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Archive for October 2008

Telegraph: Republicans Fear an Obama Landslide

The Daily Telegraph reports that senior Republicans believe we are on the precipice of an epic election:

Aides to George W.Bush, former Reagan White House staff and friends of John McCain have all told The Sunday Telegraph that they not only expect to lose on November 4, but also believe that Mr Obama is poised to win a crushing mandate.

The article goes on to suggest that they anticipate the election will provide Obama more political capital to remake the political landscape than Ronald Reagan enjoyed after the 1980 election.  

(Cross-posted at Clintonistas for Obama)

A Bit More Faith

Yes, today this faithless heathen is smiling a bit broader, feeling a little better about the people of this nation and humanity in general. It’s not that I’m normally a cynic – I’m just a lowly realist – but last Saturday a woman named Marilyn Mock did something truly unreal: she selflessly saved the home of a total stranger.

Watch Lil O’Reilly go nutzzzz…

Does Bill O realize how awful he actually looks on TV?

Watch Lil O’Reilly expouse on contemporary issues.

Watch lil O’ bash Barney Frank..

Bill O can now safely retire, his replacement has arrived..

Can I Get A Witness?


Is is just me, or do Fundamentalists  confound you too?

From the wording of this sign, it would not be a stretch to infer that our current president has led us away from God.

Neither would it be a stretch to assume that they also prayed to elect him in both 2000 and 2004.

Does this not call the results of their prayers into question?

Did George turn us away from God?

Would they vote for him again if he could run?

I wonder if they ever think about these things?

Oh wait. I forgot.

Free Thinkers go to Hell.

Never mind.

A Little Thing We Can Do – Show Blue

I had been trying to think of something that everyone could do – no special expense – just a way to encourage all of us as we wait for next Tuesday. 

My husband and I are travelling and voted early in Indiana (OBAMA-in case you wondered) – and thus feel a little tense as we wait for the rest of you to catch up with us.  So we decided to encourage everyone to WEAR BLUE as often as possible between now and the close of the polls.

Wanna Smile?

Got Google?  Does your version auto-populate when you start typing into the search box, like mine?


Good.  Try this:

Go to Google, and type in the words:  “how do”

Sarah Palin, the next Ross Perot

You heard it here first.

I predict that Sarah Palin will form her own Political party/movement and run as a third party candidate in 2012.

Why not run as a Republican you ask?

Pre Mortem PM Thread: McCain Campaign Mistakes

In this tense last week until the election itself, I suspect a lot of people are too nervous to write or comment much, hoping that they won’t somehow jinx the encouraging news from the polls.

But without jumping the gun and prejudging the election, it’s surely safe enough to look at some of  key ways McCain’s Hate Talking Express has come off the rails.

I Feel Like a Republican

Wow. I am watching Morning Joe. I don’t normally watch the show, but have learned to hate Joe Scarborough less than I did years ago. I have even begun to appreciate his independent lens a bit lately. This morning he does seem to be a bit cranky.  Joe does not seem to be very happy about the Obama campaign and  in fact seems to be feeling quite the victim today. Joe and the other red stater’s on the show are actually crying about how much more money Obama has, and they are moaning about how the media is giving Obama an unfair advantage.

Huh. This must be what it feels like to be a republican. I feel really good about the election. We are not only beating the McCain campaign by raising funds, we are ahead in every possible (and a few improbable) states, and we have a ground game unlike anything ever seen before.

And yet I am at odds with myself. I am very stressed out about the election. I try to think of all the ways we could lose (and there are many). This is the original Democrat in me. Sometimes I think that a person has to be able to take a lot of pain in order to be an actual Democrat. I laughed earlier at Joe, because I have been there. I have cried about what a shitty candidate we had, and how we could not even begin to raise the kind of dollars the republicans could easily capture. Democrats usually had a better ground game, but we have been denied even that over the past two presidential elections.