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Archive for December 2008

I expect more from Barack

obama Pictures, Images and Photos

I am dissapointed in Barack Obama.

Very dissapointed.

I never thought that the P-elect could puke rainbows, shit unicorns and piss peace.


I always knew he was just another pol. A great one. But still a politician.

I’ve seen him make bullshit moves to advance his political goals and I’ve stuck by him because this is how the game works. .

His economic policy apparently was not  written up in crayon by a bunch of fourth graders.

It doesn’t look like he’s going to try to grope the economy while driving her home after a bad date either.

No rufie colada for the Economy thank you very much.

He wants us out of Iraq and is actually interested in getting Bin Laden.

But …

HE FUCKED UP this time.

Aretha Franklin and Dr. Rick Warren, an evangelical minister of the Saddleback Church, are among the select group of people who will participate in Barack Obama’s inaugural swearing-in ceremony on Jan. 20.

Rick Warren?



Really fucked up.

Dr. Warren, author of “The Purpose Driven Life,” will deliver the invocation.

Why the hell do we even have church mixed up with state in the first place? This coming from a christian (me).

Warren might not be so blatant about his homophobia (he has gay friends!) but his support of Prop 8 says all you need to know about the man.

Barack Obama has 4 years to prove that he is a progressive when it comes to civil rights. I see nothing that makes me think otherwise as far as mainstream politicians are concerned. But this is a rocky start and I’m pretty pissed off about it (even if I’m not surprised).

We learned from the Bush years that the never ending campaign only leads to trouble.

The elections are over and he should remember who helped get him elected in the first place.


/rant mode off

Busta Rhymes’s rap song “Arab Money” …

is very popular currently. But so are charges flying around about being a racist song….folks, please make up your own mind about the controversy………

Meanwhile, recently few underground bands hit the trail in North America. Here are few clips from StereoLab and The Editors. They are probably the best known secrets in the underground rock world..Stereolab is a Anglo-French Band who had been around since the early nineties. Stereolab are known for their guitars, percussions, Marxist overtones with French vocalist Sadier..listen to Peng!

Emergency Kisses by StereoLab

Wow and Flutter- StereoLab

The “Editors” are a Brit indie rock band formed early this century known for their dark guitar rocks…

Smokers outside the Hospital Door

Editors- Munich


Happy Listening..So what are you upto this dreary Wednesday night….?

US Puerto Ricans


During the primary battles and on through the GE, I realized that there is a lack of understanding among many progressives across the blogosphere about Puerto Ricans; those here on the mainland and those on the island.  

Lumped into the demographic category of “Hispanics” or “Latinos”, Puerto Ricans here in the States tend to be a solidly Democratic voting block, but contrary to most assumptions that the entire community is clustered in the Northeast (New York, New Jersey, PA, MA, CT) the Puerto Rican diaspora has expanded over the years, and there are now growing communities in other locations.  Florida is a case in point – contrary to the belief that the Spanish-speaking community of FL is solidly Cuban-American, Puerto Ricans are becoming a major force there, and helped win the state for Barack.

I would like to call attention to a new project – just launched last week, which will provide insights, news, analysis and information by and about Puerto Ricans.  

The name of the site is .

The Shoe of our Discontent

In a global media era, just how far can one pair of shoes go?

Muntadhar al-Zaidi–part Iraqi journalist, part shoe thrower–was arrested and jailed by US authorities after his now-infamous incident on Sunday. According to a Reuters report, while the Iraqi government called his shoe-throwing antics “barbaric,” the news station he represented was calling for his release “in accordance with the democratic era and the freedom of expression that Iraqis were promised by U.S. authorities.” Allegations of cruel and inhumane treatment, while likely untrue, have been a popular talking-point for regional media figures sympathetic to the Iraqi cause.

Newt Gingrich Flames the RNC for “Obama/Blago” Attacks

OK, First Al Haig now Newt Gingrich.  Even a Polyanna-optimist like myself is starting to get weirded out.


Even in my Cranky Conservative phase, I never entirely warmed up to Newt.  A smart guy, no doubt, but “further to the Right” than my personal preferences went.

Is he simply trying to distance himself from RNC Chairman and lead-mudflinger Mike Duncan?  Or is he displaying rational cognition?

In Praise of Barack Obama, by Al Haig

Alexander Haig, Chief of Staff to Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford and Secretary of State to Ronald Reagan, has words of praise for Barack Obama.


John Allen is finding some sense in William Kristol, cats and dogs are living together and half of registered Republicans approve of Obama’s actions since he was elected.  Are these signs of the End of Days, or the beginning of an Age of Reason?

Hell must have frozen over.

My world has turned upside down. I read a column by William Kristol in the NY Times and found myself agreeing with him. How has this come to be? What next, agreeing with Charles Krauthammer? If that happens, please drag me out behind the barn and shoot me.

In his latest column, which is the source of my great discomfort, Kristol says the Right and Left are dumping on the  auto companies. (my emphasis)

Today, G.M., Ford and Chrysler get no respect. Maybe they don’t deserve much. Detroit has many sins to answer for, and it’s been doing plenty of answering. But – and I say this as someone who grew up in non-car-driving family in New York and who is the furthest thing from an auto aficionado – there is a kind of undeserved disdain, even casual contempt, that seems to characterize the attitude of the political and media elites toward the American auto industry.

Kristol goes on to quote Warren Brown of the Washington Post.

Hurray! Bush saved Executive Pay and Bonuses!

Hey, guys? Remember that $700 billion dollar bailout? Turns out our President, once again, is looking out for the interests of the people who are really hard up in this situation.

Yep, you guessed it. He threw in a provision to ensure executive pay was kept intact.

Turns out you only get executive pay penalized if you sold troubled assets to the government… but instead, if the government just hands you a blank check, you’re good to go.

Wow. After all these years, I couldn’t have even fathomed something like this. I’d love to hear a Republican apologist explain this one. Sorry for the short diary… this just boggles my mind.

From the article:

“Michele Davis, spokeswoman for the Treasury […] would not say when the guidance would be issued or what penalties it might impose…”

In other words, expect close to nothing.

“But she said the companies promised to follow the rules in contracts with the department.”

Where’s an image of Nelson from The Simpsons when you need one?

And anyway, with no friggin’ legislation in place at the time a contract is signed, precisely what do you believe the odds would be, to successfully prosecute anyone?

I think this picture is in order here.

Elections To Remember: California, 1934

Some elections are amazing. Some are intense. Some are mind-boggling.

And some are simply forgotten.

Please join me in remembering a few of these elections every week. I promise that it’ll be amazing, intense, and mind-boggling…or your money back.