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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Open Thread: It is Halloween

What would be the scariest thing you can imagine?


That guy is funny. I’ll check him out more and maybe give him a shout out.

More after the flip, if you dare…

This is the batshit craziest thing I could find that was not for McCain.

Wow. That was over the top even for me.

Bunnies anyone?

For all of you with really big brains..

Then there are just your average republican serial killers! Say it ain’t so Joe…

If you are not frightened enough, there is always…

I say we get this party on!

Expect frequent tubing updates.


Not scary at all (unless you are a republican) and I luvs me some TPMtv. Take it Josh…

If you are not out working, WAKE THE F*@K UP!!!!


  1. Hollede

    Just for you NavyBlueWife

    This has got to scare someone.

    Spaceman, my brother, I am so sorry to break this to you, but…

    Does anybody like clowns?

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