If Obama can do it, so can I.
It was pretty damn thoughtless of me to disappear so completely during my personal and professional meltdown. I have a rationalization for it, but I’ll spare you the BS.
You “guys,” (used in the gender neutral sense, Sricki), are my friends, and I’m sorry for letting you down.
I ran away, partly because I was ashamed, and partly because I did not want to burden anyone with my problems. I probably got that from my Dad, and it’s not a legacy that’s very helpful.
Just so everyone knows, I was laid off yesterday.
I’m glad it’s over actually. I’ve developed a new appreciation for not being overly ambitious. I call it the “Stipes Principal,” since I’m an arrogant, self-centered type person, and I’m trying to find ways to engrandize myself.
It’s related to the Peter Principal, but is generally self-inflicted. It’s basically involves being promoted to the level of severe unhappiness, and I think that it is a fairly common thing. I did take pride in how far I’d climbed, but that was a silly thing to value above my happiness.
To quote the “Chronicles of Riddick,” I have done unspeakable things in the last 6 months. I handed out about a hundred pink slips, and then was handed one myself.
Was the extra six months of pay, worth what I had to do during that time?
That’s a question that I’ll be noodling over for quite awhile.
I should have stayed. It was a mistake to leave.
I’d like to think that I would have handled things better with my job, if I’d still been hanging around with you guys.
Thanks for welcoming me back.
(per request by Spliff and a pissed off monkey -Admin)
-compliments of CG
UPDATE: Thanks for the great graphic! My little one is home sick today with me, so I’ll be in and out. I’m working on a snark diary, and will post later today. Your little editing job just gave me the code I needed to finish it. I still didn’t know how to embed a picture, believe it or not!