Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics


The Daily F Bomb, Wednesday 9/18/13


Are you fond of jewelry? Do you (or spouse/partner) have any nice or interesting pieces?

Did any of your ancestors own slaves? Or conversely, were any slaves?

What is the most important or valuable thing you ever lost?

Have you ever lived through a serious drought? Did you ever have to ration water?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Tuesday 9/17/13


What are your favorite and least favorite constitutional amendments?

How good a typist are you? Do you have to look at the keys, or hunt and peck? Do you use all of your fingers?

Are you a good swimmer? Can you dive?

How is the view from your bedroom window? Kitchen? Living room?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Monday 9/16/13


Did you ever have a preference between GM and Ford?

What’s the weirdest thing you ever photocopied?

What was the most amazing meal you ever ate in a restaurant?

Do you visit your local library? Any other libraries? Do you avail yourself to library services beyond borrowing books?

The Twitter Emitter

A Collection of Greatest Videos

Hi folks!

There are so many good video clips out there, I’ve been wanting to make a place to keep the best of them.

Angry Mouse wrote another great diary with this clip from the DNC, so I figured it’s as a good a reason to start a collection as any.

Please add your own favorites here and we can all dive into this cache.

Great way to get good images for diaries

There is a video feed available from the DNC that you can view on your computer. The beauty of this hi-def video feed is that it allows you to do screencaptures of the available videos. I captured these four images and resized them in a few minutes. You won’t see any of these images in news articles.