From Salon yesterday.
Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2009 18:30 EST
Former Rep. Dick Armey (R-Texas) still needs some lessons in etiquette.
Armey, who once referred to fellow Rep. Barney Frank as “Barney Fag,” lost his temper during an appearance with Salon editor in chief Joan Walsh on MSNBC’s Hardball Wednesday, and lashed out, saying:
I am so damn glad that you could never be my wife, ’cause I surely wouldn’t have to listen to that prattle from you every day.
Joan responded, “Well, that makes two of us.” She’ll have more to say in her blog later on.
The insanity starts around 6 minutes, but the entire exchange is very interesting.
I long for the day when we no longer need to deal with Dicks.
While Matthews did not say much at the time, he did come back after the bit and gave Armey a scolding. This after Bob Herbert pointed out that
“Dick Armey was so far out of line with his sexist comments and he owes Joan Walsh and your viewers an apology”
It was not until the beginning of the next segment, but Matthews did make a strong statement
“We had a rather rough back and forth, I think that Dick Armey, I like the guy, but I think he went way overboard going after Joan, I mean you gotta let the other person make the point without a reference to your wife or whatever this gender aspect that shouldn’t have been brought up”
I would rather have seen Matthews smack Armey on the spot, but he at least recognized (with encouragement? Duh.) the Dickly behavior was in error.
I watched the entire show yesterday and had figured I would work it into a tube, but Michelle’s article prompted me to add my two cents.
Men need to confront this sort of idiocy on the spot. I wish Bill Clinton should have been more forceful with Former Bush, and Matthews should have fried Dick Armey’s testicles face to face. Men like Dick (and GHWB) will never take women seriously, and unfortunately, I suspect will only listen to a man on this subject. I would love to see a guy like Chris Matthews slam the shit out of a person like Dick Armey, as it would send a message to all of the other Dicks out there; behaving like a teen-age boy in a locker room is not very smart.
Dick and George may never get it. There is more hope for guys like Bill and Chris. I think they are trying and their efforts may help influence others not to be such Dicks.
Pardon me while I wash my mouth and hands.