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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Winter Tubes

I subscribe to aniBOOM and should check out their toons more often. Every so often I see something like this, which for me, is a perfect description of our paradigm.

This week has been very amusing for me. Watching the pugs eat their own has been an absolute delight. I believe I have mentioned my affinity for Zombie movies. Heh. This week has been one long and glorious zombie movie. I am calling it “Living the Night of the Dead”.

Thursday March 5, 2009 in 100 seconds.

Happy birthday sweetheart. I love you with all of my heart.

Wednesday March 4, 2009 in 100 seconds.

Damn! That sounds really good. Perhaps we should just get on with it and leave the naysayers to their own devices.

Instead we seem to have this…

Sick of these guys yet?

This is more like it! Transparency baby!!!

Ah, if only it could work this way. In fact, they could campaign on that, it is golden.

I am not even sure what this means, but that did not interfere in making me laugh.


Until someone comes out with a good republican zombie tube, this is the best thing I expect to see in a while. From Crooks and Liars, enjoy.

Actually, it seems as if most pugs have been asking the Dems to leave poor Rush alone. Didn’t Boehner ask the President to do just that this week?

Yum yum.


  1. sricki

    I believe I have mentioned my affinity for Zombie movies. Heh. This week has been one long and glorious zombie movie. I am calling it “Living the Night of the Dead”.

    I LOVE zombie movies! My dad too — we rent them ALL the time. Hard to make a bad zombie movie, you know? Several hundred ravenous flesh-eating zombies + half a dozen fleshy scared people with cockamamie escape plans = instant WIN.

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