First off, you have to understand that even though I was (and remain) solidly pro-Obama, I have voted for Republicans and Libertarians, too. Don’t try to pigeon-hole me; I’m old enough to be conservative but wise enough to pick and choose rather than simply align based on labels.
I blog elsewhere, at varying intervals, but I wanted to check out the motley assortment here, and point you good folks at an unusually balanced Huffington Post article. So let me work out the mechanics and see if I can hold your interest.
Check out a pointer to Dawn Teo’s HuffPo article on the Obama visit to Mesa, Arizona.
MESA, ARIZONA — In Mesa, where home values have dropped by nearly 45 percent, it is not hard to find people whose mortgage is in trouble. At today’s event, every attendee I spoke with was either close to foreclosure or in foreclosure or had a close friend or relative facing foreclosure. Eyes brimmed with tears, attendees described the bleak outlook of being uprooted from their homes, a common fate in the Valley of the Sun. Besides the obvious transition from pre-election rallies to stately policy talks, today’s topic — the foreclosure crisis — was sobering for the Mesa crowd.