leo

Loyal, and sometimes rather traditional, Leos are, after all, a fixed sign. They’ll hold on to situations and people for a very long time before they give up. There is an unmistakable idealism to Leo’s view of the world and the people in it. Often, Leos have a very noble inner code that they answer to. Although on the surface, Leos appear rather confident, they can actually be some of the most humble souls around. They are the first to blame themselves when something goes wrong. Once again, it’s the Leonine self-importance at work, and this characteristic works in unexpected ways. Instead of being the conceited, self-absorbed show-offs of reputation, they are usually very self-aware, self-conscious, and, yes, even humble.

Hillary Clinton – October 26, 1947 – Scorpio

Scorpio holds the enviable reputation of being the most sexually magnetic, smoulderingly charismatic, and psychologically enigmatic of all the zodiac figures. Wonderful! … But there is, of course, a downside (no sign gets it all). Scorpio has also garnered the most derogatory collection of ‘keywords’, with its predilection for subtlety and self-preservation never far from the inference of craftiness, cunning, betrayal, and deceit. Throughout history, Scorpio has been subjected to ongoing slanderous assault: Considered a dark, defensive sign with subterranean drives and a powerful reservoir of emotional energy, Scorpio has often been used as a significator for liars, backstabbers, traitors, thieves, lechers, and all sorts of dubious users and abusers! In medieval times scorpions were emblems of evil, death, and the serving of self-interest, used as a token for Judas in Christian symbolism because of the deadly treachery implicit in their sting. [1] Fortunately – in view of such disparaging associations – Scorpios are also known for their impenetrable defences, and for their ability to beguile opponents into underestimating both their resilience, and the fixidity of purpose that fuels their interminable self-will.

George W. Bush – July 6, 1946

Crabs also have large pinching claws, and Cancer can hold onto things, especially from the past. Cancer are fiercely loyal and have a difficult time letting go. But Cancer are also quick to bring those you love inside the safety of your outer shell while you nurture them. Cancer love is protective, but unless tempered, can be smothering.

Cancer motto could be, “A good defense is the best offense.” Like a Crab in its cave, your attack can consist of baiting your opponent into your territory. What appears to be a retreat to others can be your best aggressive tactic. As you feel your way through life, building your security by developing your home and family relationships, remember that unexpressed anger can turn into resentment and depression, so find someone you can trust and share your feelings.

Hey maybe there is something to this astrology thing after all.

Day of Justice

(Proudly cross-posted at C4O Democrats)

Today is the day I’ve been waiting for quite some time. The California Supreme Court hears oral arguments on the lawsuits that will force the judges to decide whether it’s OK to treat millions of people, people like me, as “second-class citizens” simply because of who we love. Can this possibly be allowed? I hope not, and I renew my vow today to work my hardest to ensure it’s not allowed.

So what’s at stake today?

Growing Up Lesbian

This diary was inspired by the national gadfly’s brilliant article I Was A Teen-age Sexist Chicken. It started as a comment and then with the  kind urging of Michelle Marshall it started looking like a diary. Michelle then really dug in, helped me with some editing, and provided the awesome pics. Thank you both for the inspiration and perspiration. I also want to thank Ani and my mother and my agent…uh…sorry, just went over the deep end there for a moment;~D

I think I was born a ‘radical lesbian separatist feminist from hell’.  And yet I am still a chicken when it comes to women and feminism.  These are issues for which I do not have a map and am fairly certain that is true for most of us.  I only have my personal experiences to draw upon. As do all of you.


Recovery Begins With Truth

I am an alcoholic.

I got sober almost 20 years ago.  Before that, I abused alcohol, drugs, sex and money in order to ignore the damage I had done to my life, deluding myself .  I crawled through life in a cycle of being drunk or not yet drunk, making more mistakes that would need more drinking to erase.  I am nobody special.  Absolutely nobody.  Everyone on this planet has problems and I have mine.  I chose to deal with them by ‘feeling better’, one glass at a time.  All day.  Each and every day…week…month and year – until I turned to someone for help.

Lies about Life Expectancy

One of my pet peeves is umpteen articles which state that in year X or civilization Y, “the average life expectancy was only 45.”

The wording of these articles leads one to believe that few people in these periods or cultures lived past 40 or 45.

This is not true. Adult humans have always lived about as long as they do now, ie. 60, 70, 80, 90, 100.

These “average life expectancy” numbers are so low because they include the number of babies who die at or just after birth (infant mortality) and the number of children who die very early in their lives (before 5). Infant and early childhood mortality was much higher in earlier centuries and millennia for all races and ethnicities than today for all types of obvious reasons. Thus, by averaging in a much higher infant and early childhood mortality rate in these periods and cultures, you end up with a much lower ‘average life expectancy.’

The fallacy here is best illustrated with turtles. Turtles have extremely high mortality rates at birth and in the days and weeks soon after birth: well over 90 percent. But those few turtles who survive these first few weeks have life expectancies of 30, 50, 100, or 150 years. As with humans, a graph of turtle life expectancy is not linear. There is a massive mortality bottleneck in the first weeks and months of life and then life expectancy skyrockets.

Unfortunately, many people read these poorly worded assertions about the average life expectancy of “early man” or ‘indigenous, non-white culture X’ and interpret these statistics to mean that up until the 1800s, very few people anywhere lived past the age of 45. That’s not true.

Adult humans have always lived about as long as they do today.

The female snapping turtle in the photo above, from Mill Brook in Westbrook, Maine just below Highland Lake, is probably 20-40 years old and will probably live (barring getting run over by a car) for another 20 or 40 or even 60 years. Nobody knows if there is even an upper limit on the age of snapping turtles, except that it is probably like humans, around 120 years.

Tubby Tubes

Good grief, is it only Tuesday? Does this week seem to have a theme? A theme that has been gaining some momentum over the past few weeks. See if you can tell what it is on Tuesday, March 3, 2009 in 100 seconds.

Wow. Nice…uh…display of the power of Rush, CNN. Michelle is right, I really do need to watch the Godfather.

Did you catch the same drift from Monday, March 2, 2009 in 100 seconds?

Yeah, it does suck to be all of us. Every single day, I wished I would wake up from a really bad nightmare, which began Wednesday November 8, 2000, and finally ended Tuesday January 20, 2009.

Coleman lawyers call do-overs, no backsies; Overnight Open Thread

TalkingPointsMemo tells us that

The Coleman team has previously said that the judges have to either undo the strict standards for letting in new ballots, or else undertake a review of all 290,000 absentee ballots from Election Night and start proportionately reducing the totals. In a new letter to the judges, however, Coleman lawyer James Langdon floats a new solution — declaring the election to be unsolvable, and nullifying it entirely…

“Hasn’t Franken already been seated?” a friend of mine asked me.

“Does Harry Reid have a backbone?” was my reply.
